Pelota in english


pronunciation: bɔl part of speech: noun
In gestures

pelota1 = ball. 

Example: People are positively delighted to find that there are motion picture loops on how to throw a ball properly, art slides, and all this sort of thing.


» darle efecto a una pelotacurve + a ballgive + a ball a spinput + a spin on a ballbend + a ball .

Example: To curve a ball, your foot must make contact with the outside of the ball to give it a spin.

Example: To curve a ball, your foot must make contact with the outside of the ball to give it a spin.

Example: Putting a spin on the ball can change the direction the ball takes through the air or after it bounces.

Example: One of the skills that soccer players seek to master from an early age is how to bend the ball.

» devolver la pelotathe ball is in + Posesivo + court .

Example: The article 'Looks like the ball is in our court -- library support services from vendors' describes how vendors have responded to cuts in library staff by offering more services, such as book processing, cataloguing, and acquisitions plans.

» juego de pelotaball game [Todo juego que se practica con una pelota] .

Example: Appropriate for both regular and special classes, activities include arm wrestling, ball games, and jumping jacks.

» máquina de escribir de pelota de golfgolf-ball typewriter .

Example: Using golf-ball or daisy-wheel typewriters a good range of typefaces can be used on the same page; different type sizes can also be used.

» monopolizar la pelotahog + the ball .

Example: But every now and then you'll run into someone who's truly a bad sport -- a kid who plays dirty, hogs the ball, or says mean things to you.

» pasar la pelotapass + the buck [Evadir la responsabilidad sobre algo pasándosela a otro]pass + the ball [Usado en los deportes de pelota]pass + the bucket [Evadir la responsabilidad sobre algo pasándosela a otro]leave + Nombre + holding the bagpass + the bucket [Evadir la responsabilidad sobre algo pasándosela a otro] .

Example: The article 'Is everyone passing the buck?' concludes that the best way forward is to establish a legal deposit framework for electronic materials.

Example: At the hearing, he denied any knowledge of the match-fixing, but stated that he became suspicious when none of his teammates would pass the ball to him.

Example: With ownership also comes responsibility -- when you find bugs, you fix them, instead of passing the bucket to someone else.

Example: He did time after doing a job with buddies who left him holding the bag.

Example: With ownership also comes responsibility -- when you find bugs, you fix them, instead of passing the bucket to someone else.

» pelota de cricketcricket ball .

Example: He got hit with a cricket ball, smack right on top of his knocker.

» pelota de fútbolfootballsoccer ball .

Example: A total of 32 infants were habituated to six stimuli in which a picture of a male or female face was paired with one of six objects such as a football or frying pan.

Example: If you can't find a soccer ball for you online, you're simply too fussy.

» pelota de squashsquash ball .

Example: As you probably have noticed, squash balls aren't very bouncy at all, they deform when they hit a wall or the floor.

» pelota medicinalmedicinal ballSwiss ball .

Example: Medicinal balls, which are also known as Swiss balls, are an excellent means of improving fitness.

Example: Medicinal balls, which are also known as Swiss balls, are an excellent means of improving fitness.

» y punto (y) pelotaperiodend of storyend of discussionfull stop .

Example: 'I guess you have a way with people, they take what you say as true and never question it period' he said.

Example: You don't give out eight year contracts to players that are not stars, end of story.

Example: Likewise, she competes in women's tennis and is the best there ever was, end of discussion.

Example: This is what I do, it's my life, it's my love, and I am physically and emotionally compelled to do it, full stop.

pelota2 = toady ; creep ; arse-licker ; sycophant ; flunky [flunkey] ; arse-kisser ; ass-licker ; ass-kisser ; smarmy ; brown-noser ; brown-nose. 

Example: He campaigned under the guise of a moderate 'new Democrat' but now we know he's simply a toady to labor bosses and the old vestiges of his party.Example: Remember before you give your heart away to figure out if he's a creep or not because creeps are just there to use you for whatever needs they have.Example: The way this government and its arse-lickers conduct themselves is beyond belief.Example: He's too lazy and incompetent, a sycophant who would rather lick his boss' ass than earn his promotion the honest and hard way.Example: However, I knew there was a problem when I actually cared more about the relationship between the secondary characters of Josh McCool, heartless flunky of Warren's, and Mia.Example: You're a bit of an arse-kisser and have rather strange taste.Example: If you're such an ass-licker that you can't form your own opinions, tough!.Example: He's such an ass-kisser that he once told a Jewish audience that as a kid he wished to grow up Jewish.Example: But there was a slim chance that Kyle the perpetually smarmy had actually heard something useful.Example: Brown-nosers are the ones that make it, due to the fact they are just as twisted and worthless as the people who they are brown-nosing.Example: That's why they're such brown-noses and kiss-asses to the successful and so hard on the unsuccessful.


» hacerle la pelota acurry + favour with + Alguienbutter + Nombre + uptoady tofawn (on/upon/over)bow and scrapesuck up tobrown-nosesmarmcosy up to/withcotton up to .

Example: Some even go so far as to curry favor with him, to keep him off their backs.

Example: This may seem surprising, but complimenting a co-worker can seem like you are buttering them up for something you need.

Example: The function of journalism is not to toady to those in power but to challenge them.

Example: Presumably they do so in the hope of being tossed some meaningless bauble of an honour when they have fawned enough.

Example: She had a coterie of friends in Hollywood and New York who were always bowing and scraping to her for decades out of fear.

Example: Look at him sucking up to the big guys, talking about golf that he really is terrible at, trying to get into the 'boys club'.

Example: Brown-nosers are the ones that make it, due to the fact they are just as twisted and worthless as the people who they are brown-nosing.

Example: Your readers want to hear how the upper echelons got there by cheating, or at least smarming their way to the top.

Example: I think you have the right to say what you want, but you can't cozy up with violence mongers and come away pure = Creo que tienes derecho a decir lo que quieras, pero no puedes congraciarte con incitadores de la violencia y salir puro.

Example: They said my name in the dialect of my hometown, trying to cotton up to me.

pelotas = bollocks ; nuts ; balls. 

Example: The article is entitled 'Celebration, caring or bollocks: some thoughts on the Branch and Mobile Libraries Group Weekend Summer School'.Example: At the same time she grabbed him by the nuts for a couple of seconds which got him paralysed and made him go down on his knees.Example: It seems like they are just some some tough guys with no balls to pick a fight.


» bañarse en pelota(s)skinny dip .

Example: The ordinance goes further than necessary 'to prevent or deter public urination, mooning or skinny dipping'.

» completamente en pelota(s)stark nakedwithout a stitch on .

Example: She ran into the street stark naked, waving her arms wildly and screaming at the top of her voice, 'Stop, stop!'.

Example: Lisa lay back, her hair spilling across the pillow, without a stitch on, wondering how she could feel so completely at ease with him.

» en pelota(s)in the buffin the nodin the nudein the altogether .

Example: They have already posed in the buff for another photograph in which they use their bodies to spell out the word 'Peace' on a beach.

Example: By that logic anybody who has sex or masturbates or even wanders around in the nod in a hotel room is 'breaching the peace'.

Example: An oil painting depicting Madonna in the nude with her ex-husband Guy Ritchie will go under the hammer this week.

Example: At the same time, the villa sits on 2.5 secluded acres, so you can swim in the altogether without a care in the world.

» estar completamente en pelota(s)not have a stitch on .

Example: She said: 'In the movie, after Eric comes back from time travelling and he doesn't have a stitch on'.

» hinchar las pelotaspiss + Nombre + off .

Example: And he isn't one to squander an opportunity to take credit for an operation that will piss off Washington.

» tocar las pelotaspiss + Nombre + off .

Example: And he isn't one to squander an opportunity to take credit for an operation that will piss off Washington.

» totalmente en pelota(s)stark nakedwithout a stitch on .

Example: She ran into the street stark naked, waving her arms wildly and screaming at the top of her voice, 'Stop, stop!'.

Example: Lisa lay back, her hair spilling across the pillow, without a stitch on, wondering how she could feel so completely at ease with him.

Pelota synonyms

nut in spanish: nuez, pronunciation: nʌt part of speech: noun egg in spanish: huevo, pronunciation: eg part of speech: noun lump in spanish: terrón, pronunciation: lʌmp part of speech: noun chunk in spanish: pedazo, pronunciation: tʃʌŋk part of speech: noun globe in spanish: globo, pronunciation: gloʊb part of speech: noun orb in spanish: orbe, pronunciation: ɔrb part of speech: noun clod in spanish: terrón, pronunciation: klɑd part of speech: noun clump in spanish: grupo, pronunciation: klʌmp part of speech: noun glob in spanish: glob, pronunciation: glɑb part of speech: noun testis in spanish: testículo, pronunciation: testɪs part of speech: noun gonad in spanish: gónada, pronunciation: goʊnæd part of speech: noun testicle in spanish: testículo, pronunciation: testɪkəl part of speech: noun bollock in spanish: bollock, pronunciation: bɑlək part of speech: noun ballock in spanish: ballock, pronunciation: bælək part of speech: noun musket ball in spanish: bala de mosquete, pronunciation: mʌskətbɔl part of speech: noun
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