Pelo in english


pronunciation: her part of speech: noun
In gestures

pelar = peel apart ; peel off ; peel ; shell ; shuck ; peeling ; husk ; pare ; skin ; hull. 

Example: The databases allows the user to peel apart a digital human body like the layers of an onion to reveal the organs within.Example: If you encounter an unlabeled document during charge-out, peel off one of the preprinted labels and put it in the document.Example: In seeking an answer the data were approached, after the manner of peeling an onion, from a number of perspectives: the sociological, the cultural, and the psychological.Example: At harvest, plants were separated into three sections and all pods were removed by hand from each of the three sections and then hand shelled.Example: All ears were harvested, shucked and dried on 24 October.Example: The installation of a peel remover for the peeling of tomatoes is described.Example: For this reason screening is necessary before husking the seed.Example: Cut the pineapple, after paring it, into small squares; make a syrup of the sugar, vinegar, and spices, and pour it over the pineaple while boiling hot.Example: After skinning a snake, the skin must be preserved in some way to keep it from rotting.Example: Although oats are then hulled, this process does not strip away their bran and germ allowing them to retain a concentrated source of their fiber and nutrients.


» correr que se las pelarun for + Posesivo + liferun like + hellrun like + the devilrun + hell for leather .

Example: We stood in our driveway looking daggers at each other -- the tension was like the air before lightning, even the cat ran for her life.

Example: He set explosives around where he thought the entrance to the cave would be, lit the match, and then ran like hell!.

Example: We took some photos (from a considerable distance) and then ran like the devil before the fire started to grow and block the road.

Example: Rugby is not just a game of two teams running hell for leather into each other; the game we coach is more like a physical game of chess.

» cuchillo de pelarparing knife .

Example: This paring knife has a nice thin blade that is slightly flexible, excellent for garnishing.

» duro de pelartough nut to cracktough nuthard nut to crack .

Example: Sudan's oil sector proves a hard nut to crack.

Example: Getting a car loan has never been a tough nut for the residents of UK.

Example: Realizing that the UK market was a very hard nut to crack he moved to Switzerland which was a safer bet but it also took him time.

» duro de pelar (de pelar)tough cookie .

Example: Tough cookies usually get what they want because they refuse to compromise or give up.

» estar que pelabe boiling hot .

Example: I felt the phone and it was boiling hot, way too hot to hold for a few seconds.

» frío que pelabe bitterly cold .

Example: It is late winter and bitterly cold outside, so why have some of my hens have just now started molting?.

» hacer un frío que pelabe brass monkey(s) (weather/outside/out there)be (so) cold (enough) to freeze the balls off/of a brass monkeybe freezing .

Example: It's brass monkey weather here at the moment, but at least the sun is shining on the snow and ice, and we have no overcast skies and rain.

Example: Well right now I am on the horns of a dilemma as the weather outside is so cold it would freeze the balls off a brass monkey but I would be barking mad not to go home and get a good heavy coat for later this evening.

Example: Last night was freezing and now the sea below us is churning and the wind is roaring.

» pelar patataspeel + potatoes .

Example: Who wants to live with someone who has never peeled a potato or put out the rubbish?.

» pelarseflake offflake .

Example: Reader use, exhibitions and reproductions, age, pigment damages, and the dry air caused by the radiators, often cause the layer of pigment in the miniatures of old manuscripts to loosen or flake off.

Example: Since the polychromy was flaking badly, a program of restoration was decided on in 1975 and completed in 1977.

» pelárselastake to + Posesivo + heelsdo + a runnertear outshow + a clean pair of heels .

Example: When the lad heard it he got frightened, and took to his heels as though he were running a race.

Example: When they lost their jobs and the money dried up, some decided they had no choice but to do a runner.

Example: He soon found that he was talking to air, as the man suddenly tore out of the shop like his trousers were on fire.

Example: The performance -- shattering in the 1950's -- is now less impressive, but it can still show a clean pair of heels to most cars on the road.

» posibilidad de pelarseflakiness  .

Example: Among the visual attributes found to be most useful were: absorption (soaks in, sits on top), luster (shiny, dull), flakiness (doesn't flake off, flakes off), and thickness (thin, thick).

» que pelapiping hotbaking hot .

Example: The monks then add milk and salt to taste and piping hot Tibetan tea is ready to serve.

Example: He slept on a camp bed in the baking hot room between 12-hour shifts and survived on leftovers brought to him by friendly chefs.

» que se está pelandoflaking .

Example: Treatment undertaken included consolidation of the flaking gouache, surface cleaning, mould reduction, washing on the low pressure suction table, infilling and toning.

» ser duro de pelarbe a tough cookie .

Example: Wendy is such a tough cookie -- even though she had cancer, it would not have been within her character to just let the disease take over.

» tipo duro (de pelar)tough cookie .

Example: Tough cookies usually get what they want because they refuse to compromise or give up.

pelo = hair ; bristle. 

Example: They are followed in turn by the see and see also references to the heading: HEAD see also BRAIN; EAR; EYE; FACE; hair; NOSE.Example: A linear equation system is derived to calculate the physical deflection of bristles according to the force exerted on them from the surface of the paper.


» abundancia de pelohair coat .

Example: West African indigenous pigs are black, white, black and white or pied in colour with well developed hair coat and erect ears.

» aclarar el pelolighten + Posesivo + hair .

Example: I've heard that using lemon juice in your hair and sitting in the sun lightens your hair.

» ajustarse el peloadjust + Posesivo + hair .

Example: Standing nervously before the full-length mirror, she adjusted her hair for the umpteenth time and smoothed the rumples out of her dress.

» alborotar el pelotousle + Posesivo + hairtousle .

Example: She licked her upper lip, tasting to see if she needed more lipstick and then tousled her hair with her fingers.

Example: Let the hair cool and then lightly tousle from the roots with your fingertips.

» alisador del pelostraightener  ; hair straightener .

Example: There are a few secrets to having your hair in tip-top condition -- eating well, drinking water, and not over using hairdryers or straighteners.

Example: The heat from a hair straightener can kill the head lice eggs and adult lice.

» alisarse el pelosleek + Posesivo + hair down .

Example: Maybe she should sleek her hair down instead of having her hair styled as an Afro.

» alisarse el pelo hacia atrássleek + Posesivo + hair back .

Example: Recently, stars have been going for understated fierceness by sleeking their hair straight back and away from their hairline.

» apartarse el pelo de los ojosflick + Posesivo + hair out of + Posesivo + eyes .

Example: She smiled at him flicking a bit of her mousy brown hair out of her eyes.

» a pelobareback .

Example: This was her first time cantering, and she did it bareback too!.

» arrancar el pelotear + Posesivo + hair out [También usado con este orden tear + Possivo + hair out]pluck + Posesivo + hair .

Example: She has spent weeks imprisoned, tearing her hair out, screaming herself hoarse with cries of innocence.

Example: Jessy spends a lot of her time plucking her hair -- her favorite parts include her shins and armpits.

» arrancarse el pelotear + Posesivo + hair out [También usado con este orden tear + Possivo + hair out] .

Example: She has spent weeks imprisoned, tearing her hair out, screaming herself hoarse with cries of innocence.

» arrancarse el pelo a manojostear + Posesivo + hair out .

Example: People are clearly extremely upset, apparently tearing their hair out at having to deal with spam.

» arreglar el pelodo + Posesivo + hair .

Example: Cecily had a number of servants to do her hair and put on her shoes after she dressed.

» arreglarse el peloprimpprimp + Posesivo + hairadjust + Posesivo + hair .

Example: Personally I think its time to revive the women's movement on a grander scale, as a lot of girls and young women are thinking they have to primp and preen to be worthy.

Example: The camera pans to each of the four actors, but when it gets to Tara, you see her flirtatiously looking at the camera and primping her hair.

Example: Standing nervously before the full-length mirror, she adjusted her hair for the umpteenth time and smoothed the rumples out of her dress.

» asomar el peloshow + Posesivo + face .

Example: I've been told to get over here again and show my face!.

» bola de pelofurballhairball .

Example: They told us our cat has problems with furballs but it was nothing to be worried about.

Example: Hairballs pose a potential danger for cats by blocking the passage of digested food through the intestines, causing an impaction.

» cable de pelosstranded wire .

Example: These new wire strippers and cutters cut both solid and stranded wires.

» caída de pelohair loss .

Example: Behind the scenes of romantic poetry, there are real-life tales of false teeth, hair loss, headaches, opium addiction, tuberculosis, and dementia that have so little glamor or poetic resonance.

» cambiar el pelomoult [molt, -USA] .

Example: It is late winter and bitterly cold outside, so why have some of my hens have just now started molting?.

» cepillo del pelohairbrush .

Example: This is a revolutionary new hairbrush designed specifically to reduce daily wear and tear on your hair.

» cepillo para el pelohairbrush .

Example: This is a revolutionary new hairbrush designed specifically to reduce daily wear and tear on your hair.

» champú para el pelohair shampoo .

Example: If you've spilled a lot of hair shampoo on the carpet, you will find it easier to remove it with a dustpan (but not the brush) rather than trying to wipe it.

» coger la ocasión por los pelosmake + hay while the sun shinestake + time by the forelockstrike while + the iron is hot .

Example: The villagers are using this break in the weather to dig themselves out as much as possible and so the streets are full of dozers and shovels etc,. 'Making hay while the sun shines'.

Example: So by taking time by the forelock, I learned that 'prevention is better than cure'.

Example: If you fail to strike while the iron is hot, there's a good chance you'll lose your momentum.

» con el pelo cobrizocopper-haired .

Example: Rebellious, copper-haired teenager Niamh Keegan feels like a spare part in her boring, staid adopted family.

» con forma de pelohair-like .

Example: Basically, snot is a mixture of mucous and the particles that the cilia (hair-like projections in the nose) filter out.

» con pelo canogray-haired [Escrito grey-haired en inglés británico]grey-haired [Escrito gray-haired en inglés americano] .

Example: The gray-haired bishop spoke haltingly at first, choosing his words with care.

Example: Not that they were all grey-haired; some had brown, some had blond -- some had very little hair at all.

» con pelos y señalesblow-by-blow .

Example: Sometimes the major threads of his argument get lost in blow-by-blow accounts of political debates that go nowhere.

» con trasquilones en el pelohair unevenly cut .

Example: He, on the other hand, has long hair, unevenly cut, and not a penny to his name and hardly any prospects for the future.

» cortarse el pelohave + Posesivo + hair cutget hair cut .

Example: I'd been toying with the idea of having my hair cut at a hairdressing academy for a while and took the plunge when my hair got out of control with split ends and whatnot.

Example: It never worried her at all and she just sat in the hairdressers and was good as gold getting her hair cut.

» corte de pelohaircuthairstyle .

Example: The domains covered in the performance tests for the area of cosmetology were: haircut, permanent wave, shampooing, wigs and hairpieces, skin care, hair conditioners (scalp and treatment), and manicuring.

Example: Good looking goatees are no longer just the signature facial hairstyle for beatniks.

» cuando las ranas críen peloswhen hell freezes overwhen pigs flynever in a month of Sundaysnever in a million years .

Example: After claiming they'd get back together 'when hell freezes over,' The Eagles did exactly that and this excellent album is the result.

Example: Somebody once told me that Arabs and Jews will come together when pigs fly.

Example: The two stepsisters also wondered who the newcomer was, for never in a month of Sundays, would they ever have guessed that the beautiful girl was really poor Cinderella who talked to the cat!.

Example: How could she tell him she would never in a million years work for him, not for all the money in the world.

» cutícula del pelohair cuticle .

Example: Damaged hair cuticles can cause split ends and give your hair a rough look.

» del grosor de un pelohairline .

Example: Didot's first neo-classic type did not show marked contrast, but later developments of the form, by Didot himself and by Bodoni in Italy, resulted by 1800 in faces of great contrast combined with vertical stress and unbracketed, hairline serifs.

» de medio pelosmall-time .

Example: From small-time stick-ups to vengeful bloodbaths, they become insatiable predators without scruples.

» de pelo blancowhite-haired .

Example: The author analyzes the scriptural symbolism in an illustrated initial depicting the Crucifixion, focusing on the significance of a white-haired and bearded Christ.

» de pelo canogray-haired [Escrito grey-haired en inglés británico]grey-haired [Escrito gray-haired en inglés americano]white-haired .

Example: The gray-haired bishop spoke haltingly at first, choosing his words with care.

Example: Not that they were all grey-haired; some had brown, some had blond -- some had very little hair at all.

Example: The author analyzes the scriptural symbolism in an illustrated initial depicting the Crucifixion, focusing on the significance of a white-haired and bearded Christ.

» de pelo cobrizocopper-haired .

Example: Rebellious, copper-haired teenager Niamh Keegan feels like a spare part in her boring, staid adopted family.

» de pelo cortoshort-haired .

Example: There I spent a dismal period with the boy's paternal grandfather, a man as wrinkled as a prune, and a brown short-haired dog.

» de pelo espeso y tiesobushy-haired .

Example: A. Einstein is the famous bushy-haired father of relativity theory.

» de pelo negrodark-hairedblack-haired .

Example: He was a lady-killer -- tall, dark-haired, handsome in his army officer's uniform.

Example: Seeing the pout on her face, Kei sighed resignedly and pointed to the bench where a pretty black-haired girl sat.

» de pelo oscurodark-hairedblack-haired .

Example: He was a lady-killer -- tall, dark-haired, handsome in his army officer's uniform.

Example: Seeing the pout on her face, Kei sighed resignedly and pointed to the bench where a pretty black-haired girl sat.

» de pelo rubioblond(e)-haired .

Example: Once upon a time, in a far-away galaxy known as Southern California a little blonde-haired girl thought one day, she would set the world on fire.

» desgreñar el pelorumple + Posesivo + hair .

Example: She grinned at me before rumpling my chestnut brown hair affectionately.

» desmelenar el pelorumple + Posesivo + hair .

Example: She grinned at me before rumpling my chestnut brown hair affectionately.

» erizar los pelosbristle .

Example: In the course of reading this article, you may spot a factual error which makes you bristle, or you may think the writing is biased, but by now the ink has dried; all you can do is send a letter of complaint.

» escaparse por los peloshave + a close callhave + a narrow escapehave + a lucky escapehave + a close shaveescape by + the skin of + Posesivo + teethhave + a narrow shave .

Example: Most people have had a close call with another car, a person walking, or an object while driving.

Example: I and all friends, thankfully, are safe -- although one or two had narrow escapes.

Example: A US woman had a lucky escape when a burglar's bullet bounced off the metal underwire in her bra.

Example: A woman on board a roller-coaster ride had a close shave yesterday when the wooden train derailed as it reached the platform.

Example: Zelda has since had numerous adventures, escaping by the skin of her teeth at times.

Example: Vincent, another of the sailors, also had a narrow shave, he did not fall in but his bag did.

» escape por los pelosclose callclose shave .

Example: In the seconds after a close call, you might think of the consequences of the crash -- serious injuries, a hospital stay, rehabilitation, and recovery.

Example: I am glad that, after a close shave with near bankruptcy two years ago, you have successfully returned to profitability.

» estilo de pelohairstyle .

Example: Good looking goatees are no longer just the signature facial hairstyle for beatniks.

» evitar el desastre por los peloshave + a (close) brush with disaster .

Example: Our cruiser had a close brush with disaster yesterday when it narrowly avoided colliding with a fishing boat.

» evitar la catástrofe por los peloshave + a (close) brush with disaster .

Example: Our cruiser had a close brush with disaster yesterday when it narrowly avoided colliding with a fishing boat.

» extensión de pelohair extension .

Example: She lived beyond her means, routinely spending thousands of bucks on hair extensions and beauty treatments and throwing lavish parties for him.

» fijador del pelopomadehair gelhair pomade .

Example: This new kind of pomade washes out effortlessly, maintains pliability, and tames your hair.

Example: In some cases fat was used as a fixative to style the hair, much like modern hair gel.

Example: Avocado oil continues to be used as a hair pomade to induce hair growth.

» fisura del grosor de un pelohairline fracture .

Example: This time it's a hairline fracture rather than a fully blown break of a metatarsal, however the result is the same.

» ganar por los pelospip + Nombre + at/to the (finishing) post .

Example: We were really impressed with the high level of entries to the competition, but Eloise just pipped the others at the finishing post.

» goma del pelohair bobble .

Example: She went to the dollar store and bought a whole bunch of stickers and junk (hair bobbles etc) to send to her grandkids.

» grieta del grosor de un pelohairline crack .

Example: Not always, but concrete countertops can develop hairline cracks.

» hablando sin pelos en la lenguato put it bluntlyto put it crudely .

Example: To put it bluntly: money talks.

Example: To put it more crudely -- the Americans would run the show and the others would be the dogsbodies.

» hablar sin pelos en la lenguatalk + straight .

Example: The action of talking straight requires the person to have courage, strength and the decision to first extend trust before receiving it.

» hacerse la raya del pelopart + Posesivo + hair .

Example: Most of us are creatures of habit when it comes to parting our hair.

» hasta que las ranas críen pelosuntil/till the cows come homeuntil/till hell freezes overuntil/till kingdom come .

Example: I put you on notice that you may argue till the cows come home about Jabari having blood on his hands, but the plain truth in this case is that Jabari and Hamas were honoring the ceasefire.

Example: But while he detested abolitionism, he passionately loved the Union and felt even greater hatred toward secessionists, vowing to 'fight them till hell freezes over'.

Example: It's a battle that's going to rage on till kingdom come.

» horquilla del pelohair griphairpin .

Example: Children insert toys, sweets, hairpins, hair grips, safety pins, etc. into the vagina mainly out of curiosity.

Example: Children insert toys, sweets, hairpins, hair grips, safety pins, etc. into the vagina mainly out of curiosity.

» horquilla para el pelobobby pinhairpin .

Example: It's a waste to toss them away, so I decided to make them into this pair of lovely bobby pins.

Example: Children insert toys, sweets, hairpins, hair grips, safety pins, etc. into the vagina mainly out of curiosity.

» implante de pelohair implant .

Example: The cost of hair implants is determined by the amount of hair that needs to be transplanted.

» lavado de peloshampooing .

Example: The domains covered in the performance tests for the area of cosmetology were: haircut, permanent wave, shampooing, wigs and hairpieces, skin care, hair conditioners (scalp and treatment), and manicuring.

» lavarse el peloshampoo + Posesivo + hairwash + Posesive + hair .

Example: The most important thing you can do to prevent or resolve oily hair is to shampoo your hair daily.

Example: Prince Harry has reportedly owned up to his friends that he has not washed his hair for two years.

» lavarse el pelo con champúshampoo + Posesivo + hair .

Example: The most important thing you can do to prevent or resolve oily hair is to shampoo your hair daily.

» levantarse con los pelos de puntahave + a bad hair day .

Example: Sure, there are worse things in life, but let's face it, having a bad hair day can make you downright cranky.

» levantarse con los pelos revueltoshave + a bad hair day .

Example: Sure, there are worse things in life, but let's face it, having a bad hair day can make you downright cranky.

» librarse por los pelosescape by + the skin of + Posesivo + teethhave + a narrow escapehave + a lucky escapehave + a close callhave + a close shavehave + a narrow shave .

Example: Zelda has since had numerous adventures, escaping by the skin of her teeth at times.

Example: I and all friends, thankfully, are safe -- although one or two had narrow escapes.

Example: A US woman had a lucky escape when a burglar's bullet bounced off the metal underwire in her bra.

Example: Most people have had a close call with another car, a person walking, or an object while driving.

Example: A woman on board a roller-coaster ride had a close shave yesterday when the wooden train derailed as it reached the platform.

Example: Vincent, another of the sailors, also had a narrow shave, he did not fall in but his bag did.

» manojo de pelosclump of hair .

Example: To help you visualize this, imagine a pipe coated with all sorts of gunk on the inside, like moldy clumps of hair and goops of shower gel.

» manta de pelohair coat .

Example: West African indigenous pigs are black, white, black and white or pied in colour with well developed hair coat and erect ears.

» maquinilla de cortar el pelohair clippers .

Example: The suspects stole a laptop and electronic hair clippers and then fled the scene undetected.

» mata de pelomop of hair .

Example: With her curly mop of hair and big expressive eyes, she was a beauty even as a baby.

» mechón de pelotuft of hairstrands of hair .

Example: His greying tufts of hair stuck out from underneath his hat, his suit was over-the-top formal, and he had a face like a funeral.

Example: Did you know that strands of hair can relax and lengthen when the humidity increases and then contract again when the humidity decreases?.

» montar a peloride + bareback .

Example: Riding bareback can be both a thrill and a challenge but more importantly it is an excellent way to build a bond with your horse .

» mudar el pelomoult [molt, -USA] .

Example: It is late winter and bitterly cold outside, so why have some of my hens have just now started molting?.

» nacimiento del pelohairline .

Example: And it's getting worse by the month as his hairline recedes further and further back across his cranium.

» no fiarse ni un pelowould not touch/trust + Nombre + with a barge pole [El uso de trust por touch es mucho menos común] .

Example: The Education Secretary says there are some secondary schools in England she 'would not touch with a barge pole'.

» no tener (ni) un pelo de tontothere are no flies (on/about) + Pronombrebe not just a(nother) pretty faceknow + what's what .

Example: Arabin stared at the interruption, but the man continued: 'You need not stare; there are no flies about me -- what I say I mean to do'.

Example: She's not just a pretty face but she's also full of talent with a bossy streak.

Example: Amy may play the 'dumb blonde' persona, but she knows what's what.

» no tener pelos en la lenguacall + a spade a spadenot to hold any punches .

Example: It's about time that people stopped tip-toeing around issues regarding people's identity and called a spade a spade.

Example: He doesn't hold any punches and likes to tell it like it is.

» no venir a pelobe off-topicbe beside the pointbe beside the markbe beside the question .

Example: Many of the essays submitted were quite good, but received lower scores because they were off-topic.

Example: The fact that she chose to dissolve the dance troupe she founded in 1965 is now beside the point.

Example: In this case many of my objections would appear to be beside the mark.

Example: It is quite beside the question to ask which is the better.

» no vérsele el pelo a Alguiennot see hide nor hair of .

Example: However, I never saw hide nor hair of her after that conversation.

» pañuelo del peloheadscarf [headscarves, -pl.] [Para la cabeza]foulard .

Example: I have been wearing a headscarf when I leave the privacy of my home for 25 years, since I was 17.

Example: It is the same principle that has restricted displays of Muslim identity in women by banning the headscarf (foulard) in public spaces such as national schools.

» parecido a los peloshair-like .

Example: Basically, snot is a mixture of mucous and the particles that the cilia (hair-like projections in the nose) filter out.

» peinarse alisándose el pelo hacia atrássleek + Posesivo + hair back .

Example: Recently, stars have been going for understated fierceness by sleeking their hair straight back and away from their hairline.

» peinarse el pelobrush + Posesivo + hair .

Example: I was brushing her hair in the living room when she flopped over and her lips turned blue.

» pelo canogrey hair [gray hair]white hair .

Example: The typical librarian was described as a female with grey hair in a bun constantly silence with a grim and unhappy face.

Example: Poliosis is the name given to a localized patch of white hair.

» pelo cortado a trasquiloneshair unevenly cut .

Example: He, on the other hand, has long hair, unevenly cut, and not a penny to his name and hardly any prospects for the future.

» pelo cortocrop hairstyle [Generalmente para referirse a las mujeres] .

Example: A sexy short crop hairstyle with spiky messy wisps gives this style boyish appeal.

» pelo de alpacaalpaca .

Example: Fine-tooth carders are best for delicate and fine fibers like angora, alpaca, and fine wools like merino.

» pelo de caballohorsehair .

Example: Ink balls consisted of leather pads 15 cm. in diameter, mounted in wooden cups and handles and stuffed with wool or horsehair = Los tampones constaban de almohadillas de cuero de 15 cm de diámetro, montados en cuencos de madera y mangos y rellenas de lana o pelo de caballo.

» pelo de camellocamel hair .

Example: Whereas the traditional dressing gown was made of silk, they're now made of cotton, wool, cashmere, and camel hair.

» pelo doradogolden hair .

Example: 'Goldilocks and the Three Bears' is a fairytale about a curious girl with golden hair.

» pelo + encanecerhair + turn grey .

Example: This method of preventing your hair from turning grey will work for just about anyone.

» pelo grisgrey hair [gray hair]white hair .

Example: The typical librarian was described as a female with grey hair in a bun constantly silence with a grim and unhappy face.

Example: Poliosis is the name given to a localized patch of white hair.

» pelo laciostraight hairlimp hair .

Example: Curls are something every girl with straight hair wants.

Example: It's so cool to find that there are other girls out there who have fine limp hair and a cowlick.

» pelo lisostraight hairlimp hair .

Example: Curls are something every girl with straight hair wants.

Example: It's so cool to find that there are other girls out there who have fine limp hair and a cowlick.

» pelo onduladowavy hair .

Example: Curly and wavy hair tends to behave-or misbehave-in a similar way, depending on its texture.

» pelo + ponerse canohair + turn grey .

Example: This method of preventing your hair from turning grey will work for just about anyone.

» pelo respingónfloppy hair .

Example: He sent fans into meltdown when he revealed he had chopped off his trademark floppy hair.

» pelo rizadocurly hair .

Example: Curly and wavy hair tends to behave-or misbehave-in a similar way, depending on its texture.

» pelo rubiofair hairblond(e) hair .

Example: I have very fair hair on my upper lip and it has never bothered me much, but the other day i decided to pluck it.

Example: Be sure not to overdo it when putting colour accents into your blonde hair.

» pelos y señaleschapter and verse .

Example: To back up his story in such cases he must have chapter and verse to show to the reader on the real facts of the matter.

» pelo, unstrand of hair, a .

Example: A strand of hair is made of dead cuticle cells arranged like scales around a core of protein.

» perder pelothinbaldgo + bald .

Example: Prince Harry, known for taking swipes at his brother Prince William's receding hairline, is facing the bald truth that his ginger locks are also thinning.

Example: A team of foreign experts and an Indian trichologist zero in on four critical reasons why men are balding in their 20s.

Example: Someone mentioned that 90% of the members here are going bald or are as bald as coot.

» perder por los pelospip + Nombre + at/to the (finishing) post .

Example: We were really impressed with the high level of entries to the competition, but Eloise just pipped the others at the finishing post.

» pérdida de pelohair loss .

Example: Behind the scenes of romantic poetry, there are real-life tales of false teeth, hair loss, headaches, opium addiction, tuberculosis, and dementia that have so little glamor or poetic resonance.

» pinza del pelohair cliphair claw .

Example: These hair clips and barrettes are a great way to help keep the hair out of your dogs eyes.

Example: These unique hair claws covered with rhinestone are a stepped-up version of today's most popular accessories.

» poner los pelos de puntabristlescare + the (living) daylights out offrighten + the (living) daylights out offrighten + Nombre + to deathmake + Posesivo + hair stand on endscare + the hell out ofgive + Nombre + the williesgive + Nombre + the creepsgive + Nombre + the shiversgive + Nombre + the heebie-jeebiesmake + Posesivo + skin crawlget + the williesfrighten + the hell out offrighten + the shit out ofscare + the shit out offrighten + the wits out ofscare + the wits out ofscare + the life out offrighten + the life out offrighten + the pants offscare + the pants offmake + Posesivo + flesh creepmake + Posesivo + flesh crawlgive + Nombre + the jim-jamsgive + Nombre + the shuddersscare + Nombre + out of + Posesivo + witsset + Posesivo + teeth on edge .

Example: In the course of reading this article, you may spot a factual error which makes you bristle, or you may think the writing is biased, but by now the ink has dried; all you can do is send a letter of complaint.

Example: Alfred Hitchcock dedicated himself to scaring the living daylights out of people with an oeuvre of taut, well-crafted mystery-thrillers.

Example: Presumably they got their name from their habit of frightening the living daylights out of unsuspecting passers-by.

Example: He didn't kill them, but frightened them to death and made them run away.

Example: He was most definitely not their kind of Republican - a moderate, a maverick; outspokenly full of opinions that made their hair stand on end.

Example: Moreover, if you happen to be suffering from dental phobia, where the idea of visiting a dentist's surgery scares the hell out of you, you will be glad to learn that 'do it yourself' dental veneer kits exist.

Example: The romance fizzled -- Rogers later said the idea of being holed up with the tycoon on the isolated hilltop gave her the willies.

Example: He had dozens of these in his basement, and his wife asked him to get rid of them because they were giving her the creeps.

Example: The black void of a room before her gave her the shivers, for she knew nothing of what was within.

Example: The film didn't give her the heebie-jeebies, but the national anthem before the film gave her goose bumps.

Example: Lots of people using the English language make my skin crawl, mostly for the way they butcher it.

Example: She gets the willies whenever she sees closed doors.

Example: What turns one person on can frighten the hell out of others.

Example: I was out for my usual nightly stroll recently and a car full of young lads shouted at me and actually frightened the shit out of me.

Example: I don't condone these acts but they are guaranteed to scare the shit out of someone you are dating.

Example: They are dark, bloodthirsty stories written to delight small children by frightening the wits out of them.

Example: The sound in that game played via the surround sound literally scared the wits out of me at times.

Example: If I'm not mistaken, Halloween is about eating too much sugar and scaring the life out of people.

Example: I was in the room at the time with my curtains closed and the sound of the bird hitting the glass frightened the life out of me!.

Example: But themes haven't changed all that much, and the goal remains the same -- to frighten the pants off the viewer.

Example: If this does not scare the pants off you, nothing will.

Example: The mere thought of feathered things flying anywhere near her, particularly indoors, was enough to make her flesh creep.

Example: The odor got worse as she went closer, to the point that it make her flesh crawl with every breath.

Example: She declined his invitation and afterward remarked 'that he gave her the Jim-jams'.

Example: Even just being near him gave her the shudders -- his breath smelt like a mix of alcohol and cigarettes.

Example: Scared out of her wits, she stepped back and fell into her bougainvillea bush, yelling her lungs out as she fell.

Example: His controlling and demanding nature set her teeth on edge and she found him to be a pain in her rear.

» por los pelosby the skin of + Posesivo + teethclose callclose shave .

Example: The middle class holds on by the skin of its teeth, saved from a real downward slide only by record increases in the number of dual-income families.

Example: In the seconds after a close call, you might think of the consequences of the crash -- serious injuries, a hospital stay, rehabilitation, and recovery.

Example: I am glad that, after a close shave with near bankruptcy two years ago, you have successfully returned to profitability.

» que habla sin pelos en la lenguastraight-talking .

Example: Despite initially entertaining doubts about his ability to command, he proved to be a charismatic, straight-talking officer who appeared to be universally liked by his regiment.

» raya del pelopartinghair parting .

Example: Having resisted hair colouring for many years, I finally decided to have some blonde highlights at my parting.

Example: However, hairstylists often recommend changing your hair parting every 3 to 6 months.

» raya del pelo, laparting of + Posesivo + hair, the .

Example: She even smeared the parting of her hair with vermillion before draping a yellow sari around her head.

» recogerse el pelotie + Posesivo + hair back .

Example: Please wear cotton fabric clothing, long, tight-fitting sleeves, old jeans, and if you have long hair, please tie it back.

» redecilla del pelohairnetsnood .

Example: Pubescent lads don't normally go round in shower caps and hairnets!.

Example: I leave my hair loose inside my snoods and have never had a problem with tangles.

» redecilla para el pelohairnetsnood .

Example: Pubescent lads don't normally go round in shower caps and hairnets!.

Example: I leave my hair loose inside my snoods and have never had a problem with tangles.

» revolver el pelotousle + Posesivo + hairtousle .

Example: She licked her upper lip, tasting to see if she needed more lipstick and then tousled her hair with her fingers.

Example: Let the hair cool and then lightly tousle from the roots with your fingertips.

» rizador del pelocurler  .

Example: This curler creates movie star eyelashes in seconds and also beats mascara allergy.

» sacudirse el peloflip + Posesivo + hair .

Example: When he sat next to her she went on flirt mode, which is basically blinking her eyelashes a lot and flipping her hair every two seconds.

» salvado por los pelossaved by the bell .

Example: The article 'Saved by the Bell?' considers the role of call centers in the economic development of less-favored regions.

» salvarse por los peloshave + a narrow escapehave + a lucky escapehave + a close callhave + a close shaveescape by + the skin of + Posesivo + teethhave + a narrow shave .

Example: I and all friends, thankfully, are safe -- although one or two had narrow escapes.

Example: A US woman had a lucky escape when a burglar's bullet bounced off the metal underwire in her bra.

Example: Most people have had a close call with another car, a person walking, or an object while driving.

Example: A woman on board a roller-coaster ride had a close shave yesterday when the wooden train derailed as it reached the platform.

Example: Zelda has since had numerous adventures, escaping by the skin of her teeth at times.

Example: Vincent, another of the sailors, also had a narrow shave, he did not fall in but his bag did.

» secador de pelohairdryer [También escrito hairdrier]blow-dryer [También escrito blow-drier] .

Example: Since then hairdryer design has transformed over time, largely influenced by changing fashions and society.

Example: As with all electrical devices, be cautious when using blow-dryers and flat-irons around water and/or children.

» secar el pelo con secadorblow-dry .

Example: Find out the tips that hair stylists use to get great results from blow-drying.

» secarse el pelo con el secadorblow + Posesivo + hair with a hairdryer .

Example: Then he combed her hair back with his fingers while blowing her hair with a hairdryer.

» sexo a pelounprotected sexbareback sex .

Example: Many people who would normally practise safe sex do become pregnant, or else catch venereal diseases, through having unprotected sex while drunk.

Example: There's no question that bareback sex is natural and feels better.

» sin pelohairless  .

Example: Jonah was thrown clothed into the mouth of the sea monster and emerged nude and hairless.

» sin pelos en la lenguaoutspokenlystraight talk .

Example: Episcopalians were roiled by the approval of a rector outspokenly conservative on such matters as the liturgy, the hymnal and ordination.

Example: The article 'Straight talk in the library' presents the views of 6 decision makers in the library sector of the children's book market.

» sin venir a peloout of the (clear) blue (sky)like a bolt out of the bluefor no reasonfor no specific reason

Pelo synonyms

fuzz in spanish: pelusa, pronunciation: fʌz part of speech: noun tomentum in spanish: tomento, pronunciation: təmentəm part of speech: noun haircloth in spanish: vestido de pelo, pronunciation: herkləθ part of speech: noun hairbreadth in spanish: por un pelo, pronunciation: herbredθ part of speech: adjective, noun
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