Pellizco in english


pronunciation: pɪntʃ part of speech: noun, verb
In gestures

pellizcar = pinch ; nip. 

Example: The majority of participants reported regularly pinching areas of their body to check for fatness and avoided wearing clothing that made them particularly aware of their body.Example: Rotary presses are like wringers the printing paper being nipped between two cylinders.


» pellizcar el culobottom pinching .

Example: Physical harassment may occur as bottom pinching, breast grabbing, 'accidental' brushing past or invasion of a woman's space.

» pellizcar el traserobottom pinching .

Example: Physical harassment may occur as bottom pinching, breast grabbing, 'accidental' brushing past or invasion of a woman's space.

pellizco = pinch. 

Example: Toe and ear pinch reflexes were judged to determine the duration of surgical anaesthesia.


» dar un pellizco en el culobottom pinching .

Example: Physical harassment may occur as bottom pinching, breast grabbing, 'accidental' brushing past or invasion of a woman's space.

» dar un pellizco en el traserobottom pinching .

Example: Physical harassment may occur as bottom pinching, breast grabbing, 'accidental' brushing past or invasion of a woman's space.

Pellizco synonyms

top in spanish: parte superior, pronunciation: tɑp part of speech: noun, adjective catch in spanish: captura, pronunciation: kætʃ part of speech: verb, noun abstract in spanish: resumen, pronunciation: æbstrækt part of speech: adjective, noun touch in spanish: toque, pronunciation: tʌtʃ part of speech: noun, verb hook in spanish: gancho, pronunciation: hʊk part of speech: noun lift in spanish: levantar, pronunciation: lɪft part of speech: verb, noun tweak in spanish: retocar, pronunciation: twik part of speech: verb, noun sneak in spanish: furtivo, pronunciation: snik part of speech: verb, noun collar in spanish: collar, pronunciation: kɑlɜr part of speech: noun apprehension in spanish: detención, pronunciation: æprɪhenʃən part of speech: noun arrest in spanish: arrestar, pronunciation: ɜrest part of speech: noun, verb squeeze in spanish: exprimir, pronunciation: skwiz part of speech: verb, noun mite in spanish: ácaro, pronunciation: maɪt part of speech: noun emergency in spanish: emergencia, pronunciation: ɪmɜrdʒənsi part of speech: noun hint in spanish: insinuación, pronunciation: hɪnt part of speech: noun nip in spanish: cortar, pronunciation: nɪp part of speech: noun, verb twitch in spanish: contracción nerviosa, pronunciation: twɪtʃ part of speech: noun, verb cabbage in spanish: repollo, pronunciation: kæbədʒ part of speech: noun exigency in spanish: exigencia, pronunciation: eksɪdʒənsi part of speech: noun swipe in spanish: golpe fuerte, pronunciation: swaɪp part of speech: noun, verb crimp in spanish: rizar, pronunciation: krɪmp part of speech: noun, verb purloin in spanish: hurtar, pronunciation: pɜrlɔɪn part of speech: verb tweet in spanish: Pío, pronunciation: twit part of speech: noun pilfer in spanish: robar a, pronunciation: pɪlfɜr part of speech: verb jot in spanish: jota, pronunciation: dʒɑt part of speech: noun, verb twinge in spanish: punzada, pronunciation: twɪndʒ part of speech: noun speck in spanish: mota, pronunciation: spek part of speech: noun soupcon in spanish: pizca, pronunciation: supkən part of speech: noun filch in spanish: sisar, pronunciation: fɪltʃ part of speech: verb snarf in spanish: snarf, pronunciation: snɑrf part of speech: verb nobble in spanish: ejercer presión sobre, pronunciation: nɑbəl part of speech: verb vellicate in spanish: vellicate, pronunciation: veləkeɪt part of speech: verb taking into custody in spanish: teniendo en custodia, pronunciation: teɪkɪŋɪntukʌstədi part of speech: noun
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