Peligroso in english


pronunciation: deɪndʒɜrəs part of speech: adjective
In gestures

peligroso = dangerous ; risky ; hazardous ; treacherous ; perilous ; unsafe. 

Example: The main rule, however, is do not have loose cables hanging all over the place -- not only is it unsightly but also extremely dangerous.Example: Then the conscientious manager can help solve his problems without engaging in original laborious research or the risky practice of trial and error.Example: This may seem a hazardous assumption, but the results are worth considering.Example: Mearns warns us, 'Recollection is treacherous; it is usually too broad or too narrow for another's use; and what is more serious, it is frequently undependable and worn and feeble'.Example: The financial situation of cultural institutions is becoming increasingly perilous = The financial situation of cultural institutions is becoming increasingly perilous.Example: However, the Internet is perceived as an unsafe medium for the valuable and sensitive information in business transactions.


» andar por terreno peligrososkate + on thin icetread on + dangerous ground .

Example: The chancellor is skating on thin ice when it comes to the economy and ignored signs of a slowdown, a report warns.

Example: They are treading on dangerous ground if they have decided to sacrifice the principles of parliamentary government to try to enthuse their troops.

» atracción peligrosasiren songdangerous attraction .

Example: Administrators all too easily fall prey to the siren song of cost reduction, especially if phrases like innovation are employed as harmonic accompaniment.

Example: But something magical and potent draws them to one another, in a dangerous attraction that is bigger than both of them.

» considerar peligrososee + danger .

Example: A lot of danger was seen in connection with people who had been taught to read and yet had no reading matter provided (or even worse, had the wrong kind).

» en situaciones peligrosasin harm's way .

Example: Santa Barbara area canyon's residents are among many Californians living in harm's way in fire-prone areas.

» en terreno peligrosoon shaky grounds .

Example: Unfortunately, several methods are weak, some inadequately documented, and many conclusions rest on shaky grounds.

» lugar peligrosodeath trap .

Example: The highways across the country have virtually become death traps as there are apparently no authorities to control reckless driving.

» mercancías peligrosasdangerous goodshazardous goods .

Example: Generally, if you're transporting dangerous or hazardous goods, you need a dangerous goods endorsement on your driver licence.

Example: Generally, if you're transporting dangerous or hazardous goods, you need a dangerous goods endorsement on your driver licence.

» perro peligrosovicious dog .

Example: The owner of a vicious dog shall post a warning sign in a prominent place in front of the owner's premises to inform the public.

» resultar peligrosopose + a danger .

Example: Neither was there doubt that SLIS should adapt their programmes accordingly but, equally, too headlong a rush into the unknown posed dangers.

» situación peligrosadangerous situationdeath trap .

Example: Last year the system was upgraded so the car will brake if the driver fails to react to a dangerous situation.

Example: The highways across the country have virtually become death traps as there are apparently no authorities to control reckless driving.

» terreno peligrosoon thin iceslippery groundon dangerous ground .

Example: As the title of my talk indicates, we are on thin ice, and in more ways than one.

Example: The book stands on the slippery ground between the picaresque and the Puritan repentance narratives such as the Pilgrim's Progress.

Example: On dangerous ground: The threat of landslides is looming large with ad hoc building practices being the root cause.

» transporte de mercancías peligrosashazardous goods transportdangerous goods transport .

Example: It's our goal to offer safe, effective and affordable hazardous goods transport when you need it -- 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Example: By promoting the adoption and use of those standards by the air cargo industry, a very high degree of safety has been achieved in dangerous goods transport.

» zona peligrosano-go area .

Example: It is routine for people to complain about the 'hordes of lager louts' who turn city centres into 'no-go areas'.

Peligroso synonyms

insidious in spanish: insidioso, pronunciation: ɪnsɪdiəs part of speech: adjective critical in spanish: crítico, pronunciation: krɪtɪkəl part of speech: adjective precarious in spanish: precario, pronunciation: prikeriəs part of speech: adjective desperate in spanish: desesperado, pronunciation: desprɪt part of speech: adjective severe in spanish: grave, pronunciation: səvɪr part of speech: adjective grave in spanish: tumba, pronunciation: greɪv part of speech: adjective, noun serious in spanish: grave, pronunciation: sɪriəs part of speech: adjective treacherous in spanish: traicionero, pronunciation: tretʃɜrəs part of speech: adjective perilous in spanish: peligroso, pronunciation: perələs part of speech: adjective dodgy in spanish: astuto, pronunciation: dɑdʒi part of speech: adjective parlous in spanish: alarmante, pronunciation: pɑrləs part of speech: adjective hazardous in spanish: peligroso, pronunciation: hæzɜrdəs part of speech: adjective grievous in spanish: grave, pronunciation: grivəs part of speech: adjective harmful in spanish: perjudicial, pronunciation: hɑrmfəl part of speech: adjective dicey in spanish: arriesgado, pronunciation: daɪsi part of speech: adjective risky in spanish: arriesgado, pronunciation: rɪski part of speech: adjective unreliable in spanish: no fidedigno, pronunciation: ənrɪlaɪəbəl part of speech: adjective suicidal in spanish: suicida, pronunciation: suəsaɪdəl part of speech: adjective breakneck in spanish: vertiginoso, pronunciation: breɪknek part of speech: adjective unsafe in spanish: inseguro, pronunciation: ənseɪf part of speech: adjective chancy in spanish: arriesgado, pronunciation: tʃænsi part of speech: adjective venturesome in spanish: audaz, pronunciation: ventʃɜrsəm part of speech: adjective self-destructive in spanish: autodestructivo, pronunciation: selfdɪstrʌktɪv part of speech: adjective venturous in spanish: venturoso, pronunciation: ventʃɜrəs part of speech: adjective touch-and-go in spanish: toca y vete, pronunciation: tʌtʃɑndgoʊ part of speech: adjective chanceful in spanish: lleno de suerte, pronunciation: tʃænsfəl part of speech: adjective
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