Peligrar in english


pronunciation: dʒepɜrdaɪz part of speech: verb
In gestures

peligrar = be in jeopardy ; jeopardise [jeopardize, -USA] ; be endangered ; be at risk ; be at stake. 

Example: I get the feeling from both of them that my job may be in jeopardy if I'm not a better sport.Example: But the building plans were nearly jeopardised several times in a politically charged atmosphere that led to a tax-payer revolt in California.Example: This article discusses whether national security would actually be endangered by a lack of exchange and communication of scientific ideas, and how extensive is the leakage of national security information in academia.Example: The on-line information industry may be at risk from such moves.Example: They call him a poet and magician, but when his favourite things are at stake, he does not hesitate to dig up the tomahawk.


» hacer peligrarplace + in jeopardyimperilendanger  ; pose + a risk .

Example: Any attempt to coerce a response without good reason based on that child's present predicament is to place in jeopardy the child's willing engagement now and in the future.

Example: For too long, men have compelled to put up with dangerous conditions and hazardous substances which imperil their health because of the tyranny imposed by their role as the 'sole bread winner'.

Example: These events threaten to disrupt publishing and endanger the life of the book.

Example: Exhibition of original documents, books, and artifacts in libraries can pose risks to these materials.

Peligrar synonyms

venture in spanish: aventurarse, pronunciation: ventʃɜr part of speech: noun, verb stake in spanish: estaca, pronunciation: steɪk part of speech: noun adventure in spanish: aventuras, pronunciation: ædventʃɜr part of speech: noun hazard in spanish: peligro, pronunciation: hæzɜrd part of speech: noun peril in spanish: peligro, pronunciation: perəl part of speech: noun menace in spanish: amenaza, pronunciation: menəs part of speech: noun threaten in spanish: amenazar, pronunciation: θretən part of speech: verb endanger in spanish: poner en peligro, pronunciation: endeɪndʒɜr part of speech: verb imperil in spanish: poner en peligro, pronunciation: ɪmperəl part of speech: verb
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