Peldaño in english


pronunciation: step part of speech: noun
In gestures

peldaño = footstep ; kik-step ; rung ; step. 

Example: The stays for tympan and frisket, the bar-catch, footstep, etc., were adjusted to the pressman's liking; the heap was positioned on the horse; and everything was ready to begin printing.Example: We have now introduced 'kik-steps' and similar aids and raised the height of shelving somewhat - bottom shelves are now often at ground level.Example: The author provides a framework for classifying applications in the form of an 8 rung ladder.Example: The customers preferred to go in by a glazed door set in the shop-front and giving onto the street, even though this meant going down some steps, the floor of the workshop being below road-level.


» peldaño de bibliotecaroll stool [En una biblioteca o centro de documentación, pieza de mobiliario con forma de cono invertido y con ruedecitas usado para alcanzar el material situado en las estanterías superiores] .

Example: This article describes the advantages for these users of bookrests, mobile height-adjustable tables, sloped writing surfaces, roll stools, long-handled reachers, adjustable chairs with armrests, and D-shaped handles on card catalogue drawers.

» peldaños para saltar una cercastile .

Example: With the rain, the limestone rocks and stiles were very slippy and at least one of our party came a cropper.

» varilla para sujetar la alfombra al peldaño de la escalerastair rod .

Example: We have a wide selection of stair rods to suit all tastes.

Peldaño synonyms

measure in spanish: medida, pronunciation: meʒɜr part of speech: noun, verb tread in spanish: huella, pronunciation: tred part of speech: verb, noun tone in spanish: tono, pronunciation: toʊn part of speech: noun stride in spanish: paso, pronunciation: straɪd part of speech: noun pace in spanish: paso, pronunciation: peɪs part of speech: noun footprint in spanish: huella, pronunciation: fʊtprɪnt part of speech: noun gradation in spanish: gradación, pronunciation: greɪdeɪʃən part of speech: noun stair in spanish: escalera, pronunciation: ster part of speech: noun footfall in spanish: pisada, pronunciation: fʊtfɔl part of speech: noun footstep in spanish: paso, pronunciation: fʊtstep part of speech: noun footmark in spanish: huella, pronunciation: fʊtmɑrk part of speech: noun dance step in spanish: paso de baile, pronunciation: dænsstep part of speech: noun whole tone in spanish: tono completo, pronunciation: hoʊltoʊn part of speech: noun whole step in spanish: paso entero, pronunciation: hoʊlstep part of speech: noun
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