Pela in english


pronunciation: pil part of speech: noun, verb
In gestures



» estar sin una pelanot have a beanhave not + a penny to + Posesivo + name .

Example: And considering the fact that my parents didn't have a bean, how could my father have had a fountain pen that was expensive enough to pawn?.

Example: He, on the other hand, has long hair, unevenly cut, and not a penny to his name and hardly any prospects for the future.

» pelasdough [Dinero]wongalolly [Dinero]readiesthe ready .

Example: The article is entitled 'Our other customers -- the super rich: they also read who roll in dough'.

Example: MS has done this in a move to encourage folk to upgrade their OS without the need to spend lots of wonga on new hardware.

Example: The article is entitled 'Sports get lucky with lotteries lolly'.

Example: To add insult to injury, she came back from the cash-point without enough readies and had to make a return journey.

Example: The government has an obligation to ensure that those who are genuinely incapable of earning a minimally decent living for themselves have the ready needed to secure the basics.

» sin una pelabrokeskintpenniless  ; out-at-(the)-elbowshard-up .

Example: The article is entitled 'Tough luck: To be a professional sport climber in America probably means you're broke, fed up and still no match for the foreign competition'.

Example: How does it feel to be skint in a world that seems to be obsessed with money and riches?.

Example: Now he lives penniless near a beautiful lake surrounded by rainforest and teeming with waterfowl.

Example: Nature meant him for a slipshod, shambling Bohemian -- happy, out-at-the-elbows, always in debt, always irresponsible, and always pursued by duns and bailiffs.

Example: Parents are so hard up they are leaving their babies in wet nappies because they cannot afford to change them.

pelar = peel apart ; peel off ; peel ; shell ; shuck ; peeling ; husk ; pare ; skin ; hull. 

Example: The databases allows the user to peel apart a digital human body like the layers of an onion to reveal the organs within.Example: If you encounter an unlabeled document during charge-out, peel off one of the preprinted labels and put it in the document.Example: In seeking an answer the data were approached, after the manner of peeling an onion, from a number of perspectives: the sociological, the cultural, and the psychological.Example: At harvest, plants were separated into three sections and all pods were removed by hand from each of the three sections and then hand shelled.Example: All ears were harvested, shucked and dried on 24 October.Example: The installation of a peel remover for the peeling of tomatoes is described.Example: For this reason screening is necessary before husking the seed.Example: Cut the pineapple, after paring it, into small squares; make a syrup of the sugar, vinegar, and spices, and pour it over the pineaple while boiling hot.Example: After skinning a snake, the skin must be preserved in some way to keep it from rotting.Example: Although oats are then hulled, this process does not strip away their bran and germ allowing them to retain a concentrated source of their fiber and nutrients.


» correr que se las pelarun for + Posesivo + liferun like + hellrun like + the devilrun + hell for leather .

Example: We stood in our driveway looking daggers at each other -- the tension was like the air before lightning, even the cat ran for her life.

Example: He set explosives around where he thought the entrance to the cave would be, lit the match, and then ran like hell!.

Example: We took some photos (from a considerable distance) and then ran like the devil before the fire started to grow and block the road.

Example: Rugby is not just a game of two teams running hell for leather into each other; the game we coach is more like a physical game of chess.

» cuchillo de pelarparing knife .

Example: This paring knife has a nice thin blade that is slightly flexible, excellent for garnishing.

» duro de pelartough nut to cracktough nuthard nut to crack .

Example: Sudan's oil sector proves a hard nut to crack.

Example: Getting a car loan has never been a tough nut for the residents of UK.

Example: Realizing that the UK market was a very hard nut to crack he moved to Switzerland which was a safer bet but it also took him time.

» duro de pelar (de pelar)tough cookie .

Example: Tough cookies usually get what they want because they refuse to compromise or give up.

» estar que pelabe boiling hot .

Example: I felt the phone and it was boiling hot, way too hot to hold for a few seconds.

» frío que pelabe bitterly cold .

Example: It is late winter and bitterly cold outside, so why have some of my hens have just now started molting?.

» hacer un frío que pelabe brass monkey(s) (weather/outside/out there)be (so) cold (enough) to freeze the balls off/of a brass monkeybe freezing .

Example: It's brass monkey weather here at the moment, but at least the sun is shining on the snow and ice, and we have no overcast skies and rain.

Example: Well right now I am on the horns of a dilemma as the weather outside is so cold it would freeze the balls off a brass monkey but I would be barking mad not to go home and get a good heavy coat for later this evening.

Example: Last night was freezing and now the sea below us is churning and the wind is roaring.

» pelar patataspeel + potatoes .

Example: Who wants to live with someone who has never peeled a potato or put out the rubbish?.

» pelarseflake offflake .

Example: Reader use, exhibitions and reproductions, age, pigment damages, and the dry air caused by the radiators, often cause the layer of pigment in the miniatures of old manuscripts to loosen or flake off.

Example: Since the polychromy was flaking badly, a program of restoration was decided on in 1975 and completed in 1977.

» pelárselastake to + Posesivo + heelsdo + a runnertear outshow + a clean pair of heels .

Example: When the lad heard it he got frightened, and took to his heels as though he were running a race.

Example: When they lost their jobs and the money dried up, some decided they had no choice but to do a runner.

Example: He soon found that he was talking to air, as the man suddenly tore out of the shop like his trousers were on fire.

Example: The performance -- shattering in the 1950's -- is now less impressive, but it can still show a clean pair of heels to most cars on the road.

» posibilidad de pelarseflakiness  .

Example: Among the visual attributes found to be most useful were: absorption (soaks in, sits on top), luster (shiny, dull), flakiness (doesn't flake off, flakes off), and thickness (thin, thick).

» que pelapiping hotbaking hot .

Example: The monks then add milk and salt to taste and piping hot Tibetan tea is ready to serve.

Example: He slept on a camp bed in the baking hot room between 12-hour shifts and survived on leftovers brought to him by friendly chefs.

» que se está pelandoflaking .

Example: Treatment undertaken included consolidation of the flaking gouache, surface cleaning, mould reduction, washing on the low pressure suction table, infilling and toning.

» ser duro de pelarbe a tough cookie .

Example: Wendy is such a tough cookie -- even though she had cancer, it would not have been within her character to just let the disease take over.

» tipo duro (de pelar)tough cookie .

Example: Tough cookies usually get what they want because they refuse to compromise or give up.

Pela synonyms

skin in spanish: piel, pronunciation: skɪn part of speech: noun pare in spanish: cortar, pronunciation: per part of speech: verb flake in spanish: escama, pronunciation: fleɪk part of speech: noun peel off in spanish: despegar, pronunciation: pilɔf part of speech: verb flake off in spanish: desprenderse en escamas, pronunciation: fleɪkɔf part of speech: verb
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