Peine in english

Hair comb

pronunciation: herkoʊm part of speech: none
In gestures

peinar = trawl ; comb ; do + Posesivo + hair. 

Example: The Internet search engines, such as AltaVista and Excite, send out robots or Web crawlers to trawl the Internet and automatically index the files that they find.Example: All barnacles are filter feeders -- extending feathery legs into the water at high tide to comb plankton from the water.Example: Cecily had a number of servants to do her hair and put on her shoes after she dressed.


» peinar en busca descour + Nombre + for .

Example: It employs a 'dynamic Web database' using agent technology or 'newsbots' to scour any Web-based source for content.

» peinarse alisándose el pelo hacia atrássleek + Posesivo + hair back .

Example: Recently, stars have been going for understated fierceness by sleeking their hair straight back and away from their hairline.

» peinarse el pelobrush + Posesivo + hair .

Example: I was brushing her hair in the living room when she flopped over and her lips turned blue.

» peinarse hacia atráscomb + Posesivo + hair back .

Example: Then he combed her hair back with his fingers while blowing her hair with a hairdryer.

peine = comb. 

Example: A series of magnetic reading heads which is usually movable and arranged like a comb is used to read and write data.


» enterarse (de) lo que vale un peineget + the rough edge of + Posesivo + tongue .

Example: So the unhappy lame man got up with a flea in his ear and went to the second Prince, but here, too, he got the rough edge of his tongue = Así pues, el cojo desafortunado se levantó con las orejas gachas y fue a ver al segundo príncipe, pero de nuevo salió escaldado.

» peine de cardarcarder  .

Example: Fine-tooth carders are best for delicate and fine fibers like angora, alpaca, and fine wools like merino.

» peine de dientes finos y espesosfine-tooth(ed) comb .

Example: Even when you've blasted head lice with a cocktail of chemicals and raked out their eggs with a fine-tooth comb, they'll turn up again out of nowhere.

» peine de púas finas y espesasfine-tooth(ed) comb .

Example: Even when you've blasted head lice with a cocktail of chemicals and raked out their eggs with a fine-tooth comb, they'll turn up again out of nowhere.
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