Pegamento in english


pronunciation: glu part of speech: noun
In gestures

pegamento = glue ; adhesive ; rubber cement adhesive. 

Example: The solution was found to be a composition of glue and treacle which could be cast at first on to a cloth backing and later directly on to the roller stock.Example: A covering material of fast, even colour, was eventually produced that was impervious to the adhesive with which it was stuck to the boards.Example: All of the printed inserts were stained with a rubber cement adhesive and more than half were no longer attached to the pages of the book.


» barra de pegamentoglue stick .

Example: Low-melt glue sticks are specially formulated for low temperature use, and are not suitable for use with hot-melt guns.

» bote de pegamentoglue pot .

Example: Among the items included are opera glasses, letter openers, clocks, buckles, stamp dispensers, and glue pots.

» pegamento calientehot-melt glue .

Example: Hot-melt glue is useful for binding a variety of craft materials including wood, metal, plastic.

» pegamento de contactocontact gluecontact adhesive .

Example: Your forefinger is a good instrument for spreading contact glue.

Example: To use a contact adhesive you simply apply even coats of the adhesive to each material you wish to adhere, allow it to dry, and stick them together.

» pegamento de fusión en calientehot-melt glue .

Example: Hot-melt glue is useful for binding a variety of craft materials including wood, metal, plastic.

» pistola de pegamento calientehot-melt gun .

Example: Low-melt glue sticks are specially formulated for low temperature use, and are not suitable for use with hot-melt guns.

» pistola de pegamento de fusión en calientehot-melt gun .

Example: Low-melt glue sticks are specially formulated for low temperature use, and are not suitable for use with hot-melt guns.

Pegamento synonyms

gum in spanish: goma, pronunciation: gʌm part of speech: noun paste in spanish: pegar, pronunciation: peɪst part of speech: noun mucilage in spanish: mucílago, pronunciation: mjusəlɪdʒ part of speech: noun
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