Pegajoso in english


pronunciation: stɪki part of speech: adjective
In gestures

pegajoso = sticky ; viscous ; viscid ; tacky ; claggy ; clammy ; icky ; clingy ; gummy ; gooey ; mucilaginous. 

Example: The book was is repulsively foul, greasy, sticky, black with use.Example: This book illustrates how potential flows enter into the general theory of motions of viscous and viscoelastic fluids.Example: They are actually very viscid liquids, but their flow is so slow at ordinary temperatures as to be scarcely discernible by the human eye.Example: The process encompasses exposing the surface of the sheet to a saturated solution of long-lasting surfactant while it is still tacky.Example: Return it to the pan, and add the bread crumbs and enough water to make the sauce thick but not 'claggy'.Example: People having clammy hands usually get embarrassed or feel awkward to shake hands with others.Example: Neck buffs and balaclava's get the most icky, because you're usually breathing against them, and they tend to get a bit moist.Example: Most parents know instinctively when their child is sickening for something: the child may not be as lively as usual; he may refuse his food; he may become clingy.Example: Clay soil should have a somewhat gummy texture and can commonly be found in areas near bodies of water.Example: One of the recipes I've most wanted to master over the past couple years has been a gooey sticky roll.Example: When it first begin to develop, the tips of the stems and leaves secrete a mucilaginous substance, which surrounds and permeates the buds when they are formed.


» con dedos pegajosossticky-fingered .

Example: Certainly the last thing we want is that books be shut up in tastefully decorated warehouses, watched over by highly trained storekeepers whose main purpose is to see that everything is kept tidily in its place and, as far as possible, untouched by human hands -- especially the sticky-fingered hands of marauding children.

» sustancia pegajosagoogookguck .

Example: Scientists have created a liquid goo that turns into a rubbery solid when shaken and they are inviting the public to help dream up uses for it.

Example: Many dogs suffer from seasonal allergies that produce eye gook, and some breeds perpetually have problems with eye discharge.

Example: By the time we were done with the job, we were covered in guck, coughing up brown fluids and unable to think straight.

» tener las manos pegajosashave + sticky fingers .

Example: I always wear disposable rubber gloves when working with resin so I don't have sticky fingers for 2 days afterwards.

» tener los dedos pegajososhave + sticky fingers .

Example: I always wear disposable rubber gloves when working with resin so I don't have sticky fingers for 2 days afterwards.

Pegajoso synonyms

awkward in spanish: torpe, pronunciation: ɑkwɜrd part of speech: adjective wet in spanish: mojado, pronunciation: wet part of speech: adjective hard in spanish: difícil, pronunciation: hɑrd part of speech: adjective difficult in spanish: difícil, pronunciation: dɪfəkəlt part of speech: adjective embarrassing in spanish: embarazoso, pronunciation: ɪmberəsɪŋ part of speech: adjective adhesive in spanish: adhesivo, pronunciation: ædhisɪv part of speech: adjective, noun viscous in spanish: viscoso, pronunciation: vɪskəs part of speech: adjective muggy in spanish: bochornoso, pronunciation: mʌgi part of speech: adjective pasty in spanish: pastoso, pronunciation: pæsti part of speech: noun, adjective viscid in spanish: viscoso, pronunciation: vɪskɪd part of speech: adjective gummy in spanish: pegajoso, pronunciation: gʌmi part of speech: adjective steamy in spanish: lleno de vapor, pronunciation: stimi part of speech: adjective glutinous in spanish: glutinoso, pronunciation: glutənəs part of speech: adjective unenviable in spanish: poco envidiable, pronunciation: ənenviəbəl part of speech: adjective mucilaginous in spanish: mucilaginoso, pronunciation: mjusəleɪdʒənəs part of speech: adjective gluey in spanish: pegajoso, pronunciation: glui part of speech: adjective
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