Pedigrí in english


pronunciation: pedəgri part of speech: noun
In gestures

pedigrí = pedigree. 

Example: The term 'false drops' which is encountered in other aspects of information retrieval can trace its pedigree to edge notch cards.


» de pedigrípedigreed .

Example: Today the term we prefer to 'purebred' is 'pedigreed' as lineage can only be traced back to a certain point in time and record and thus pedigreed may be the more accurate term.

Pedigrí synonyms

line in spanish: línea, pronunciation: laɪn part of speech: noun stock in spanish: valores, pronunciation: stɑk part of speech: noun blood in spanish: sangre, pronunciation: blʌd part of speech: noun descent in spanish: descendencia, pronunciation: dɪsent part of speech: noun origin in spanish: origen, pronunciation: ɔrədʒən part of speech: noun lineage in spanish: linaje, pronunciation: lɪniədʒ part of speech: noun ancestry in spanish: ascendencia, pronunciation: ænsestri part of speech: noun thoroughbred in spanish: pura sangre, pronunciation: θɜroʊbred part of speech: adjective, noun parentage in spanish: familia, pronunciation: perəntədʒ part of speech: noun bloodline in spanish: línea de sangre, pronunciation: blʌdlaɪn part of speech: noun pureblood in spanish: sangre pura, pronunciation: pjʊrəlləd part of speech: noun pedigreed in spanish: pedigrí, pronunciation: pedɪgrid part of speech: adjective line of descent in spanish: línea de descenso, pronunciation: laɪnʌvdɪsent part of speech: noun blood line in spanish: linea de sangre, pronunciation: blʌdlaɪn part of speech: noun pureblooded in spanish: de pura sangre, pronunciation: pjʊrbludd part of speech: adjective
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