Pedestal in english


pronunciation: pedəstəl part of speech: noun
In gestures

pedestal = pedestal ; plinth. 

Example: this grand public monument features imposing bronze figures on both front and back and a substantial granite pedestal.Example: The elaborate piece consists of a plinth of mahogany and ebony containing a clock and barrel-organ.


» bajar a Alguien del pedestalknock + Nombre + off + Posesivo + pedestalcut + Nombre + down to sizeknock + Nombre + off + Posesivo + high horsetake + Nombre + down a peg or two .

Example: They are seen as pompous and elite, and there's nothing quite like knocking them off their pedestal.

Example: He told Thaksin that when he himself was a boy, his mother always cut him down to size when he got too big for his boots.

Example: The only way she can ever open up to you as an equal is if you first knock her off her high horse.

Example: So what we've got to do is take her down a peg or two by not pandering to her every wish to make her feel welcome -- treat her like one of us.

» bajarse del pedestalget down + Posesivo + high horseget off + Posesivo + high horse .

Example: Perhaps they should get down their high horses before they shoot themselves in the foot.

Example: If she doesn't get off her high horse, there's little hope that your relationship will make it in the long term.

» caerse de + Posesivo + pedestalgo down in + Posesivo + estimationcome down in + Posesivo + estimation .

Example: She went down in their estimation when the truth came out.

Example: I used to like this guy -- he is a very funny guy but has come down in my estimation after I read his comments.

» poner a Alguien en un pedestalput + Nombre + on a pedestalset + Nombre + on a pedestal .

Example: Native American children should have books that do not demean or embarrass them or their heritage nor put them on a pedestal.

Example: Throughout their relationship, he had a tendency to idealize her: to set her on a pedestal, treating her as a goddess instead of mortal.

» subirse al pedestalget on + Posesivo + high horse .

Example: They will get on their high horse and ride roughshod over anything that gets in their way.

Pedestal synonyms

stand in spanish: estar, pronunciation: stænd part of speech: verb, noun base in spanish: base, pronunciation: beɪs part of speech: noun plinth in spanish: zócalo, pronunciation: plɪnθ part of speech: noun footstall in spanish: puesto de pie, pronunciation: fʊtstəl part of speech: noun
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