Pedazo in english


pronunciation: pis part of speech: noun
In gestures

pedazo = chunk ; shred ; morsel ; hunk ; shard ; snip. 

Example: So there is at least that big chunk of a file which is already a rather coherent catalog.Example: The article 'Shreds and patches: macrostatistics on libraries in the European Community' is a summary of the results of a study to compile economic and statistical data.Example: The three monkeys used in this study chose the left arm as the leading arm to reach out and pull back a spring-loaded drawer containing a food morsel.Example: This is especially good if you cut a turkey breast in hunks and marinade overnight then grill.Example: A man bled to death when he was impaled on a large shard of glass after throwing his girlfriend through a shop window in a street row.Example: If you missed it, here was a snip of our live music last Thursday!.


» caerse a pedazosfall to + piecesfall to + bits .

Example: One must accept that it is impossible to satisfy all people all the time; this author has seen several prison librarians fall to pieces, while the librarian was drowning in details.

Example: If you leave it there for a few months, your bike will rust, perish and fall to bits.

» caerse en pedazosfall to + bitsfall to + piecesdrop in(to) + pieces .

Example: If you leave it there for a few months, your bike will rust, perish and fall to bits.

Example: One must accept that it is impossible to satisfy all people all the time; this author has seen several prison librarians fall to pieces, while the librarian was drowning in details.

Example: Worse case ever, my phone slipped out of my hand and the case dropped into pieces flying in every direction of the store.

» cayéndose a pedazosdisintegrating [Pincha en para ver otras palabras que comienzan con este prefijo] .

Example: For all Havana's crumbling structures, its disintegrating roads and toxin-belching jalopies, it attracts over a million tourists each year.

» cortar en pedazoscut + Nombre + upcut + Nombre + in(to) pieces .

Example: They tortured her into revealing her Pin number and safe code before cutting her up and disposing of her in bin liners.

Example: If you like the skin, cut it into pieces with kitchen shears and arrange it on the platter with the sliced meat.

» deshacerse en pedazosfall to + piecesfall to + bits .

Example: One must accept that it is impossible to satisfy all people all the time; this author has seen several prison librarians fall to pieces, while the librarian was drowning in details.

Example: If you leave it there for a few months, your bike will rust, perish and fall to bits.

» hacer pedazosshattersmash + Nombre + to bitstear + Nombre + (in)to shredsrip + Nombre + to shredssmash + Nombre + to matchwoodsmash uptear + Nombre + apartbreak + Nombre + apart .

Example: Her feeling of well-being was soon rudely shattered.

Example: In this caricature representation, the Jew is followed by the Jewess, who lays a huge Jew egg that the children of the village attack with gusto, smashing it to bits.

Example: I can't get over how librarians tear their colleagues to shreds when they're together.

Example: It detonated underwater and he was well away from the blast zone, and yet he was still ripped to shreds.

Example: Boats were smashed to matchwood and the whole of the seafront was awash with shingle and broken glass.

Example: A man who went berserk and smashed up his home with a sledgehammer has been arrested by police.

Example: He is a stickler for detail and can tear apart a budget or a balance sheet faster than anyone.

Example: It was the size of a truck and was breaking apart as it crashed down, throwing out little bits of hot shrapnel that zinged past me.

» hacerse pedazosfall to + piecesfall to + bitscome to + piecescome apart .

Example: One must accept that it is impossible to satisfy all people all the time; this author has seen several prison librarians fall to pieces, while the librarian was drowning in details.

Example: If you leave it there for a few months, your bike will rust, perish and fall to bits.

Example: They are characters living in the margins, often coming to pieces, and sometimes, as in a nightmare, in constant flight from something horrid.

Example: The ball joint came apart with only a few slogs with the club hammer and it all went back together like a dream.

» hecho pedazossmashedshatteredratty [rattier -comp., rattier -sup.]  ; smashed-up .

Example: Her friend came out of work after 5:30pm and walked up to her car to find an old lady standing next to it and her car had a smashed window.

Example: It is clear that it will take a considerable period to fully assess the damage and loss and even longer to begin to rebuild damaged infrastructure and shattered communities.

Example: The two books were old and ratty, and he had got them for a song -- twenty bucks.

Example: The result was that he ended up in trees with a smashed-up car!.

» que no se rompe en mil pedazosshatterproof .

Example: The article is entitled 'The Glass Ceiling in Social Work: Is It Shatterproof?'.

» romper en pedazostear + Nombre + (in)to bitstear + Nombre + (in)to piecestear + Nombre + up .

Example: According to a myth about the phases of the moon, the wicked god Seth plucked out the eye of Horus and tore it to bits = Según un mito sobre las fases lunares, el malvado dios Seth le arrancó el ojo a Horus y lo rompió en pedazos.

Example: Fumbling inside my school bag, I pulled out a blank sheet of paper and started tearing it into pieces.

Example: She went along with her family to Africa and on the way she wrote almost every day, but when they docked she tore the letters up.

» ser un pedazo de panhave + a heart of goldas good as gold .

Example: Though my old man's a dustman he's got a heart of gold.

Example: It may look like junk, but to thieves scrap metal has become as good as gold.

Pedazo synonyms

man in spanish: hombre, pronunciation: mæn part of speech: noun bit in spanish: poco, pronunciation: bɪt part of speech: noun spell in spanish: deletrear, pronunciation: spel part of speech: noun, verb part in spanish: parte, pronunciation: pɑrt part of speech: noun while in spanish: mientras, pronunciation: waɪl part of speech: noun patch in spanish: parche, pronunciation: pætʃ part of speech: noun pick in spanish: recoger, pronunciation: pɪk part of speech: verb composition in spanish: composición, pronunciation: kɑmpəzɪʃən part of speech: noun opus in spanish: opus, pronunciation: oʊpəs part of speech: noun assemble in spanish: montar, pronunciation: əsembəl part of speech: verb set up in spanish: preparar, pronunciation: setʌp part of speech: verb, adjective slice in spanish: rebanada, pronunciation: slaɪs part of speech: noun, verb nibble in spanish: picar, pronunciation: nɪbəl part of speech: verb, noun firearm in spanish: arma de fuego, pronunciation: faɪɜrɑrm part of speech: noun put together in spanish: juntar, pronunciation: pʊttəgeðɜr part of speech: verb, adverb musical composition in spanish: composicion musical, pronunciation: mjuzɪkəlkɑmpəzɪʃən part of speech: noun piece of music in spanish: pieza musical, pronunciation: pisʌvmjuzɪk part of speech: noun small-arm in spanish: brazo pequeño, pronunciation: smɔlɑrm part of speech: noun
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