Pedante in english


pronunciation: pədæntɪk part of speech: adjective
In gestures

pedante1 = pedant ; snob ; hoity-toity ; prig [prigg]. 

Example: Librarians are expected, by their popular media image, to be fussy, nit-picking, pedants.Example: The biggest faux pas according to snobs who take such things seriously is calling a sofa a couch or a setee.Example: It's the kind of barn where you can learn to ride without feeling mocked or like some hoity-toities are looking down their nose at you.Example: The thing about prigs, though, is that they're often right: if they weren't we wouldn't be annoyed by them.


» ser un pedantebe full of + Reflexivo .

Example: That gets on my nerves, they are cocky and full of themselves.

pedante2 = pompous ; pedantic ; pretentious ; hyfoluted ; snobbish ; snobby ; portentous ; uppity ; self-opinionated ; uppish. 

Example: She wanted to say: 'You are a conceited, obstinate, inflexible, manipulative, pompous, close-minded, insensitive, abrasive, opinionated, platitudinous oaf!'.Example: He didn't react quite as strongly as Voltaire, but he thought it poor stuff: artificial, pedantic, dull.Example: Book clubs do not have to be cliquish, pretentious, stuffily self-inflated, or bolt-holes for ethereal literary spirits.Example: I can believe that changing the logo broke some hyfoluted view ofthe library.Example: It was possible to identify 3 main groups who display 3 different types of attitude -- participative, delegative and 'snobbish'.Example: Every one looked like death warmed up, including the snobby staff who I found far from welcoming.Example: He is described in the play as a "rather portentous man in his middle fifties but rather provincial in his speech'.Example: He'd been popular earlier on but was now on thin ice with most members of our class due to his pretension and uppity manner.Example: Garfield shows no basis for his immodesty and self-opinionated progress through life.Example: He had always delighted in ridiculing me by his uppish disobedience, especially in public places.

Pedante synonyms

academic in spanish: académico, pronunciation: ækədemɪk part of speech: adjective, noun scholarly in spanish: erudito, pronunciation: skɑlɜrli part of speech: adjective donnish in spanish: erudito, pronunciation: dɑnɪʃ part of speech: adjective
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