Peculiar in english


pronunciation: pəkjuljɜr part of speech: adjective
In gestures

peculiar = peculiar ; quirky ; trademark. 

Example: However, by 1900 the motor car was beginning to develop its own peculiar form of engineering, and since then we have had aviation engineering, nuclear engineering and control engineering.Example: 'Why are barns frequently painted red?' -- These are the curious, slightly bizarre and somewhat quirky kinds of questions librarians deal with = 'Why are barns frequently painted red?' -- These are the curious, slightly bizarre and somewhat quirky kinds of questions librarians deal with.Example: He sent fans into meltdown when he revealed he had chopped off his trademark floppy hair.


» de aspecto peculiarqueer-lookingodd-lookingfunny-lookingstrange-looking .

Example: The pangolin is a queer-looking, scaly animal that survives by eating ants and other insects.

Example: Of the scores of dolphin species, here are the most peculiar and odd-looking ones.

Example: The cedilla is a funny-looking mark that always changes the sound of the letter c it gets attached to, from a k sound to a soft sound like the s in sea.

Example: Explore the weird and wacky side of the canine world with this hilarious photo gallery of strange-looking dog breeds.

» muy peculiarhighly distinctive .

Example: Manga comics utilize the highly distinctive artistic styles found in Japenese comic books and Anime (animated cartoons) = Los comics manga utilizan estilos artísticos muy peculiares típicos de los tebeos y Anime (dibujos animados) japoneses.

» peculiar depeculiar to .

Example: This article aims to clarify some of the classification and computerization problems peculiar to art collections.

Peculiar synonyms

particular in spanish: especial, pronunciation: pɜrtɪkjəlɜr part of speech: adjective curious in spanish: curioso, pronunciation: kjʊriəs part of speech: adjective special in spanish: especial, pronunciation: speʃəl part of speech: adjective odd in spanish: impar, pronunciation: ɑd part of speech: adjective queer in spanish: raro, pronunciation: kwɪr part of speech: adjective, noun funny in spanish: gracioso, pronunciation: fʌni part of speech: adjective strange in spanish: extraño, pronunciation: streɪndʒ part of speech: adjective singular in spanish: singular, pronunciation: sɪŋgjəlɜr part of speech: adjective unusual in spanish: raro, pronunciation: ənjuʒuəl part of speech: adjective rum in spanish: Ron, pronunciation: rʌm part of speech: noun rummy in spanish: borracho, pronunciation: rʌmi part of speech: noun
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