Pecho in english


pronunciation: tʃest part of speech: noun
In gestures

pecho1 = chest. 

Example: Sometimes the noun form is used, sometimes the adjectival, eg 'Abdomen - diseases' but 'Abdominal pain'; 'Thorax (Zoology)' but 'Thorax, Human' see 'chest and Thoracic duct'.


» a lo hecho, pechono use crying over spilt/spilled milkyou've made your bed, now you must lie in it!close/lock/shut the barn/stable door after the horse has bolted .

Example: It may be no use crying over spilt milk but had the original constitution been more people-driven, perhaps things could have turned out different.

Example: After all, "you've made your bed, now you must lie in it," so there's no sense complaining.

Example: The drought assistance plan announced today is rather like shutting the stable door after the horse has bolted.

» angina de pechoangina pectoris .

Example: This is a video material to teach corpsmen response procedures for each of seven emergency medical conditions: angina pectoris, acute myocardial infarction, congestive heart failure, stroke, diabetic coma, insulin shock, and epileptic seizure.

» con el pecho congestionadochesty [chestier -comp., chestiest -sup.]  .

Example: She's really phlegmy and has a runny nose and a bark of a cough -- it doesn't sound chesty or whoopy or wheezy, it just seems to be in her throat with lots of mucous.

» congestión de pechochest congestion .

Example: Actually, it's more than that; for one thing, it gives Lily chest congestion.

» con pecho de palomapigeon-chestedpigeon-breasted .

Example: What kind of sick, sadistic God would bestow such fortune on a pigeon-chested geek who couldn't even throw a football properly.

Example: They came to him whole and left blind, rickety, hunchbacked, pigeon-breasted, or with arms or legs cut off short.

» dar el do de pechodo + Posesivo + (honest) bestpull out + all the stopsdo + Posesivo + utmostpush + the envelope .

Example: He was a wise and humane judge, and he clearly did his honest best and fairest, according to his lights.

Example: So, as you see we're pulling out all the stops to give you a memorable conference.

Example: But all of them did their utmost and knew that their position was a key one within the school.

Example: This paper describes the contention existing between those who are pushing the envelope of free speech on the Internet, sometimes anarchically and those trying to limit it, sometimes oppressively.

» darse golpes de pechobeat + Posesivo + breast .

Example: Then the Jews priests realized how much evil they had done to themselves and began beating their breasts, saying 'Woe to us because of our sins!'.

» darse golpes en el pechobeat + Posesivo + breast .

Example: Then the Jews priests realized how much evil they had done to themselves and began beating their breasts, saying 'Woe to us because of our sins!'.

» dolor de pechochest pain .

Example: I feel a stabbing chest pain of sudden onset, with slight shortness of breath.

» golpearse el pechobeat + Posesivo + breast .

Example: Then the Jews priests realized how much evil they had done to themselves and began beating their breasts, saying 'Woe to us because of our sins!'.

» pecho de palomapigeon chestbowed chest .

Example: Surgery to correct pigeon chest in children can be especially invasive and traumatic when the deformity is severe.

Example: I have something similar to what's called a 'bowed chest' and struggle with my own self-image problems.

» sacar (el) pechostick out + Posesivo + chest [También usado en el orden stick + Posesivo + chest out] .

Example: He can stick out his chest just a little and say, 'Look at me, look at what I have accomplished'.

» sacar pechoboaststrutbragfight backkeep + a stiff upper lipbrazen output on/up + a brave face [También se usa esta expresión colocando la partícula on al final put + a brave face on]square + Posesivo + shouldersput on/up + a brave front [También se usa esta expresión colocando la partícula on al final put + a brave front on]strut + Posesivo + stuffswan aroundswan aboutswanktalk + bigsashay .

Example: In fact, he boasts that he knows more about library work than all of us who have our master's degrees put together.

Example: The paradox is that the war that was supposed to let thenm swagger and strut in the world was actually impeding their swagger and strut in the world.

Example: While pirates and ancient mariners may have bragged about sailing the seven seas, the phrase is merely figurative.

Example: In the meanwhile, librarians could fight back by means of their chequebooks but need to be alert to the strategies by which vendors could take over their functions.

Example: Keeping a stiff upper lip during an emotional event can impair your memory, research suggests.

Example: The way they tried to stonewall and brazen out the forged document scandal suggests that they didn't realize the extent to which their monopoly was gone.

Example: It's no secret that all Commonwealth Games sites are lagging behind schedule but the organisers are putting on a brave face.

Example: She squared her shoulders and offered to see him out.

Example: Outwardly she put on a brave front so as to give her children security.

Example: Christy likes to strut her stuff in any way possible to get attention.

Example: The day I swan around in expensive suits is the day I hope someone puts a bullet in my head.

Example: All she does is swan about, look at herself in the mirror and primp, and go to parties, smile and have a nice time.

Example: Some of them were a little overbearing, but that was presumably because they were on home territory and liked swanking about it to others.

Example: Well, he is always talking big but he never really does anything.

Example: When I was 29, I met a man with whom I shared the most soul-searing passion -- he sashayed his way into my life at a time when I was ripe for such an experience.

» tomarse Algo a pechotake + Nombre + seriouslytake + Nombre + to hearttake it + personally [Más informalmente se usa a veces take it personal] .

Example: It's not altogether its fault because the critics have been so far more or less characterized as freaks and flakes who are not to be taken seriously.

Example: Taking everything people say, do or how they act to heart is not good for your wellbeing.

Example: Use this one guiding principle to stop taking it personally and move on with your life.

pecho2 = breast ; bosom ; bust. 

Example: One time he showed me a photograph in an art book of a woman's bare breasts and said 'Nice tits, uh?'.Example: The rolls, which it was customary to keep in the bosom, contained exhortations, messages and promises and were considered very valuable as physical objects.Example: First on the list was her bust, which has also gone from plump to saggy and deflated over the course of just a couple of years.


» aumento de pechobreast augmentationbreast enlargement .

Example: Breast augmentation, technically known as augmentation mammoplasty, is a surgical procedure to enhance the size and shape of a woman's breast.

Example: Although more often people hear about breast enlargement, more than half of the mammoplasties are done to decrease the size of the breast.

» cirugía de pechobreast surgery .

Example: The article is entitled 'An investigation into digital imaging in assessing cosmetic outcome after breast surgery'.

» con mucho pechobuxombusty [bustier -comp., bustiest -sup.]  ; chesty [chestier -comp., chestiest -sup.]  .

Example: The buxom babe says she isn't ruling out a breast reduction but she isn't rushing to get one either.

Example: Today, I think I am actually ovulating -- I feel warm, busty, and slutty.

Example: Deep down, I like being a chesty girl -- until I look at the price tag on a decent bra my size.

» criado con el pechobreast-fed  .

Example: There is general consensus that the intestinal flora of healthy breast-fed infants has several beneficial effects.

» dar el pechobreast-feed [breastfeed]breast-feeding [breastfeeding]suckle .

Example: Traditionally, Malaysian women breast-feed their infants for an extended period of time; only elite Chinese women resort to a wet-nurse.

Example: Anthropologists, neurologists, child psychiatrists, and researchers into child development agree that breast-feeding and a supportive family structure are important for an infant to thrive.

Example: It is sooo cute how they stick their little tails up in the air while suckling their mother's milk.

» dar el pecho (a)give + breast (to) .

Example: The spectacle of two young women giving breast to their babies made her blush and turn away her face.

» de pechos planosflat-chested .

Example: She was teased for being flat-chested as a teen and now she wants her bullies to be green with envy at how good she looks.

» dolor de pechosbreast pain .

Example: Evening primrose oil is a source of linoleic acid and is helpful in alleviating pre-menstrual breast pain in some women.

» implante de pechobreast implant .

Example: Almost one-in-eight Irish women who received faulty breast implants containing industrial grade silicone have suffered ruptures.

» implante de pecho de siliconasilicone breast implant .

Example: Maybe now is the time to lift the ban on silicone breast implants.

» operación de pechobreast surgery .

Example: The article is entitled 'An investigation into digital imaging in assessing cosmetic outcome after breast surgery'.

» pared del pechobreast wall .

Example: Right after breast augmentation surgery, the breast wall and tissue will be tender and swollen.

» reducción de pechobreast reduction .

Example: Breast reduction, or reduction mammoplasty, is the surgery to reduce the weight, mass and otherwise size of the breasts for whatever reason.

» rolliza y con mucho pechobuxom .

Example: The buxom babe says she isn't ruling out a breast reduction but she isn't rushing to get one either.

Pecho synonyms

bureau in spanish: oficina, pronunciation: bjʊroʊ part of speech: noun thorax in spanish: tórax, pronunciation: θɔræks part of speech: noun dresser in spanish: vestidor, pronunciation: dresɜr part of speech: noun chest of drawers in spanish: cajonera, pronunciation: tʃestʌvdrɔrz part of speech: noun pectus in spanish: pectus, pronunciation: pektəs part of speech: noun
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