Pecaminoso in english


pronunciation: sɪnfəl part of speech: adjective
In gestures

pecaminoso = sinful. 

Example: Neoclassical theorists, by contrast, saw man as an imperfect being, inherently sinful, whose potential was limited.

Pecaminoso synonyms

wicked in spanish: malvado, pronunciation: wɪkəd part of speech: adjective iniquitous in spanish: inicuo, pronunciation: ɪnɪkwətəs part of speech: adjective ungodly in spanish: impío, pronunciation: əngɔdli part of speech: adjective unholy in spanish: impío, pronunciation: ənhoʊli part of speech: adjective unrighteous in spanish: injusta, pronunciation: ənraɪʃəs part of speech: adjective
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