Pecador in english


pronunciation: sɪnɜr part of speech: noun
In gestures

pecador = sinner ; sinful. 

Example: The same person cannot be both a man and a woman, a saint and a sinner, a stay-at-home and an explorer, an ancient Roman and a modern Russian.Example: Neoclassical theorists, by contrast, saw man as an imperfect being, inherently sinful, whose potential was limited.


» pagar justos por pecadoresthe innocent + suffer + for the guiltythrow + the baby out with the bath water .

Example: And also I'm opposed to the idea of the innocent suffering for the guilty.

Example: The article carries the title 'Telecommunications perspectives: `keeping a secret; encryption revisited (or, are we throwing the baby out with the bath water?)'.

» pasar de pecador a santogo from + sinner to saint .

Example: It's amazing how quickly a political figure can go from sinner to saint when they resign, quit, or die.

» pasar de santo a pecadorgo from + saint to sinner .

Example: It didn't take long for biofuels to go from saint to sinner destroying early hopes that they offered a low carbon means of meeting our energy requirements.

Pecador synonyms

evildoer in spanish: malhechor, pronunciation: ivəlduɜr part of speech: noun
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