Pecado in english


pronunciation: sɪn part of speech: noun
In gestures

pecado = sin ; wrongdoing. 

Example: Books were kept for historical records of deeds done by the inhabitants: their worthy acts as well as their sins.Example: His doctrine that even venial wrongdoing is worse than any natural calamity implies that we ought to refrain from such wrongdoing even if calamity results.


» Ciudad del PecadoSin City .

Example: Sin City is a bustling, violent metropolis where the police department is as corrupt as the streets are deadly.

» cometer un pecadocommit + a sinsin .

Example: According to Shakespeare's age, if she had agreed, she would have committed a mortal sin and been in danger of hell.

Example: Some men, by continual sinning, sear even the conscience as with a hot iron, so that it becomes dead and past feeling.

» pecado mortaldeadly sinmortal sin .

Example: Two of the 'deadly sins' of a contemporary librarian would be a preference to work 'in silence', i.e. no contact with users and no advertising, and put on blinkers, i.e. no research and no analysis of the librarian's work.

Example: According to Shakespeare's age, if she had agreed, she would have committed a mortal sin and been in danger of hell.

» pecado no expiadounatoned sin .

Example: He knew it was the past of his unatoned sins calling.

» pecado original, eloriginal sin, the .

Example: The article is entitled 'Born yesterday and other forms of original sin: two perspectives on library research'.

» pecado venialvenial sin .

Example: The Catholic concept of purgatory, a place where the expiation of venial sins was to take place, developed during the twelfth century.

» ser un pecadobe a sinbe a crime .

Example: In a time of shortage like what's happening today in the world, it is a sin to waste food.

Example: It is a crime to waste food when people die of hunger.

» siete pecados capitales, losseven deadly sins, the .

Example: The seven deadly sins are 'pride, avarice, envy, wrath, lust, gluttony, and sloth/acedia'.

» siete pecados mortales, losseven deadly sins, the .

Example: The seven deadly sins are 'pride, avarice, envy, wrath, lust, gluttony, and sloth/acedia'.

» vivir en (el) pecadolive in + sin .

Example: In the 1970s it was called 'living in sin' but the couples who flouted convention back then mostly married each other before two years were up.

pecar = sin. 

Example: Some men, by continual sinning, sear even the conscience as with a hot iron, so that it becomes dead and past feeling.


» pecar desuffer from + a cursebe guilty oferr + on the side of .

Example: Watt suffered in generous measure from that curse which descends upon all bibliographers who are not severely self disciplined.

Example: Furthermore, if the library 's governance system is guilty of poor performance, it is more difficult to induce corrective action from a committee than from one person, who can be more easily removed for just cause.

Example: The decision of what to collect usually errs on the side of too much rather than too little.

» pecar de precauciónerr + on the side of caution .

Example: This default is to err on the side of caution.

Pecado synonyms

hell in spanish: infierno, pronunciation: hel part of speech: noun blunder in spanish: torpeza, pronunciation: blʌndɜr part of speech: noun boob in spanish: teta, pronunciation: bub part of speech: noun goof in spanish: bobo, pronunciation: guf part of speech: noun, verb wickedness in spanish: maldad, pronunciation: wɪkədnəs part of speech: noun sinning in spanish: pecando, pronunciation: sɪnɪŋ part of speech: noun, adjective sinfulness in spanish: pecaminosidad, pronunciation: sɪnfəlnəs part of speech: noun
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