Peatón in english


pronunciation: pədestriən part of speech: adjective, noun
In gestures

peatón = pedestrian. 

Example: A good reference librarian should be able to answer questions such as 'How can my daughter train to be a hairdresser?', 'Do cars or pedestrians have the right of way at a filling-station entrance?', 'Where can I find out just how to make a potpourri?'.


» cruce de peatoneszebra crossingpedestrian crossingpedestrian crossingpelican crossing [Con semáforo y botón accionado por el propio peatón]crosswalk .

Example: Zebra crossings consist of thick black and white strips across a road with an orange flashing beacon on either pavement.

Example: Pedestrian crossings are provided to improve road safety for pedestrians when crossing a road.

Example: Pedestrian crossings are provided to improve road safety for pedestrians when crossing a road.

Example: At some pelican crossings there is a bleeping sound to indicate to blind or partially-sighted people when the steady green figure is showing.

Example: Before crossing into a crosswalk, ensure you make eye contact with the approaching drivers in both directions of traffic.

» pasaje subterráneo de peatonespedestrian underpass .

Example: Both pedestrian underpasses are continuously monitored by a surveillance camera.

» pasaje subterráneo para peatonespedestrian underpass .

Example: Both pedestrian underpasses are continuously monitored by a surveillance camera.

» paso de peatoneszebra crossingpedestrian crossingpelican crossing [Con semáforo y botón accionado por el propio peatón]crosswalk .

Example: Zebra crossings consist of thick black and white strips across a road with an orange flashing beacon on either pavement.

Example: Pedestrian crossings are provided to improve road safety for pedestrians when crossing a road.

Example: At some pelican crossings there is a bleeping sound to indicate to blind or partially-sighted people when the steady green figure is showing.

Example: Before crossing into a crosswalk, ensure you make eye contact with the approaching drivers in both directions of traffic.

» paso elevado de peatonespedestrian overpass .

Example: A pedestrian overpass allows pedestrians safe crossing over busy roads without impacting traffic.

» paso elevado para peatonespedestrian overpass .

Example: A pedestrian overpass allows pedestrians safe crossing over busy roads without impacting traffic.

» paso inferior de peatonespedestrian underpass .

Example: Both pedestrian underpasses are continuously monitored by a surveillance camera.

» paso inferior para peatonespedestrian underpass .

Example: Both pedestrian underpasses are continuously monitored by a surveillance camera.

» paso subterráneo de peatonespedestrian underpass .

Example: Both pedestrian underpasses are continuously monitored by a surveillance camera.

» paso subterráneo para peatonespedestrian underpass .

Example: Both pedestrian underpasses are continuously monitored by a surveillance camera.

» tránsito de peatonesfoot traffic .

Example: Hidden among the shops (and foot traffic) of Reid Street, this new product requires sleuthlike skills to find.

Peatón synonyms

prosaic in spanish: prosaico, pronunciation: proʊzeɪɪk part of speech: adjective walker in spanish: caminante, pronunciation: wɔkɜr part of speech: noun footer in spanish: pie de página, pronunciation: fʊtɜr part of speech: noun prosy in spanish: prosaico, pronunciation: proʊzi part of speech: adjective earthbound in spanish: terrestre, pronunciation: ɜrθbaʊnd part of speech: adjective uninteresting in spanish: poco interesante, pronunciation: ənɪntrəstɪŋ part of speech: adjective
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