Paz in english


pronunciation: pis part of speech: noun
In gestures

paz = peace ; olive branch ; tranquillity [tranquility, -USA] ; peacefulness. 

Example: US libraries and librarians played a notable role, behind the scenes, in the preparations for peace toward the end of World War I.Example: During these two crucial years in American history the colonists, after vacillating between the olive branch and the sword, finally abandoned hope of reconciliation with Great Britain.Example: There are only a few really large areas of tranquillity left in England and we must all work together to protect them.Example: Although many people like the individuality and peacefulness of snowshoeing, it's a good idea to snowshoe with a friend or partner.


» acuerdo de pazpeace agreementpeace deal .

Example: In the Balkans the transition to democracy has proven to be difficult in spite of democratic ideals expressed in peace agreements.

Example: South Sudan has formed an autonomous government as part of a January peace deal that ended more than two decades of civil war.

» alterar la pazdisrupt + peace .

Example: The government will crush foreign elements trying to disrupt peace in the country with an iron hand.

» bandera de pazwhite flag .

Example: The white flag is an internationally recognized protective sign of truce or ceasefire, and request for negotiation.

» conversaciones de pazpeace talks .

Example: Topics covered include the Bosnia peace talks, hot-air balloons, salt production, and the North American prairie ecosystem.

» Cuerpo de Paz, elPeace Corps, the [Organización del gobierno americano que envía voluntarios, normalmente jóvenes, con formación específica en un área o disciplina a ayudar a los países del tercer mundo] .

Example: He left Colorado to become a Peace Corps volunteer from 1963 to 1965, first with the University of Malaya Library, then with the Malayan Teachers College.

» darle una oportunidad a la pazgive + peace a chance .

Example: Like John Lennon, I believe that we have to learn to give peace a chance.

» defensor de la pazpeace activist .

Example: An example of 'weasel word' usage might be the description of a bombing campaign -- a peace activist might describe it as 'genocide' whereas a military spokesperson might use the term 'collateral damage'.

» dejar en pazleave + Nombre + in peaceget off + Posesivo + backcut + Nombre + some slackgive + Nombre + a breakleave + Nombre + aloneget off + Posesivo + case .

Example: Yes, she'd told him to leave her in peace, but for some reason, she found it incredibly annoying that he'd actually done so.

Example: Please, please get off his back -- I'm so tired of listening to you give your take on what the President has said.

Example: The fact that she knows hormones are causing her temporary crankiness doesn't make her feelings any less real, so cut her some slack.

Example: You may say it was jealousy or childishness of my friend but give him a break -- this is the stupid stuff teens do.

Example: Like the bear who could take it or could leave it alone, we may find that if we lean over too far backwards we might as well fall flat on our face.

Example: It was totally okay for her to take part in that photoshoot and people should get off her case about it.

» dejarlo en pazgive it + a restlet + it drop .

Example: Anyway after a few minutes of being told to give it a rest, she let it drop.

Example: Anyway after a few minutes of being told to give it a rest, she let it drop.

» enarbolar la bandera de la pazraise + the white flag .

Example: The Iraqi army still cannot give the order to put down weapons and to raise white flags.

» encontrar la pazfind + Posesivo + peace .

Example: She says she's had to remove herself from the chaos of the fashion industry -- and be a little bit unfashionable -- to find her peace.

» encontrar la paz interiorfind + Posesivo + inner peace .

Example: She's is a perfect example of someone who has found her inner peace living away from the distractions of the city.

» en época de pazin peacetimeduring peacetime .

Example: The report literature medium is now also an established form of communication in peacetime = Los informes son también ahora una forma consolidada de comunicación en tiempos de paz.

Example: The concept of 'operational readiness' refers to the training required by Navy personnel during peacetime to perform wartime missions.

» en épocas de pazin time(s) of peace .

Example: Military drafts are instated in countries throughout the world, both in times of war and in times of peace.

» en la pazin peace .

Example: The article 'Cryptographic patents: at war and in peace' explores the dichotomy between the concepts of cryptography and patents.

» en misión de pazon a peace mission .

Example: He has visited Libya on a peace mission, in the latest attempt to bring both sides of the conflict to negotiations.

» en son de pazpeacefully .

Example: Whereas, before, the land was dense with stately white pines, now apple, plum, pear, peach, and cherry orchards stood in regimented rows and cattle grazed peacefully.

» en tiempos de pazin peacetimeduring peacetimein peacein time(s) of peace .

Example: The report literature medium is now also an established form of communication in peacetime = Los informes son también ahora una forma consolidada de comunicación en tiempos de paz.

Example: The concept of 'operational readiness' refers to the training required by Navy personnel during peacetime to perform wartime missions.

Example: The article 'Cryptographic patents: at war and in peace' explores the dichotomy between the concepts of cryptography and patents.

Example: Military drafts are instated in countries throughout the world, both in times of war and in times of peace.

» época de pazpeacetime [peace time] .

Example: The author examines the cultural and social aspects of war and the aftermath into peacetime.

» estar en pazpay + Posesivo + dues .

Example: And we cannot undo the past and she has paid her dues to society and it is wrong of us to keep her in prison any longer.

» estudios de la paz y los conflictospeace and conflict studies .

Example: This yearbook will provide teachers and researchers interested in peace and conflict studies with practical information.

» estudios sobre paz y conflictospeace and conflict studies .

Example: This yearbook will provide teachers and researchers interested in peace and conflict studies with practical information.

» fuerzas de pazpeacekeeping forces .

Example: This book raises issues about peacekeeping forces globally, showing the necessity for continued definition of their roles.

» fuerzas de paz de las Naciones Unidas, lasUnited Nations peacekeeping force, the .

Example: The United Nations peacekeeping force in Côte d'Ivoire is to establish eight new military camps.

» fuerzas encargadas del mantenimiento de la pazpeacekeeping forces .

Example: This book raises issues about peacekeeping forces globally, showing the necessity for continued definition of their roles.

» fumar la pipa de la pazsmoke + the peace pipesmoke + the pipe of peace .

Example: If the Americans and the Russians can smoke the peace pipe, so can the Indians and the Pakistanis; however, it has to be done on the basis of dignity and mutual respect.

Example: There he and his braves met with white settlers to smoke the pipe of peace and settle their differences.

» hacer la pazmake + (the) peace .

Example: They used these relics to compel Flemish knights to cease feuding & make peace with their enemies, exploiting the fear of the miraculous powers of saints.

» hacer la paz con + Posesivo + pasadomake + peace with + Posesivo + past .

Example: The film is about one woman who finds the courage to confront her demons and make peace with her past.

» hacer las pacesheal + the breachheal + the riftbury + the hatchetmake + (the) peacesmoke + the peace pipesmoke + the pipe of peacebury + the tomahawkbury + the war axemake uppatch + things + upbury + the battle axebury + the war hatchet .

Example: There is no doubt that since DCD and BNB healed the breach the LC scheme has gained in popularity.

Example: His initiatives helped heal the rift between authors and librarians.

Example: Idioms such as 'bury the hatchet' were presented to 48 college students in sentential contexts that either biased the subject toward a literal or a figurative interpretation or left the interpretation ambiguous.

Example: They used these relics to compel Flemish knights to cease feuding & make peace with their enemies, exploiting the fear of the miraculous powers of saints.

Example: If the Americans and the Russians can smoke the peace pipe, so can the Indians and the Pakistanis; however, it has to be done on the basis of dignity and mutual respect.

Example: There he and his braves met with white settlers to smoke the pipe of peace and settle their differences.

Example: Now is the time of all times to bury the tomahawk, throw aside all differences and unite in one great purpose of saving the State from further turmoil.

Example: Long ago when tribes exchanged gifts and agreed to wash the spears or bury the war axe things were not as complex as they became later on.

Example: Martin and Ruthie are back to being bestfriends after they made up over spring break.

Example: You guys talk her down and patch things up the best you can.

Example: My plan for this is to sort out the final business I have with relatives, say my farewells and bury the battle axe and raise the white flag.

Example: A common danger, a common enemy, a common hate, makes them forget old feuds, bury the war-hatchet, and unite on common ground for a common object.

» hacer las paces conmake up to .

Example: He had affronted every man who had tried to make up to him, although not quite offensively enough to require bloodshed.

» isla de pazoasis of peace .

Example: At times like that, the only answer is to escape into the beauty and wonder of the natural world, and find your own little oasis of peace.

» isla de paz y tranquilidadoasis of peace and tranquillity .

Example: In this oasis of peace and tranquility all you hear is the chirping of the birds.

» juez de pazjustice of the peace .

Example: The author explores the origins of law in 17th century Virginia by examining the interplay between the social origins of colonial justices of the peace and English legal literature of the times.

» llama de la paz, laflame of peace, the .

Example: The flame of peace project emphasized finding peaceful solutions to conflicts.

» mantenedor de la pazpeacekeeper .

Example: The article is entitled 'Information as peacekeeper'.

» mantenimiento de la pazpeacekeeping [peace-keeping] .

Example: The article is entitled 'A bibliographic foray into documents and publications relating to peacekeeping in Cambodia'.

» militante de la pazpeace activist .

Example: An example of 'weasel word' usage might be the description of a bombing campaign -- a peace activist might describe it as 'genocide' whereas a military spokesperson might use the term 'collateral damage'.

» misión de pazpeacekeeping missionpeace mission .

Example: An advance party of 30 military officers arrived today from Ghana, where they were in training for the full peacekeeping mission that is scheduled to be launched next month.

Example: He has also led peace missions to Gaza and Sudan, where he was part of the team that negotiated the release of a schoolteacher.

» negociaciones de pazpeace negotiationspeace talks .

Example: In the last decade, however, remarkable progress has been achieved in peace negotiations among Israel, the Palestinians, and adjacent Arab states.

Example: Topics covered include the Bosnia peace talks, hot-air balloons, salt production, and the North American prairie ecosystem.

» no dejar en pazbe always on + Posesivo + back .

Example: His wife is always on his back about something -- no matter what he does, she is constantly nagging him to change.

» oasis de pazoasis of peace .

Example: At times like that, the only answer is to escape into the beauty and wonder of the natural world, and find your own little oasis of peace.

» oasis de paz y tranquilidadoasis of peace and tranquillity .

Example: In this oasis of peace and tranquility all you hear is the chirping of the birds.

» ofrecer una rama de olivo para hacer las pacesoffer + an olive branch .

Example: He demonstrates that the standard interpretation rests on the idea that Antony offered an olive branch to Brutus and Cassius.

» ofrenda de pazpeace offeringolive branch .

Example: The term comes from a story in Homer's Iliad, in which the Greeks give a giant wooden horse to their foes, the Trojans, ostensibly as a peace offering.

Example: During these two crucial years in American history the colonists, after vacillating between the olive branch and the sword, finally abandoned hope of reconciliation with Great Britain.

» ofrenda en señal de pazpeace offering .

Example: The term comes from a story in Homer's Iliad, in which the Greeks give a giant wooden horse to their foes, the Trojans, ostensibly as a peace offering.

» ondear la bandera de la pazraise + the white flag .

Example: The Iraqi army still cannot give the order to put down weapons and to raise white flags.

» para hacer las pacespeace offering .

Example: The term comes from a story in Homer's Iliad, in which the Greeks give a giant wooden horse to their foes, the Trojans, ostensibly as a peace offering.

» Paz AmericanaPax America .

Example: What they want is a Pax Americana where most of the subordinate populations like the Arabs are kept in check by a healthy respect for lethal American power = Lo que buscan es una Paz Americana donde se mantiene controlado a la mayoría de los pueblos subordinados como los árabes por el respeto al poder letal americano.

» paz de espíritupeace of mind .

Example: The article is entitled 'Licensing of digital publications: peace of mind for research libraries or an expensive nightmare?'.

» paz interiorpeace of mindinner peace .

Example: The article is entitled 'Licensing of digital publications: peace of mind for research libraries or an expensive nightmare?'.

Example: The aim of meditation is to bring inner peace within our self in a positive and spiritual way.

» paz mundialworld peace .

Example: This project was undertaken to see which resources were available in Canadian public libraries on the general issues of world peace, nuclear disarmament, the arms race, the nuclear threat, national defence policy.

» paz y tranquilidadpeace and quiet .

Example: Here are some common idiomatic pairs in English: peace and quiet, body and soul, life and limb, grin and bear it, bow and scrape, rant and rave.

» perturbar la pazdisturb + the peacedisrupt + peacerock + the boatmake + wavesstir + things up .

Example: If you own a dog, you must not allow it to continually or frequently bark, howl, or yelp, disturbing the peace of others.

Example: The government will crush foreign elements trying to disrupt peace in the country with an iron hand.

Example: It's very often easier to just 'go with the flow' and 'not rock the boat' by revealing that you disagree with some of the most fundamental beliefs of those around you.

Example: Hernandez decided that if he wished to survive in this restrictive atmosphere his options were clearly the following: don't make waves, do a good job with no fuss of which he could be proud, and try to gain Balzac's respect.

Example: I think Pope Francis wants to stir things up and allow people to raise questions.

» perturbar la paz y la tranquilidaddisturb + the peace and tranquillity .

Example: Everyone will get equal opportunities for expansion and growth without disturbing the peace and tranquility of others = Todos tendrán igualdad de oportunidades para la expansión y el crecimiento sin perturbar la paz y la tranquilidad de otros.

» perturbar + Posesivo + pazdisturb + Posesivo + peaceshatter + Posesivo + peace .

Example: And yet I've never told people to pipe down when they were disturbing my peace with their too loud blatherings on a cell phone.

Example: The growing of hair on the palm or any such place where hair does not grow suggests that he will incur debts which will shatter his peace.

» pipa de la pazpeace pipepipe of peacecalumet .

Example: Most peace pipes consist of a long wooden stem decorated with feathers and beads, and a stone pipe bowl.

Example: The Native American pipe of peace, or calumet, stands for reconciliation or purification.

Example: The Native American pipe of peace, or calumet, stands for reconciliation or purification.

» Premio Nobel de la PazNobel Peace Laureate .

Example: The political leaders, social reformers and Nobel Peace Laureates were appalled by this dangerous phenomenon but they were all in a fix as to what to do.

» proceso de pazpeace process .

Example: The article is entitled 'Liberalism in a body bag: the foundering of the Middle East peace process'.

» quedar en pazeven + things upeven + things out .

Example: This year we decided to even things up by making something with more of a British focus.

Example: Many demographers have speculated that the gender imbalance at birth may be evolution's way of evening things out overall.

» que en paz descanseR.I.P. [rest in peace] .

Example: The words "rest in peace (R.I.P.)" appears on almost every tombstone.

» ¡que tanta paz lleves como descanso dejas!good riddance (to bad rubbish)! .

Example: I know how much he likes her and when she finally leaves it's gonna hurt him, but... good riddance to bad rubbish! I say.

» remanso de pazhaven of peace .

Example: Up to 1985 Tanzania had been considered a haven of peace in a region otherwise troubled by religious and ethnic conflicts.

» remanso de paz y tranquilidadhaven of peace and tranquillity .

Example: There are some simple ways to turn your home into a haven of peace and tranquility.

» símbolo de la pazpeace sign .

Example: These peace signs are made from recycled metal and are available in three sizes.

» tener un poco de paz y tranquilidadhave + a bit of peace and quiet .

Example: Many young people genuinely can't understand why most people over 25 prefer a bit of peace and quiet to constant noise.

» tiempos de pazpeacetime [peace time] .

Example: The author examines the cultural and social aspects of war and the aftermath into peacetime.

» tratado de pazpeace treaty .

Example: These agreements were not formal peace treaties.

» venir en son de pazcome in + peace .

Example: Christianity has historically been used to hoodwink various peoples into believing that Europeans were coming in peace.

» vivir en pazlive in + peacelive with + Reflexivo .

Example: This children's book demonstrates that both Jews and Arabs can cross the cultural divide that exists in Israel and live in peace.

Example: You've got such a big head that you could never live with yourself unless you could put us all to shame.

Paz synonyms

repose in spanish: reposo, pronunciation: ripoʊz part of speech: noun serenity in spanish: serenidad, pronunciation: sɜrenəti part of speech: noun heartsease in spanish: Heartsease, pronunciation: hɜrtsiz part of speech: noun peace of mind in spanish: tranquilidad de espíritu, pronunciation: pisʌvmaɪnd part of speech: noun ataraxis in spanish: ataraxis, pronunciation: ætɜræksɪs part of speech: noun peacefulness in spanish: tranquilidad, pronunciation: pisfəlnəs part of speech: noun peace treaty in spanish: tratado de paz, pronunciation: pistriti part of speech: noun public security in spanish: seguridad Pública, pronunciation: pʌblɪksɪkjʊrəti part of speech: noun
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