Pava in english


pronunciation: ketəl part of speech: noun
In gestures

pavo1 = turkey. 

Example: The section on livestock includes a separate unit on wild turkeys.


» moco de pavosnood .

Example: The long, red, fleshy area that grows from the forehead over the bill is a 'snood' while the fleshy growth under the turkey's throat is called a 'wattle'.

» no ser moco de pavobe no mean feat .

Example: Fees aside, earning a place at any of the UK's top drama schools is no mean feat.

» pavo realpeacock .

Example: The first epigram gives the reason for the following epigrams, which are about particular gifts: peacocks, purple fish, deer, ointment, and roses.

» pechuga de pavoturkey breast .

Example: Whitefish like cod and halibut, bison, turkey breast, chicken breast, and ostrich breast are all very low in calories and very rich in protein.

» pierna de pavoturkey leg .

Example: Turkey legs are commonly neglected in favor of breasts and thighs as a main course.

pavo2 = wet blanket ; wet ; drip ; wet fish. 

Example: I can also remember a time when slurs were uttered about Jewish people and if you didn't laugh you were considered a wet blanket.Example: You think she's a bit wet in the beginning and by the end she's fiery and she's so much fun to play.Example: The weakest character was Derek, he was a bit of a drip, whereas Odette is a feisty and beautiful character.Example: Bannister comes across as a bit of a wet fish, humorless and at times whiny.

Pava synonyms

boiler in spanish: caldera, pronunciation: bɔɪlɜr part of speech: noun timpani in spanish: tímpanos, pronunciation: tɪmpəni part of speech: noun tympanum in spanish: tímpano, pronunciation: tɪmpənəm part of speech: noun kettledrum in spanish: Kettledrum, pronunciation: ketlədrəm part of speech: noun tympani in spanish: tímpano, pronunciation: tɪmpɑni part of speech: noun kettleful in spanish: hervidor, pronunciation: ketəlfəl part of speech: noun
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