Paulatinamente in english


pronunciation: grædʒuəli part of speech: adverb
In gestures

paulatinamente = bit by bit ; gradually ; by degrees. 

Example: I love movies like that -- where slowly, gradually, bit by bit, all the characters realize that the villain was really disastrously mendacious and criminal.Example: The indexing changes gradually with time, as the natural language of the documents covered by the index evolves.Example: Dementia is a heart-rending process to witness, watching somebody vanish by degrees in this way, seeing them losing all recognition for the people they've loved for their entire lives.


» acabar paulatinamentewind + Nombre + down .

Example: Not the least of the ironies of this venture is that going ahead with it is as full of hazard as winding it down abruptly.

» ascender paulatinamentework + Posesivo + way up .

Example: A slow burn began in her toes and worked its way up her body as he turned and pressed her back against the wall of the hallway.

» retirar paulatinamentephase out .

Example: At the end of 1983 all customs duties between EFTA (European Free Trade Association) and EC countries were phased out = A finales de l983, se eliminaron progresivamente todos los aranceles entre los países de la EFTA (Asociación Europea para el Libre Comercio) y los de la CE.

» subir paulatinamentework + Posesivo + way up .

Example: A slow burn began in her toes and worked its way up her body as he turned and pressed her back against the wall of the hallway.

Paulatinamente synonyms

step by step in spanish: paso a paso, pronunciation: stepbaɪstep part of speech: adverb bit by bit in spanish: poco a poco, pronunciation: bɪtbaɪbɪt part of speech: adverb
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