Patíbulo in english


pronunciation: gæloʊz part of speech: noun
In gestures

patíbulo = gallows ; scaffold. 

Example: Carlyle pointed out that every town has its majesty's police, prisons and gallows but not its majesty's library.Example: His defense of the necessity of war for humanity is rooted in a defense of tradition, & ritual bloodshed on the scaffold or the battle field.


» mástil del patíbulogallows pole .

Example: Found guilty and sentenced to death, by the time the rooster crows he'll be hanging from the gallows pole.

Patíbulo synonyms

gibbet in spanish: horca, pronunciation: gɪbət part of speech: noun gallous in spanish: galloso, pronunciation: gæləs part of speech: noun gallowstree in spanish: Gallowstree, pronunciation: gæloʊstri part of speech: noun
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