Patético in english


pronunciation: pəθetɪk part of speech: adjective
In gestures

patético = poignant ; pathetic ; moving ; pitiful ; sorry ass. 

Example: There was something inexpressibly poignant about the sight of the once powerful Roger Balzac sitting quiescently like a victim in a noose across the desk from him.Example: Marshall Edmonds seemed pathetic to her, a person more to be pitied than to be scorned.Example: Of them all, The Cosy Owl by James Banks is perhaps the most instructive and moving novel.Example: Today's pitiful situation must be improved drastically to cope with the overwhelming demand of clients for better library service.Example: What do you think of a woman expecting a baby working her ass off supporting a sorry ass man that will not work?.


» ser patéticobe a joke .

Example: The Nobel prizewinning chemistry professor argues that TV's science programming is a joke.

Patético synonyms

poor in spanish: pobre, pronunciation: pur part of speech: adjective ridiculous in spanish: ridículo, pronunciation: rɪdɪkjələs part of speech: adjective wretched in spanish: desdichado, pronunciation: retʃɪd part of speech: adjective silly in spanish: tonto, pronunciation: sɪli part of speech: adjective hapless in spanish: desventurado, pronunciation: hæpləs part of speech: adjective miserable in spanish: miserable, pronunciation: mɪzɜrəbəl part of speech: adjective pitiful in spanish: lamentable, pronunciation: pɪtəfəl part of speech: adjective contemptible in spanish: despreciable, pronunciation: kəntemptəbəl part of speech: adjective piteous in spanish: lastimoso, pronunciation: pɪtiəs part of speech: adjective unfortunate in spanish: desgraciado, pronunciation: ənfɔrtʃənət part of speech: adjective pitiable in spanish: lamentable, pronunciation: pɪtiəbəl part of speech: adjective misfortunate in spanish: desafortunado, pronunciation: mɪsfɔrtʃənət part of speech: adjective undignified in spanish: indigno, pronunciation: əndɪgnɪfaɪd part of speech: adjective
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