Patrón in english


pronunciation: pætɜrn part of speech: noun
In gestures

patrón1 = employer ; master ; patron ; gaffer. 

Example: But we have an obligation to these students, to their future employers and colleagues, to society in general and to ourselves to ensure that our 'processing' makes an important difference.Example: They were displeased, as were the men, that we should be the masters, and should behave towards each other in this way.Example: As a result they were obligated to remain generally uninvolved in the patron's efforts to make a decision.Example: Watford gaffer believes his team's home games hold the key to their ability to survive in the Premiership.


» apoyado por los patronesemployer-backed .

Example: But it has to be said that many, if not most, of the successes in employer-backed changes have been achieved from the staff side.

» festividad del patrónpatron saint's day .

Example: St. George's Day (23 April) is the annually recognised patron saint's day in England, generally observed by the raising of the Cross of St. George on flag poles across the country.

» fiesta del día del patrónpatron saint's day .

Example: St. George's Day (23 April) is the annually recognised patron saint's day in England, generally observed by the raising of the Cross of St. George on flag poles across the country.

» patrón de las artespatron of the arts .

Example: His political career has tended to overshadow his activity as a patron of the arts.

» santo patrónpatron saint .

Example: This paper discusses Saint Jerome, the patron saint of librarians, and asks if any readers can throw light on how he came to be selected.

patrón2 = pattern. 

Example: In the same way that citation orders may have more or less theoretical foundations, equally reference generation may follow a predetermined pattern.


» cortado por el mismo patróna chip off the old block .

Example: The article has the title 'Tomorrow's information worker -- new man or chip off the old block'.

» estar cortados por el mismo patrónbe tarred with the same brushbe two of a kindbe cut from the same clothbe cast in the same mould .

Example: The pot calls the kettle black may be used when one scoundrel reviles another -- they are tarred with the same brush.

Example: On the surface, they're like oil and water, but deep down, they're two of a kind.

Example: Twins may appear to be cut from the same cloth, but their genes reveal a different pattern.

Example: To me they all looked alike, the same size, and seemed to have been cast in the same mould.

» juzgar a Alguien con el mismo patróntar + Nombre + with the same brushtreat + Nombre + the same (way)treat + Nombre + equally .

Example: I've not tarred him with the same brush as my ex but I can't help but be cautious!.

Example: If I treat everyone the same way, I am for sure being biased because each individual is unique.

Example: Equality means you treat everyone equally, not give special treatment to minorities.

» medir a Alguien con el mismo patróntreat + Nombre + the same (way)tar + Nombre + with the same brushtreat + Nombre + equally .

Example: If I treat everyone the same way, I am for sure being biased because each individual is unique.

Example: I've not tarred him with the same brush as my ex but I can't help but be cautious!.

Example: Equality means you treat everyone equally, not give special treatment to minorities.

» patrón comúnruling pattern .

Example: This article examines the distribution of abstracts on standard documents under various headings with a view to finding a ruling pattern.

» patrón de citacitation pattern [En bibliometría, todo lo referido a la forma y principalmente el contenido de las citas hechas por los autores] .

Example: The shifts seen in all these data suggest that an editor who intends to change a journal may have an impact on the citation patterns of that publication.

» patrón de citacióncitation behaviour [En bibliometría, todo lo referido a la forma y principalmente el contenido de las citas hechas por los autores] .

Example: Data derived from studies of Philippine scientists and Korean mathematicians do suggest that place of publication may exert some influence on citation behaviour.

» patrón de comportamientopattern of behaviourbehavioural patternbehaviour pattern .

Example: In all cases a random transaction log was derived and this was used to diagnose system problems and identify patterns of behaviour.

Example: Increased attention has been given to the study of man's behavioral patterns.

Example: Quite clearly there could be no hope of coaxing such a variety of users into a uniform behaviour pattern.

» patrón de conductapattern of behaviourbehavioural patternbehaviour pattern .

Example: In all cases a random transaction log was derived and this was used to diagnose system problems and identify patterns of behaviour.

Example: Increased attention has been given to the study of man's behavioral patterns.

Example: Quite clearly there could be no hope of coaxing such a variety of users into a uniform behaviour pattern.

» patrón de encuadernaciónbinding pattern .

Example: Binding patterns give the information needed when a group of periodical copies are to be bound together.

» patrón de erroreserror pattern .

Example: In the second, major descriptor phrases that begin with the word 'error' are retrieved, such as 'error analysis (language),' 'error of measurement,' and 'error patterns'.

» patrón de hacer puntoknitting pattern .

Example: By the end of the decade, Swansea libraries were stocking knitting patterns.

» patrón de predicciónprediction pattern .

Example: Prediction patterns tell the system when the issues of a periodical are expected, how to handle them when they do arrive, and what to do if they do not appear within a reasonable time after they are expected.

» patrón de sueñosleep pattern .

Example: Shift workers pay a heavy price for abnormal sleep patterns.

» patrón de usouse patternusage pattern .

Example: The author discusses the use of bar codes as a method of assessing use patterns of bound periodicals.

Example: These characteristics were used to create a model to record and analyse usage patterns.

» patrón oro, elgold standard, the .

Example: Rocket scientists, long considered the gold standard in intelligence among all professionals, are not nearly as smart as originally thought.

» reconocimiento de patronespattern recognition .

Example: This is an analysis of the reactivity of single bonds in aliphatic molecules by statistical and pattern recognition methods.

» seguir un patrónconform to + an image .

Example: The author investigates the extent to which metropolitan library directors conform to this image.

Patrón synonyms

form in spanish: formar, pronunciation: fɔrm part of speech: noun, verb design in spanish: diseño, pronunciation: dɪzaɪn part of speech: noun practice in spanish: práctica, pronunciation: præktəs part of speech: noun rule in spanish: regla, pronunciation: rul part of speech: noun model in spanish: modelo, pronunciation: mɑdəl part of speech: noun figure in spanish: figura, pronunciation: fɪgjɜr part of speech: noun shape in spanish: forma, pronunciation: ʃeɪp part of speech: noun convention in spanish: convención, pronunciation: kənvenʃən part of speech: noun formula in spanish: fórmula, pronunciation: fɔrmjələ part of speech: noun blueprint in spanish: cianotipo, pronunciation: bluprɪnt part of speech: noun normal in spanish: normal, pronunciation: nɔrməl part of speech: adjective traffic pattern in spanish: patrón de tráfico, pronunciation: træfɪkpætɜrn part of speech: noun approach pattern in spanish: patrón de aproximación, pronunciation: əproʊtʃpætɜrn part of speech: noun
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