Patrocinar in english


pronunciation: spɑnsɜr part of speech: noun, verb
In gestures

patrocinar = sponsor. 

Example: Since 1980 it has offered access to data bases and data banks either wholly or partially sponsored by the Commission of the European Communities.


» patrocinar en colaboración conco-host .

Example: The conference is co-hosted by Johns Hopkins University's Sheridan Libraries and will be held on the university's campus in Baltimore.

» patrocinar un congresohost + a conferencehost + a congress .

Example: This is an issue devoted in part to papers presented at the conference arranged and hosted by the State Library of New South Wales.

Example: The congress was hosted by the Agricultural Information Association for Australasia and held 23-26 Jan 95, Melbourne, Australia.

Patrocinar synonyms

shop in spanish: tienda, pronunciation: ʃɑp part of speech: noun patron in spanish: patrón, pronunciation: peɪtrən part of speech: noun patronize in spanish: patrocinar, pronunciation: peɪtrənaɪz part of speech: verb frequent in spanish: frecuente, pronunciation: frikwənt part of speech: adjective supporter in spanish: seguidor, pronunciation: səpɔrtɜr part of speech: noun shop at in spanish: comprar en, pronunciation: ʃɑpæt part of speech: verb buy at in spanish: Compra en, pronunciation: baɪæt part of speech: verb
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