Patrocinador in english


pronunciation: spɑnsɜr part of speech: noun, verb
In gestures

patrocinador = patron ; sponsor ; sponsoring ; funder ; backer ; funding body ; funding agency. 

Example: As a result they were obligated to remain generally uninvolved in the patron's efforts to make a decision.Example: Particular attention must be paid to: names of the agents of organisations acting as sponsors to the conference.Example: The draft was approved by the sponsoring Sections in December 1983 and proofreading and preparation of the camera-ready copy were completed by September 1984.Example: Public libraries have reacted to the need to account for their services to their funders, the tax payers.Example: The author urges librarians and library backers to be more assertive in their requests for funding.Example: Many librarians in smaller specialised libraries have to work with limited and diminishing resources, often because the importance of the service is not fully understood by the funding body.Example: This also allows funding agencies to place programs into perspective and to evaluate the effects of cutting monies from or adding monies to the budget.


» agencia patrocinadorasponsoring agency .

Example: Sometimes the following additional data are also present: sponsoring agency, and its report number.

» copatrocinadorco-sponsor [cosponsor] .

Example: Co-sponsors are the New England Museum Association and The National Heritage Museum.

Patrocinador synonyms

shop in spanish: tienda, pronunciation: ʃɑp part of speech: noun patron in spanish: patrón, pronunciation: peɪtrən part of speech: noun patronize in spanish: patrocinar, pronunciation: peɪtrənaɪz part of speech: verb frequent in spanish: frecuente, pronunciation: frikwənt part of speech: adjective supporter in spanish: seguidor, pronunciation: səpɔrtɜr part of speech: noun shop at in spanish: comprar en, pronunciation: ʃɑpæt part of speech: verb buy at in spanish: Compra en, pronunciation: baɪæt part of speech: verb
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