Patria in english


pronunciation: hoʊmlænd part of speech: noun
In gestures

patria = motherland ; homeland ; fatherland ; native country ; native land. 

Example: When the Second World War broke out, my motherland was arduously fighting against Japanese imperialism.Example: A great number of these publications were significantly influenced by the political scene in their respective homelands.Example: Hitler referred to Germany as the fatherland because that's where his father came from -- his mother was Austrian.Example: After the civil war ended, the refugees were able to return to their native country.Example: En route to England after the funeral for her husband, she had plans to scatter his ashes in his native land.


» madre patriamotherlandhomelandfatherlandnative land .

Example: When the Second World War broke out, my motherland was arduously fighting against Japanese imperialism.

Example: A great number of these publications were significantly influenced by the political scene in their respective homelands.

Example: Hitler referred to Germany as the fatherland because that's where his father came from -- his mother was Austrian.

Example: En route to England after the funeral for her husband, she had plans to scatter his ashes in his native land.

» patria chicahome townhome city .

Example: It occurred to him that the library might subscribe to his boyhood home town newspaper.

Example: Lisa Woodman has been banned from every nightclub in her home city for dressing too skimpily.

Patria synonyms

motherland in spanish: patria, pronunciation: mʌðɜrlænd part of speech: noun fatherland in spanish: patria, pronunciation: fɑðɜrlænd part of speech: noun country of origin in spanish: país de origen, pronunciation: kʌntriʌvɔrədʒən part of speech: noun mother country in spanish: país natal, pronunciation: mʌðɜrkʌntri part of speech: noun native land in spanish: tierra nativa, pronunciation: neɪtɪvlænd part of speech: noun
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