Patoso in english


pronunciation: pɑtoʊsoʊ part of speech: none
In gestures

patoso = bumbler ; duffer ; ham-handed. 

Example: Henry Ellis is traditionally depicted as a reactionary bumbler who held back reform of the department of printed books.Example: Plus, no matter what she did to stop people from picking on her she always ended up being called a duffer.Example: The League of Nations was a comically ham-handed debacle which collapsed in complete failure, disgracing all who were associated with it.


» ser muy patosobe all (fingers and) thumbs .

Example: The first time I did it I was all fingers and thumbs, but practice brings the reward of ease.

» ser un patosohave + two left feet .

Example: Our classes will appeal to everyone, including people who have not had the confidence to dance before and believe they have two left feet.
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