Patitieso in english


pronunciation: pətətisoʊ part of speech: none
In gestures

patitieso = gobsmacked. 

Example: Recent statistics about the volume of junk e-mail are so astounding as to leave any reasonable person gobsmacked.


» dejar patitiesoleave + Nombre + dumbfoundeddumbfound .

Example: She sprang to the door, flung it open, and disappeared, leaving the husband and wife dumfounded and quaking with fright.

Example: I told her that I thought he was a good president, which seemed to dumbfound her and wrecked my chances of appearing on her show.

» quedarse patitiesofreeze to + deathfreeze + Posesivo + nuts off .

Example: The deportees died in part starving and freezing to death in concentration camps and in part working themselves to death under a barbaric police regimen.

Example: He excused himself because he was snivelling a bit as a result of sitting outside on Sunday for five hours in pouring driving rain, freezing his nuts off.
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