Patio in english


pronunciation: pleɪgraʊnd part of speech: noun
In gestures

patio = courtyard ; atrium [atria, -pl.] ; yard ; backyard ; patio ; grounds. 

Example: No one ever arrived without some mishap at the two large cages at the far end of that gloomy room (which projected like a pair of wretched pavilions in the courtyard).Example: The extension was designed to blend with the original listed building and the two have been linked by a glass atrium giving access to the whole library.Example: The whole of the ground floor was one large room, lit by an old-fashioned window looking onto the street and by a large sash-window giving onto an enclosed yard.Example: Backyard TV antennas developed as an offshoot of cable technology.Example: Many customers are showing more interest in getting a patio for their garden in recent years.Example: Staff at a children's play-centre have been advised to carry out daily searches for drugs hidden in foliage in its grounds.


» estufa de patiopatio heatermushroom heaterumbrella heater .

Example: Even as the days turn cooler, you'll be toasty warm with our patio heaters at the ready.

Example: Mushroom heaters have already become part of the standard inventory on the terraces of many restaurants.

Example: Many pubs have put large umbrella heaters outside so their customers don't get too cold while smoking.

» juego de patio de recreoplayground game .

Example: Playground games show that children like catastrophes and exhibitions of speed and power.

» ojo de patiolight well .

Example: Designed to make the most use of natural light it features light wells which create a sense of space = Diseñado para aprovechar al máximo la luz natural contiene ojos de patio que crean una sensación de espacio.

» patio de butacasorchestra seats .

Example: The highest price orchestra seats were about $55, while the lowest-price balcony seats were about $17.

» patio de butacas, elstall, the .

Example: In a former study the listening quality in the theatre was evaluated by measurements in the stall and in the boxes.

» patio de granjafarmyard .

Example: The path led to a cluster of buildings similar in outward appearances to those found in farmyards and stables.

» patio de la escuelaschoolyard [school yard] .

Example: Now, however, with nearly 80,000 foreign workers in the country, incidents of racism and discrimination (such as insults and mobbing in schoolyards) occur daily.

» patio del recreoschoolyard [school yard] .

Example: Now, however, with nearly 80,000 foreign workers in the country, incidents of racism and discrimination (such as insults and mobbing in schoolyards) occur daily.

» patio de recreoplayground .

Example: Students were required to work through geometric concepts in designing a playground.

» patio interiorenclosed courtyard .

Example: It's an old farmhouse with outbuildings and large enclosed courtyard in a pretty village close to Montbard.

» puerta del patiopatio door .

Example: I heard a bonk on the patio door and found this little bird stunned on the ground.

Patio synonyms

resort in spanish: recurso, pronunciation: rɪzɔrt part of speech: noun, verb vacation spot in spanish: lugar de vacaciones, pronunciation: veɪkeɪʃənspɑt part of speech: noun holiday resort in spanish: complejo de vacaciones, pronunciation: hɑlədeɪrɪzɔrt part of speech: noun
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