Paternidad in english


pronunciation: pətɜrnɪti part of speech: noun
In gestures

paternidad = parenthood ; fatherhood ; paternity. 

Example: The specific focus of the study is to take up these questions in relation to education and preparation for parenthood.Example: The author concludes that children would get an incomplete image of fatherhood and would benefit from more books presenting strong and positive father images.Example: Establishing paternity gives a child born outside of marriage the same legal rights as a child born to married parents.


» baja por paternidadpaternal leave .

Example: The author examines policies affecting child care (both day care & maternal or paternal leave) in Canada.

» permiso de paternidadpaternity leave .

Example: Paternity leave is not recognised in employment law in Ireland.

» permiso por paternidadpaternal leave .

Example: The author examines policies affecting child care (both day care & maternal or paternal leave) in Canada.

» prueba de paternidadpaternity test .

Example: A prenatal paternity test is a conclusive way to determine if a man is the father of an unborn child.

» test de paternidadpaternity test .

Example: A prenatal paternity test is a conclusive way to determine if a man is the father of an unborn child.

Paternidad synonyms

fatherhood in spanish: paternidad, pronunciation: fɑðɜrhʊd part of speech: noun
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