Paternal in english


pronunciation: pətɜrnəl part of speech: adjective
In gestures

paternal = fatherly ; avuncular. 

Example: 'I'm rather surprised that Arnold would have bothered you with such a trivial matter, Ms. Bragge,' Wronski said with a reassuring smile which had an almost fatherly quality.Example: From an avuncular interest to a more prodding, investigative, and evaluative role, the ALA has become the accrediting agency for library education.


» amor paternalparental love .

Example: Parents can show warmth and caring by hugging their children and reassuring them of parental love and concern for their welfare.

» deber paternalparental duty .

Example: We got a licking when we messed up -- it was part of parental duty and loving concern.

» formación paternalparenting education .

Example: It contains 3 major components: adult literacy, early childhood education, and parenting education.

» permiso paternalparental permission .

Example: Participants will be required to obtain parental permissions before entering the contest.

Paternal synonyms

agnate in spanish: agnado, pronunciation: ægneɪt part of speech: noun, adjective maternal in spanish: materno, pronunciation: mətɜrnəl part of speech: adjective parental in spanish: de los padres, pronunciation: pɜrentəl part of speech: adjective paternalistic in spanish: paternalista, pronunciation: pətɜrnəlɪstɪk part of speech: adjective agnatic in spanish: agnatic, pronunciation: ægnætɪk part of speech: adjective fatherly in spanish: paternal, pronunciation: fɑðɜrli part of speech: adjective fatherlike in spanish: paternal, pronunciation: fɑðɜrlaɪk part of speech: adjective
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