Patente in english


pronunciation: pætənt part of speech: noun
In gestures

patentar = patent. 

Example: Those basic catalog rules have worked surprisingly well considering that 1876 was the year that Alexander Graham Bell patented the telephone.

patente1 = patent. 

Example: Aperture cards, where the full text of the document is kept in a special index card in the form of a microfiche, have been used for various collections of, for instance, patents and technical drawings.


» base de datos de patentesWPI .

Example: Also available are other assorted data bases, including ACCOUNTANTS (index), SPORT (printed equivalent is Sport and Recreation Index), and WPI (World Patents Index covering the patent specifications issued by patent offices in major industrial nations).

» de patentespatenting .

Example: This article examines the evolution of patenting practice in the European Patent Office in respect of breadth of claims in the field of biotechnological inventions.

» derecho de patentespatent law .

Example: It is possible to mix and match from copyright law, patent law and trade secret and contract law, and the choice of avenue offering the best protection will depend upon many variables.

» derechos de patentepatent rights .

Example: If it were not, Mr Dunlop would not have sold the patent rights in his pneumatic tyre for $1,000 instead of accepting a small royalty on each one manufactured.

» información sobre patentespatent information .

Example: Economic necessity will enforce an improvement in the provision of patent information in Hungary.

» ley de patentes, lapatent act, the .

Example: Under the Patent Act, an applicant for a Canadian patent has two statutory obligations to act in good faith.

» leyes sobre patentespatent law .

Example: It is possible to mix and match from copyright law, patent law and trade secret and contract law, and the choice of avenue offering the best protection will depend upon many variables.

» literatura de patentespatent literature .

Example: As far as patent literature is concerned, the first patent in the field of plasmochemical synthesis was published in 1978 by Diamond Shamrock Corp = En lo que concierne a la literatura de patentes, la primera en el campo de la síntesis plasmoquímica fue publicada en 1978 por la Diamond Shamrock Cía.

» literatura no relacionada con patentesnon-patent literature .

Example: A patentability search is made to identify patents and non-patent literature which may affect the patentability of an invention.

» no relacionado con patentesnon-patent .

Example: The programme will focus on a practical understanding ownership issues relating to non-patent intellectual property.

» oficina de patentespatent office .

Example: Also available are other assorted data bases, including ACCOUNTANTS (index), SPORT (printed equivalent is Sport and Recreation Index), and WPI (World Patents Index covering the patent specifications issued by patent offices in major industrial nations).

» patente de corsoLetter of Marque and Reprisal .

Example: Letters of Marque and Reprisal were the official documents by which 18th-century governments commissioned private commercial ships, known as privateers, to act on their behalf, attacking ships carrying the flags of enemy nations.

» patente de refinamiento petrolíferorefining patent .

Example: APIPAT, also from API, covers refining patents from various countries.

» patente en trámitepatent pendingpatent applied for .

Example: The term patent pending may be marked upon a product as soon as, but never before, the patent application is submitted.

Example: The patent office does not issue any notice that specifically tells an inventor when they can use 'patent applied for'.

» relativo a las patentespatenting .

Example: This article examines the evolution of patenting practice in the European Patent Office in respect of breadth of claims in the field of biotechnological inventions.

» titular de una patentepatentee  .

Example: This article corroborates the conclusions that most patents in developing countries are held by foreign patentees and these developing countries are technologically less inventive.

patente2 = obvious ; self-evident ; clear ; patent ; writ large. 

Example: If this is not the case then the title to be used as a heading for a work is less obvious.Example: Such conventions are so ingrained in American library practice that it is easy to forget they are not self-evident.Example: In practice the distinction between one term and the next is not very clear = In practice the distinction between one term and the next is not very clear.Example: It was patent that they could not compete on equal terms with the economic and social forces of a complex civilization.Example: The burkini is religious fundamentalism writ large on women's bodies.


» hacerse patentebecome + clearbring + homecome through .

Example: If one walks round a large general booskshop and carefully appraises the stock on display it becomes clear quite quickly that there are many types of books which seem to bear a strong similarity to each other.

Example: The demands made of libraries by new technologies have brought home the need for rethinking in the areas of electrical cabling and soundproofing.

Example: More sophisticated accreditation systems are coming through, but these are currently relatively little used in these areas, and are more common in ecommerce applications.

Patente synonyms

manifest in spanish: manifiesto, pronunciation: mænəfest part of speech: adjective, verb plain in spanish: llanura, pronunciation: pleɪn part of speech: adjective, noun apparent in spanish: aparente, pronunciation: əperənt part of speech: adjective obvious in spanish: obvio, pronunciation: ɑbviəs part of speech: adjective evident in spanish: evidente, pronunciation: evədənt part of speech: adjective letters patent in spanish: cartas patentes, pronunciation: letɜrzpætənt part of speech: noun
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