Pastoreo in english


pronunciation: greɪzɪŋ part of speech: noun
In gestures

pastorear = herd. 

Example: In the wet season animals were herded, whereas in the dry season animals were mostly left to range freely.

pastoreo = grazing. 

Example: The vegetation of this nature reserve is only affected to smaller degrees by grazing and wood cutting due to geographical factors limiting access.


» tierra de pastoreopasture landpasturage .

Example: The informality of the modern library provides one of the richest pasture lands of all for breeding reading people = La informalidad de la biblioteca moderna ofrece una de las tierras de pasto más ricas de todas para producir gente lectora.

Example: Breeders with limited amounts of pasturage may find it necessary to wether the male kids in order prevent them from breeding the female goats.

» zona de pastoreograzing area .

Example: The estate grounds are set out as gardens, grazing areas for animals and car parking spaces.

Pastoreo synonyms

graze in spanish: pacer, pronunciation: greɪz part of speech: verb skimming in spanish: rozando, pronunciation: skɪmɪŋ part of speech: noun shaving in spanish: afeitado, pronunciation: ʃeɪvɪŋ part of speech: noun
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