Pastoral in english


pronunciation: pæstɜrəl part of speech: adjective, noun
In gestures

pastoral = pastoral. 

Example: This article pays particular attention to the pastor's vulnerability, while carrying out pastoral duties, to civil lawsuits for malpractice.


» báculo pastoralcrozier [crosier] .

Example: In the first portrait we see a bearded bishop holding his crozier but not wearing his mitre.

Pastoral synonyms

bucolic in spanish: bucólico, pronunciation: bjukɑlɪk part of speech: adjective rustic in spanish: rústico, pronunciation: rʌstɪk part of speech: adjective pleasant in spanish: agradable, pronunciation: plezənt part of speech: adjective rural in spanish: rural, pronunciation: rʊrəl part of speech: adjective idyllic in spanish: idílico, pronunciation: aɪdɪlɪk part of speech: adjective idyll in spanish: idilio, pronunciation: aɪdəl part of speech: noun arcadian in spanish: árcade, pronunciation: ɑrkeɪdiən part of speech: adjective, noun pastorale in spanish: pastoral, pronunciation: pæstɜreɪl part of speech: noun
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