Pasto in english


pronunciation: græs part of speech: noun
In gestures

pastar = graze (on). 

Example: Whereas, before, the land was dense with stately white pines, now apple, plum, pear, peach, and cherry orchards stood in regimented rows and cattle grazed peacefully.

pasto = pasture ; fodder. 

Example: The article 'The information society of the 1990s; blue sky and green pastures?' considers how the transformation into an information intensive society affects the day to day life of an individual.Example: The diverse range of perspectives represented provides fodder for lively debates.


» alimentado con pastograss-fed  ; pasture-fed  .

Example: Grass-fed beef also excels nutritionally in vitamin A, E and Beta Carotene, over grain-fed beef.

Example: Pasture-fed cattle have a far smaller carbon footprint, and produce carcasses that have a natural balance between Omega-6 fatty acids and Omega-3 fatty acids.

» gran extensión de tierra dedicada a la cría de animales de pastrangeland .

Example: This article discusses research conducted with wool producers in semi-arid rangelands in Australia.

» lugar de pastofeeding ground .

Example: The large pod of about 75 narwhals milled around the bay in the summer feeding grounds.

» pasto de limónlemongrass .

Example: Our testing found that gently pounding individual stalks released the delicate, perfumed and flavorful oils of the lemongrass.

» pastosgrassland .

Example: The article is entitled 'Satellite-based monitoring of grassland curing in Victoria, Australia'.

» pastos mejoresgreener pastures [Usado comúnmente en sentido figurado]pastures new .

Example: This threatens to reverse the recent brain drain that has seen scientists flee the US for greener pastures north of the border.

Example: Therefore this would be a good time to explore pastures new, so make an extra effort and put yourself in the shop window and show the world what you can do.

» ser pasto de las llamasgo up in + flamesburn outburn + Nombre + to (a) cinder(s)burn + Nombre + to ashesburn + Nombre + to the groundgo up in + smoke .

Example: The title of the article is 'National library in Sarajevo destroyed; collections, archives go up in flames'.

Example: The National Library of Bosnia and Herzegovina in Sarajevo was bombed and burnt out with the loss of 90 per cent of its stock.

Example: Then we just had to cross our fingers, because if a disease like foulbrood happens to infect your hive, you have to burn it to cinders.

Example: Then set it on fire and burn it to ashes.

Example: I don't really understand how someone could put so much work into something only to burn it to the ground.

Example: She wrote a paper with the title 'Incendiary guilt: when your labels go up in smoke'.

» tierra de pastospasture land .

Example: The informality of the modern library provides one of the richest pasture lands of all for breeding reading people = La informalidad de la biblioteca moderna ofrece una de las tierras de pasto más ricas de todas para producir gente lectora.

» zona de pastofeeding groundgrazing area .

Example: The large pod of about 75 narwhals milled around the bay in the summer feeding grounds.

Example: The estate grounds are set out as gardens, grazing areas for animals and car parking spaces.

Pasto synonyms

shop in spanish: tienda, pronunciation: ʃɑp part of speech: noun rat in spanish: rata, pronunciation: ræt part of speech: noun pot in spanish: maceta, pronunciation: pɑt part of speech: noun weed in spanish: hierba, pronunciation: wid part of speech: noun, verb dope in spanish: droga, pronunciation: doʊp part of speech: noun gage in spanish: calibrar, pronunciation: geɪdʒ part of speech: noun denounce in spanish: denunciar, pronunciation: dɪnaʊns part of speech: verb smoke in spanish: fumar, pronunciation: smoʊk part of speech: noun, verb forage in spanish: forraje, pronunciation: fɔrɪdʒ part of speech: noun betray in spanish: traicionar, pronunciation: bɪtreɪ part of speech: verb stag in spanish: ciervo, pronunciation: stæg part of speech: noun skunk in spanish: zorrillo, pronunciation: skʌŋk part of speech: noun peach in spanish: melocotón, pronunciation: pitʃ part of speech: noun snitch in spanish: soplón, pronunciation: snɪtʃ part of speech: noun, verb pasture in spanish: pasto, pronunciation: pæstʃɜr part of speech: noun cannabis in spanish: canabis, pronunciation: kænəbəs part of speech: noun marijuana in spanish: marijuana, pronunciation: merəwɑnə part of speech: noun ganja in spanish: marihuana, pronunciation: gænjə part of speech: noun sens in spanish: sens, pronunciation: senz part of speech: noun sess in spanish: sess, pronunciation: ses part of speech: noun pasturage in spanish: pasto, pronunciation: pæstʃɜrɪdʒ part of speech: noun give away in spanish: regalar, pronunciation: gɪvəweɪ part of speech: verb marihuana in spanish: marihuana, pronunciation: merɪhwɑnə part of speech: noun mary jane in spanish: mary jane, pronunciation: meridʒeɪn part of speech: noun eatage in spanish: comer, pronunciation: itɪdʒ part of speech: noun tell on in spanish: soplarse, pronunciation: telɑn part of speech: verb cannabis sativa in spanish: cannabis sativa, pronunciation: kænəbəsɑtivə part of speech: noun mary-jane in spanish: mary-jane, pronunciation: meridʒeɪn grass over in spanish: hierba sobre, pronunciation: græsoʊvɜr part of speech: verb
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