Pastilla in english


pronunciation: tæblət part of speech: noun
In gestures

pastilla = prescription pill ; pill ; tablet ; lozenge. 

Example: The sculpture consists of large plaster replicas of prescription pills (mostly sedatives and anti-depressants) in three sizes that promote different forms of human reception.Example: White respondents are more than six times as likely to use pills to vomit as a method of weight management.Example: There are many different tablets available to treat diabetes.Example: These lozenges are suitable for smokers who have their first cigarette of the day within 30 minutes of waking up.


» a toda pastillain the fast laneon the fast trackfast laneoverdrivefull steam aheadfull-tiltat full tiltfull-throttleat a rate of knots [Aquí knot tiene el significado de nudo marino, medida de velocidad]at top speedat full blastat full speedfull speed aheadfull throttled .

Example: The article 'A charmed brew: document delivery and collection in the fast lane' examines the implications of the proliferation of document delivery services and types of access available for librarians.

Example: The article 'On the fast track or the road to nowhere' points to the growing practice of subsuming public libraries into larger departments headed by non-librarians = El artículo "A la vanguardia o en un camino sin rumbo" pone de manifiesto la costumbre cada vez más frecuente de incluir las bibliotecas públicas dentro de órganismos más grandes dirigidos por personal no bibliotecario.

Example: The article is entitled 'The news librarians: fast lane information professionals' = El artículo se titula "Los documentalistas de los medios de comunicación: profesionales de la información a toda pastilla".

Example: The article is entitled 'Internet overdrive. No place for Sunday drivers'.

Example: The article 'Full steam ahead' describes the implementation of optical disc based imaging system at the photographic library of the National Railway Museum in York.

Example: Do not march off full-tilt in front of the readers.

Example: Their regular tasks keep them working at full tilt at all times.

Example: As we enter full-throttle into the Information Age, the mere mention of 'the information highway' conjures up a predictable set of high-tech images.

Example: The results appear there and then not only on the VDU screen but also on a roll of paper which spills out of the attached printer at a rate of knots.

Example: Loosing control at top speed on a highway full of cars, these guys where lucky they recovered without hitting any cars.

Example: With every air-conditioner running at full blast, the city's creaky infrastructure is often stretched beyond the breaking point.

Example: A train cruising at full speed hit an excavator that had backed up onto the track.

Example: We are full speed ahead, we are hoping to continue the good work that we have started.

Example: Is today's jarring coexistence of prurience and prudery merely a transitional phenomenon as the Chinese race, full throttled, toward sexual liberation?.

» avanzar a toda pastillasteam aheadgo (on) + full steam aheadcarry on + full steam ahead .

Example: Capitalism in the US & GB is steaming ahead at a rapid pace relatively unthreatened by other economies of the world.

Example: They are part of those who want to see the war on drugs go full steam ahead, regardless of the consequences to non-violent offenders.

Example: The rest of the world will carry on full steam ahead irrespective of who you are in this world, only a handfull of people will feel genuine loss if this had to happen.

» conducir a toda pastilladrive + flat outdrive like + a lunaticdrive like + the clappers .

Example: During the last hour of the race, with both drivers exhausted, but still driving flat out, the lead changed hands again and again.

Example: A motorist was driving 'like a lunatic' when he caused a crash which killed two teenage passengers.

Example: Following in the footsteps of Napoleon, we drove like the clappers towards Moscow along a good quality motorway.

» correr a toda pastillarun like + the clappersrun + flat out .

Example: They can run like the clappers, to boot, and have very few predators.

Example: A cheetah running flat out swivels its shoulder blades and flexes its spine to increase the length of its stride and increase its speed.

» ir a toda pastillazipbucketgo into + overdrivezap along .

Example: When you get the hang of filleting, you can zip through a pile of fish pretty quickly.

Example: The driver whipped the horses into action, and I gripped the side rails of the chariot as we bucketed through the streets of Gebtu.

Example: If you repeatedly deadhead - trim off the spent flowers - the plant goes into overdrive.

Example: Feel the power of these jet skis as you zap along the Cornish coastline = Siente el poder de estas motos de agua mientras te mueves a toda mecha por las costas de Cornualles.

» pasar a toda pastillazip + pastshoot + past .

Example: She abruptly jumped back as a car zipped past.

Example: She checked the mirror as she shot past a minivan and two cars, the needle of her speedometer twenty miles over the speed limit.

» pastilla contra el mareotravel-sick tablet [Al viajar]travel-sick pill [Al viajar]travel sickness tablet [Al viajar]travel sickness pill [Al viajar]sea sickness pill [Al viajar por el agua]sea sickness tablet .

Example: If you are prone to motion sickness it might be wise to take a travel-sick tablet, although it is rare for our guests to suffer seasickness.

Example: In my experience these travel-sick pills really help and are a must have product for anyone with a travel-sick child.

Example: These travel sickness tablets and skin patches are only provided on prescription.

Example: Does anyone know of any good travel sickness pills that also make you a bit drowsy?.

Example: The best remedy is to take the sea sickness pills that they hand out free on the ship to anyone who asks for them. .

Example: You can prevent it by taking sea sickness tablets which are very good but start the tablets before you get on the boat.

» pastilla de encendidofirelighter  .

Example: She talked to us about her battle with sniffing firelighters and how it nearly destroyed her career in television for good.

» pastilla de éxtasisecstasy tablet .

Example: Three people have been arrested in Darwin's rural area for a huge drug haul that includes more than 7000 ecstasy tablets.

» pastilla de frenosbrake pad .

Example: Chapter 14 covers the following: checking brakes, disc brakes, drum brakes, hand/emergency brake, and ignition timing; and replacing brake pads and the timing chain.

» pastilla de gomawine gum [También escrito junto winegum]gumdrop .

Example: One of the most famous sweets in the world, wine gums are delicious fruit-flavoured jelly sweets that, despite their name, contain no alcohol.

Example: He dreamt he was eating a gumdrop and woke chewing an ear plug.

» pastilla de memoriaflash driveUSB hard drivepen drivememory stickUSB stickUSB memory stickUSB flash disk .

Example: The author reviews the technology of flash drives (sometimes called USB hard drives or pen drives) comprising small portable hard drives that are small enough to fit on a key chain that are simply plugged into the USB ports of a personal computer.

Example: The author reviews the technology of flash drives (sometimes called USB hard drives or pen drives) comprising small portable hard drives that are small enough to fit on a key chain that are simply plugged into the USB ports of a personal computer.

Example: The author reviews the technology of flash drives (sometimes called USB hard drives or pen drives) comprising small portable hard drives that are small enough to fit on a key chain that are simply plugged into the USB ports of a personal computer.

Example: A memory stick containing information on hundreds of police investigations goes missing in Edinburgh.

Example: I used a USB stick to do this, after zipping the files so they'd fit.

Example: Having a USB memory stick is like carrying a portable hard drive the size of a packet of chewing gum.

Example: This paper proposes two countermeasures to prevent the spread of USB flash disk viruses.

» pastilla para adelgazardiet pillslimming pill .

Example: Both groups used caffeine & laxatives, but few used diet pills.

Example: Several slimming pills have been taken off the market because they have very serious side effects.

» pastilla para dormirsleeping pill .

Example: The prescription of sleeping pills remains as an indicator of the medicalization of sleep.

» pastilla para el mareotravel sickness tablet [Al viajar]travel-sick pill [Al viajar]travel-sick tablet [Al viajar]travel sickness pill [Al viajar]sea sickness pill [Al viajar por el agua]sea sickness tablet .

Example: These travel sickness tablets and skin patches are only provided on prescription.

Example: In my experience these travel-sick pills really help and are a must have product for anyone with a travel-sick child.

Example: If you are prone to motion sickness it might be wise to take a travel-sick tablet, although it is rare for our guests to suffer seasickness.

Example: Does anyone know of any good travel sickness pills that also make you a bit drowsy?.

Example: The best remedy is to take the sea sickness pills that they hand out free on the ship to anyone who asks for them. .

Example: You can prevent it by taking sea sickness tablets which are very good but start the tablets before you get on the boat.

» pastilla para perder pesoweight loss pill .

Example: The main side effects of these weight loss pills are that they can increase your blood pressure and they can also make you feel a bit spacey.

» tomarse la pastilla diaria de la malalechetake + Posesivo + daily mean pill .

Example: We all have a grouch in our lives and if we wake up on the wrong side of the bed or take our daily mean pill, at the very nicest, we have been described as a 'grouch'.

» tragarse una pastillapop + a pill .

Example: The media creates the image that solutions to stress can come from popping a pill or taking a swig from a bottle.

» vida a toda pastillalife in the fast lane .

Example: The article 'Life in the fast lane: reference in a business archives' is devoted to archival reference services = El artículo "La vida desenfrenada: la referencia en un archivo de empresa" trata de los servicios de referencia de archivo.

Pastilla synonyms

pad in spanish: almohadilla, pronunciation: pæd part of speech: noun pill in spanish: píldora, pronunciation: pɪl part of speech: noun lozenge in spanish: pastilla, pronunciation: lɔzəndʒ part of speech: noun pad of paper in spanish: libreta de papel, pronunciation: pædʌvpeɪpɜr part of speech: noun
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