Pastar in english


pronunciation: pæstʃɜr part of speech: noun
In gestures

pastar = graze (on). 

Example: Whereas, before, the land was dense with stately white pines, now apple, plum, pear, peach, and cherry orchards stood in regimented rows and cattle grazed peacefully.

Pastar synonyms

grass in spanish: hierba, pronunciation: græs part of speech: noun range in spanish: distancia, pronunciation: reɪndʒ part of speech: noun crop in spanish: cultivo, pronunciation: krɑp part of speech: noun forage in spanish: forraje, pronunciation: fɔrɪdʒ part of speech: noun lea in spanish: pasto, pronunciation: li part of speech: noun browse in spanish: vistazo, pronunciation: braʊz part of speech: verb, noun graze in spanish: pacer, pronunciation: greɪz part of speech: verb ley in spanish: ley, pronunciation: leɪ part of speech: noun pasturage in spanish: pasto, pronunciation: pæstʃɜrɪdʒ part of speech: noun pastureland in spanish: pastizal, pronunciation: pæstʃɜrələnd part of speech: noun eatage in spanish: comer, pronunciation: itɪdʒ part of speech: noun grazing land in spanish: tierras de pastoreo, pronunciation: greɪzɪŋlænd part of speech: noun
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