Pasta in english


pronunciation: pɑstə part of speech: noun
In gestures

pasta1 = paste ; pulp ; stuff ; pastry. 

Example: N-methyl 2 pyrrolidone (NM2P) is a non-aqueous solvent for starch and flour paste.Example: The situation was probably similar in Britain, except that very little straw pulp was used, and a considerable amount of esparto.Example: The water of the stuff poured into the middle of the cylinder through its wire-mesh cover, and was immediately pumped out from one end leaving a film of fibres on the surface.Example: The book covers the following topics: cereals and pastas; vegetables and fruits; breads; desserts and cookies; cakes and icings; and pastry and pies.


» a toda pastaat a rate of knots [Aquí knot tiene el significado de nudo marino, medida de velocidad] .

Example: The results appear there and then not only on the VDU screen but also on a roll of paper which spills out of the attached printer at a rate of knots.

» convertir en pastapulp .

Example: Unless the filmed material is deemed of high artistic or artifactual value, it is subsequently pulped.

» papel de pastapaste paper .

Example: Paste paper is a decorative paper, often used as cover papers or endsheets in books, produced by pressing or sliding objects into a wet paste or starch mixture that has been spread on paper.

» pasta chouxchoux pastry .

Example: Cream puffs begin with a baked puffed shell of choux pastry which is then filled with cream and dusted with a thick coating of powdered sugar.

» pasta de ajogarlic paste .

Example: In another small bowl, combine garlic paste, lemon juice and cumin and whisk to blend.

» pasta de clara de huevoglair [Adhesivo utilizado en la encuadernación tomando como ingrediente base la clara de huevo] .

Example: For gold tooling, impressions of the tools were first made in blind and then an adhesive glair of egg white was next brushed into the blind impression, allowed to dry, and greased.

» pasta de dientestoothpaste .

Example: In Experiment 1, 108 undergraduates were presented with information about risks associated with different brands of tires and toothpaste.

» pasta de dientes con flúorfluoride toothpaste .

Example: The author describes how the first fluoride toothpaste was developed.

» pasta de maderawood pulp [woodpulp] .

Example: Wood pulp can be made either by grinding up untreated logs (when it is called mechanical wood, or groundwood), or by digesting wood chips chemically (chemical wood).

» pasta de madera trituradagroundwoodmechanical wood .

Example: Wood pulp can be made either by grinding up untreated logs (when it is called mechanical wood, or groundwood), or by digesting wood chips chemically (chemical wood).

Example: Wood pulp can be made either by grinding up untreated logs (when it is called mechanical wood, or groundwood), or by digesting wood chips chemically (chemical wood).

» pasta de madera triturada químicamentechemical wood .

Example: Wood pulp can be made either by grinding up untreated logs (when it is called mechanical wood, or groundwood), or by digesting wood chips chemically (chemical wood).

» pasta de papelstuff [Suspensión acuosa que contiene los materiales necesarios para fabricar el papel] .

Example: The water of the stuff poured into the middle of the cylinder through its wire-mesh cover, and was immediately pumped out from one end leaving a film of fibres on the surface.

» pasta de traporag stock [Materia fibrosa obtenida de tratar con medios mecánicos o químicos trapos viejos y que constituye la base en la fabricación del papel]stock [En la fabricación de papel, mezcla espesa que se obtenía de disolver trapos viejos para la elaboración del papel] .

Example: Another variant of the cylinder machine which had some success was the mould machine, introduced in England in about 1910 for making imitation hand-made (mouldmade) paper from rag stock.

Example: At first, paper made from bleached stock was not so handsome as the unbleached papers of the hand-press period had been -- apart from any foxing, it tended to be greyish in tone.

» tener pasta debe cut out forhave + (all) the makings of .

Example: If you consider eating out a couple times a week a necessity rather than a lark, you aren't cut out for living on a shoestring.

Example: Ann's well-bred black colt is now two years old, and in her eyes, has all the makings of a champion.

pasta2 = board. 

Example: A covering material of fast, even colour, was eventually produced that was impervious to the adhesive with which it was stuck to the boards.


» encuadernado en media pastahalf-bound .

Example: The seventeenth century also saw the appearance of decorated papers, marbled and printed, but they were uncommon in retail work until they began to be used for covering the boards of half- and quarter-bound books in the 1730s.

» libro de pastas amarillasyellow-back .

Example: The typical yellow-back of the mid nineteenth century was a cheap edition of fiction in small crown octavo, retailing a 2 shillings, and its case was made of glazed coloured paper on strawboard.

» libro impreso en pastas durasboard book .

Example: Board books use hard cardboard both for the cover as well as the pages to make more durable.

» no debes juzgar un libro por el color de sus pastasdon't judge a book by its cover .

Example: The old saying 'Don't judge a book by its cover' is very appropriate in our lives today -- it is very important not to judge a person because of what you assume they are like.

» pasta de telacloth case [En encuadernación antigua, pasta encuadernada en tela] .

Example: Cloth cases were never as popular in continental Europe as they quickly became in the English-speaking world.

» pasta en telacloth board .

Example: Edition binding in leather was offered as an alternative to cloth or printed paper boards for such things as poetical gift books, works of piety, and textbooks.

» pasta estampadaprinted paper board .

Example: Edition binding in leather was offered as an alternative to cloth or printed paper boards for such things as poetical gift books, works of piety, and textbooks.

» pastascasing .

Example: Do not suspend a book by holding its casing only.

» pastas durashard cover [Cubiertas de un publicación que son rígidas, como contrapuestas a las pastas blandas de la encuadernación rústica] .

Example: Case binding is a method of binding in which a hard cover is made wholly separately from the book and later attached to it.

pasta3 = pasta. 

Example: The book covers the following topics: cereals and pastas; vegetables and fruits; breads; desserts and cookies; cakes and icings; and pastry and pies.

pasta4 = dough ; lolly ; dosh ; wonga ; readies ; the ready ; gelt. 

Example: The article is entitled 'Our other customers -- the super rich: they also read who roll in dough'.Example: The article is entitled 'Sports get lucky with lotteries lolly'.Example: So ISI have the dosh to fix up ProCite.Example: MS has done this in a move to encourage folk to upgrade their OS without the need to spend lots of wonga on new hardware.Example: To add insult to injury, she came back from the cash-point without enough readies and had to make a return journey.Example: The government has an obligation to ensure that those who are genuinely incapable of earning a minimally decent living for themselves have the ready needed to secure the basics.Example: Gelt laundering empowers corruption and organized crime = Gelt laundering empowers corruption and organized crime.


» gastarse una pastaspend + big (bucks)spend + big (money) .

Example: More runners are spending big bucks on orthotics.

Example: The World Cup is such a big business for some of the world's largest corporations that many countries spend big money for the right to host it.

» soltar la pastacough up + moneyshell out + moneyshell outcough up + cashstump upshell out + cash .

Example: They are not going to cough up additional money to pay for these rate increases.

Example: I don't think the Council on Library Resources is of any mind to go shelling out money for ten years the way it did before.

Example: And when men are the spenders, they typically shell out more than wives do -- about 40 percent more.

Example: Most donors won't respond to queries about why they coughed up cash; others say their companies have given out of civic pride.

Example: Spain has become the latest European nation to stump up billions in public cash to bail out car firms bludgeoned by the economic crisis.

Example: Unlike other kinds of campaigns, charitable campaigns ask for us to do more than shell out our cash for a good or service -- we're donating money to better the world we live in.

pastar = graze (on). 

Example: Whereas, before, the land was dense with stately white pines, now apple, plum, pear, peach, and cherry orchards stood in regimented rows and cattle grazed peacefully.

Pasta synonyms

alimentary paste in spanish: pasta alimenticia, pronunciation: æləmentɜripeɪst part of speech: noun
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