Pasmado in english


pronunciation: stʌnd part of speech: adjective
In gestures

pasmado = stunned ; astounded ; flabbergasted ; thunderstruck ; gobsmacked ; astonished ; bemused. 

Example: She revealed that her first pregnancy had left her stunned.Example: Astounded and frightened by those shimmering tears, Leforte repeated her questions: 'Bernice... Please... Is anything wrong? Can I help?'.Example: They say they are flabbergasted and astounded by the decision to turn down their application.Example: The girl stared at him for a moment thunderstruck; then she lammed into the old horse with a stick she carried in place of a whip.Example: Recent statistics about the volume of junk e-mail are so astounding as to leave any reasonable person gobsmacked.Example: 'Behind every successful woman there's an astonished man,' she added = 'Behind every successful woman there's an astonished man,' she added.Example: No wonder he was often seen with a bemused smile or poker face during Obama's address.


» dejar pasmadostaggerblow + Posesivo + mindstupefyblow + Nombre + out of the waterblow + Nombre + awayblow + Nombre + to bitsboggle + Posesivo + mindthrow + Nombre + for a loopastonishknock + Nombre + for a loop .

Example: With a sudden uncontrollable outburst of feeling which staggered while it satisfied him, he put out his hand.

Example: This is a book that treats its audience with respect while blowing their mind.

Example: In the hellish future of 2044 human beings have become stupefied by the state of permanent happiness they've been genetically altered to experience.

Example: Bonnie blew me out of the water -- only a few people knew about something that happened to me and she hit the nail right on the head.

Example: This news completely took me by surprise and blew me away.

Example: But I did consider him a friend and recieving such a cold look from him blew me to bits.

Example: If something this simple boggled your mind you have the I.Q. of a cucumber.

Example: The unexpected sound of his voice -- she had no idea how he got her number -- threw her for a loop.

Example: But in his eyes she saw something she couldn't ignore, something that astonished her -- loneliness as deep as her own.

Example: She discovered a shocking secret about her mother's past that knocked her for a loop and suddenly called into question everything she knew about herself.

» quedarse pasmadostunbemuseboggle .

Example: The dramatic swiftness of the revelation stunned her.

Example: The student must not let himself be bemused by sheer statistics.

Example: I was a little girl from California who had never seen snow, and I was boggled by it.

pasmar = stupefy. 

Example: In the hellish future of 2044 human beings have become stupefied by the state of permanent happiness they've been genetically altered to experience.

Pasmado synonyms

out in spanish: afuera, pronunciation: aʊt part of speech: noun, verb, adjective, adverb stupid in spanish: estúpido, pronunciation: stupəd part of speech: adjective confused in spanish: confuso, pronunciation: kənfjuzd part of speech: adjective unconscious in spanish: inconsciente, pronunciation: ənkɑnʃəs part of speech: adjective surprised in spanish: sorprendido, pronunciation: sɜrpraɪzd part of speech: adjective dazed in spanish: aturdido, pronunciation: deɪzd part of speech: adjective astonished in spanish: asombrado, pronunciation: əstɑnɪʃt part of speech: adjective amazed in spanish: asombrado, pronunciation: əmeɪzd part of speech: adjective stupefied in spanish: estupefacto, pronunciation: stupəfaɪd part of speech: adjective astounded in spanish: asombrado, pronunciation: əstaʊndɪd part of speech: adjective astonied in spanish: asombrado, pronunciation: æstənid part of speech: adjective kayoed in spanish: kayoed, pronunciation: keɪoʊd part of speech: adjective knocked out in spanish: fuera de combate, pronunciation: nɑktaʊt
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