Pasivo in english


pronunciation: pæsɪv part of speech: adjective
In gestures

pasivo = passive ; reactive. 

Example: If the library is not to be passive, can it remain neutral on subjects such as race, war and inequality?.Example: In all of the helping professions there is need for both active and reactive service.


» conocimiento pasivonodding acquaintance [Conocimiento básico de algo suficiente para poder reconocer y entender un asunto] .

Example: Today, it is difficult to conceive of a library school that neglects to offer its students a chance to experiment with databases and gain at least a nodding acquaintance with programming and a computer language.

» fumadores pasivospassive smoking .

Example: The association between passive smoking and increased risk for lung cancer is confounded with other lifestyle factors.

» fumador pasivopassive smokersecond-hand smoker .

Example: Passive smokers inhale the equivalent of just six cigarettes a year from other people's smoke.

Example: Second-hand smokers can suffer a range of smoking related diseases such as stroke, coronary heart disease and cancer.

» humo pasivopassive smokesecond-hand smoke .

Example: Impaired learning, slower growth and changes in behavior can be linked with children's exposure to passive smoke.

Example: Second-hand smoke is a danger to everyone, but children, pregnant women and the partners of people who smoke are most vulnerable.

» sujeto pasivotaxpayer [tax-payer]  .

Example: I am also committed, however -- and this is what our taxpayers are paying us for -- to serving our library users, the people who are paying our salaries.

Pasivo synonyms

supine in spanish: supino, pronunciation: səpaɪn part of speech: adjective peaceful in spanish: pacífico, pronunciation: pisfəl part of speech: adjective inactive in spanish: inactivo, pronunciation: ɪnæktɪv part of speech: adjective nonviolent in spanish: no violento, pronunciation: nɑnvaɪələnt part of speech: adjective resistless in spanish: irresistible, pronunciation: rɪzɪstləs part of speech: adjective passive voice in spanish: voz pasiva, pronunciation: pæsɪvvɔɪs part of speech: noun unresisting in spanish: sin resistencia, pronunciation: ənrɪzɪstɪŋ part of speech: adjective
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