Pasión in english


pronunciation: pæʃən part of speech: noun
In gestures

pasión = feeling ; passion ; avidness. 

Example: The idea is for volunteers who think reading is fun and important to convey these feelings to younger students.Example: The impulse to learn is a ruling passion in very few people; in most of us it is so weak that a frowning aspect can discourage it.Example: His chronic ailments never managed to inhibit his avidness for writing, romantic intrigue, society, and travel.


» con pasiónwith passionpassionately .

Example: Witt has always done whatever she's done with all her heart -- with passion, intelligence, and a love of perfection.

Example: On the other hand people passionately devoted to a hobby or sport or their work will endure without complaint conditions which less ardent folk think outrageously insupportable.

» despertar pasiónignite + passionarouse + passion .

Example: Almost as much as the civilian casualties from American bombs and tanks, the destruction of the museum and the library has ignited passions against American troops, for their failure to intervene.

Example: Abortion is a subject that arouses passion and controversy, because abortion raises two important issues, namely sex and life, sometimes mixed with religion and ethics.

» despertar pasionesfire up + emotionsstir up + emotions .

Example: The issue of immigration between EU countries is firing up emotions across the continent.

Example: We all know that the thoughts we entertain can stir up emotions and have physiological effects like increasing flow of saliva or anxiety.

» la pasión va por dentrostill waters run deeptears of a clown .

Example: They may appear cold but 'still waters run deep' -- they have much sympathy and understanding for intimate friends.

Example: When I told her about Robin Williams's death, a famous stand-up comedian who suffered from depression, she was upset like everyone else and the first thing she said was "Tears of a clown".

» llama de la pasión, laflame of passion, the .

Example: But the flame of passion can be re-ignited with patience and persistence.

» mordisco de pasiónpassion bite .

Example: His waist between my knees I allowed him to attack my neck and collar bone in kisses and passion bites.

» pasión bélicarage militaire .

Example: Before George Washington had a chance to display his skill in pitched battle, he became a focal point for the rage militaire that swept through the US in 1775.

» pasión de viajarwanderlust .

Example: The article 'Wanderlust' reviews a range of World Wide Web (WWW) web sites offering travel information = El artículo "Pasión por viajar" analiza una variedad de sitios web que ofrecen información sobre viajes.

» pasión por la guerrarage militaire .

Example: Before George Washington had a chance to display his skill in pitched battle, he became a focal point for the rage militaire that swept through the US in 1775.

» sentir pasión porbe passionate about .

Example: Most are very passionate about what they do and many see the career as an important and meaningful part of their lives.

» suscitar pasionesstir up + emotionsfire up + emotions .

Example: We all know that the thoughts we entertain can stir up emotions and have physiological effects like increasing flow of saliva or anxiety.

Example: The issue of immigration between EU countries is firing up emotions across the continent.

Pasión synonyms

love in spanish: amor, pronunciation: lʌv part of speech: noun, verb warmth in spanish: calor, pronunciation: wɔrmθ part of speech: noun heat in spanish: calor, pronunciation: hit part of speech: noun rage in spanish: rabia, pronunciation: reɪdʒ part of speech: noun mania in spanish: manía, pronunciation: meɪniə part of speech: noun cacoethes in spanish: cacoethes, pronunciation: keɪsəθɪz part of speech: noun passionateness in spanish: pasión, pronunciation: pæʃənɑtənəs part of speech: noun
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