Paseo in english


pronunciation: wɔk part of speech: verb, noun
In gestures

pasear = walk ; wander about ; saunter ; wander (a)round ; take + a walk ; wander ; go for + a stroll ; parade ; cruise ; have + a walk ; wander through ; take + a stroll ; take + a saunter ; go for + a saunter ; have + a saunter ; gallivant ; stroll. 

Example: The user is presented with much walking around shelves if he wishes to gather all documents on a given subject.Example: He was a loner himself, a small-town country boy who spent most of his time wandering about the hills and fields near his home.Example: She sauntered back to her desk, intending to work, and was a little perturbed to find that she could not work.Example: The audience can wander around at will and discuss with contributors and each other.Example: Visitors are invited to take a nostalgic walk through the city's past and experience its economic and architectural history.Example: The article is entitled 'Wandering the Web: further developments on the global information bazaar'.Example: She was moved by a sudden impulse to leave the building and go for a stroll.Example: A boy was paraded naked with "I am thief" written on his stomach and back for allegedly stealing a dress from a boutique where he worked = A boy was paraded naked with "I am thief" written on his stomach and back for allegedly stealing a dress from a boutique where he worked.Example: The system also has an add-on, which allows users with low vision to cruise the Internet using a low vision interface.Example: The very best way to begin exercising is by just having a walk.Example: What we are forcing people to do is wander through long title sequences of 'Journal of' or 'Journal on' to find a particular organization's journal.Example: After the visit of the Bavarian State Library, there will be enough time to take a stroll through the city centre.Example: Time to put on a parka, step outside and take a saunter up the road into the forest.Example: By late afternoon, I had finished my book and decided to go for a saunter around the campground we were in.Example: It's going to be an amazing sunset then we could have a saunter in the shopping mall.Example: For the next few weeks I'm going to be gallivanting in the USA with my husband and son.Example: As she strolled to the ceremony site she was all smiles.


» pasear (cogidos) de la manowalk + hand in hand .

Example: The couple were spotted walking hand-in-hand leaving a restaurant on Wednesday after celebrating her friend's birthday.

» pasear (cogidos) del brazowalk + arm in arm .

Example: Over the weekend, they were spotted walking arm in arm while strolling through the town.

» pasear mirando porlook (a)round .

Example: One has only to look around in bookshops to see how many paperbacks on show have film or TV links.

» pasear porride (a)round [Referido a vehículos o animales]walk (a)roundsaunter alongstroll throughstroll (a)round .

Example: It is easy to see its two scrawny protagonists who ride around town on their bikes killing stray cats and dogs as victims of poverty and broken homes.

Example: He got up, and, putting hands in the pockets of his trousers, began to walk around the room.

Example: Saunter along the enigmatic canals, the arteries of the city, and immerse yourself in Bruges' Golden Century.

Example: Over the weekend, they were spotted walking arm in arm while strolling through the town.

Example: She was laughing and joking as she strolled around the shop.

» pasear por la callewalk down + the street .

Example: A woman was walking down the street when she was accosted by a particularly dirty and shabby-looking homeless woman who asked her for a couple of dollars for dinner.

» pasear por todo el mundotake + Nombre + all over the worldtake + Nombre + across the world .

Example: Justine Evans, 44, is a wildlife camerawoman whose work has taken her all over the world.

Example: After witnessing her parents being murdered by the Mob, she set off on a journey for revenge that took her across the world.

» pasearsetake + a walkhave + a walktake + a strolltake + a sauntergo for + a saunterhave + a sauntergad (about/around)walk around .

Example: Visitors are invited to take a nostalgic walk through the city's past and experience its economic and architectural history.

Example: The very best way to begin exercising is by just having a walk.

Example: After the visit of the Bavarian State Library, there will be enough time to take a stroll through the city centre.

Example: Time to put on a parka, step outside and take a saunter up the road into the forest.

Example: By late afternoon, I had finished my book and decided to go for a saunter around the campground we were in.

Example: It's going to be an amazing sunset then we could have a saunter in the shopping mall.

Example: I spent a special and lovely day gadding about the Kent countryside today with Jane.

Example: You're four times more likely to find a psychopath at the top of the corporate ladder than you are walking around the janitor's office.

» pasearse portraipse aroundtraipse about .

Example: But thankfully I still had the energy to traipse around Paris for two days.

Example: I was traipsing about in the sunshine in light blazers and silk tops back then ... a decidedly different scene from this one!.

» sacar al perro a pasearwalk + the dogtake + the dog for a walkdog walking .

Example: We don't have a dog, but walking the dog would be one of the things I would gladly let a robot do.

Example: Dog walking is usually done in the morning and if that is the time you are free you can earn money under the table, simply take a dog for a walk and get paid in cash.

Example: Dog walking is usually done in the morning and if that is the time you are free you can earn money under the table, simply take a dog for a walk and get paid in cash.

» salir a pasear en cochego out for + a drive .

Example: There was a time when even in cities it was regarded as a evidence of complete moral depravity for a man to go out for a drive on Sunday.

paseo1 = stroll ; walk ; ride ; wander ; ramble ; saunter ; walkabout. 

Example: The article is entitled 'A short stroll through Brazilian book publishing'.Example: A walk through the exhibit hall made it clear: the Web is everywhere.Example: For the second part, the conference will move to island Mljet, less than a two-hour ride from Dubrovnik on a fast catamaran.Example: The article is entitled 'Memories of Otago and Southland libraries and librarians: an unmethodical wander'.Example: On summer evenings one of our favourite rambles took us across the sloping fields, sweet with clover and thyme and wild roses, between Kingswood and Chipstead.Example: But beyond the steel and asphalt is a strand perfect for a saunter, short or long.Example: This is a very comfortable way to end the day after a walkabout, when you are bone-tired.


» bicicleta de paseopush-bicyclepush-bikepedal bikepedal bicycle .

Example: To be forced into pedalling a rattling push-bicycle against a headwind at one o'clock in the morning is scarcely the most comfortable of situations.

Example: Riding a push-bike through a red light is not only illegal but also very dangerous.

Example: Most children will be self-motivated having seen parents, adults and children all about riding pedal bikes.

Example: The first pedal bicycle was buit in Scotland in 1839 -- there have been many improvements but the general principles have not changed.

» darse un paseotake + a strolltake + a walkgo for + a walkhave + a walkgo for + a spin [En algún tipo de vehículo como bicicleta, coche, moto, helicóptero, etc.]go for + a ride [En algún tipo de vehículo como bicicleta, coche, moto, helicóptero, etc.]take + a sauntergo for + a saunterhave + a saunterwalk around .

Example: After the visit of the Bavarian State Library, there will be enough time to take a stroll through the city centre.

Example: Visitors are invited to take a nostalgic walk through the city's past and experience its economic and architectural history.

Example: It is hard to beat going for a walk as a way to take a break.

Example: The very best way to begin exercising is by just having a walk.

Example: He wrote to let me know that as it was a mild, bright day yesterday, he decided to go for a spin.

Example: After the game was over, we decided to go for a ride to the coast to Adleburgh which was a beautiful seaside town.

Example: Time to put on a parka, step outside and take a saunter up the road into the forest.

Example: By late afternoon, I had finished my book and decided to go for a saunter around the campground we were in.

Example: It's going to be an amazing sunset then we could have a saunter in the shopping mall.

Example: You're four times more likely to find a psychopath at the top of the corporate ladder than you are walking around the janitor's office.

» darse un paseo (en)take + a ride (on)take + a spin (on) .

Example: Of course, that's in addition to taking a spin on the carousel, taking a ride on the puffer train and getting to know the zoo's residents a little better.

Example: Of course, that's in addition to taking a spin on the carousel, taking a ride on the puffer train and getting to know the zoo's residents a little better.

» darse un paseo en barcaboat .

Example: Boaters enjoy the feel of sun and spray and so it's tempting to boat without wearing a life jacket -- especially on nice days.

» darse un paseo en barcoboat .

Example: Boaters enjoy the feel of sun and spray and so it's tempting to boat without wearing a life jacket -- especially on nice days.

» darse un paseo en cochego for + a drivedrive around .

Example: I go for a drive when I'm really pissed to get away from everything.

Example: I remember when I was younger and my parents would drive around the area looking for 'for sale' signs.

» dar un paseo a Alguientake + Nombre + for a spin [En algún tipo de vehículo como bicicleta, coche, moto, helicóptero, etc.]take + Nombre + for a ride [En algún tipo de vehículo como bicicleta, coche, moto, helicóptero, etc.] .

Example: Unknown to us, Jaeger decided to take him for a spin on the back of his bike.

Example: Why is it that a dog hates it when you blow in his face but when you take him for a ride in a car It sticks his head out the window?.

» dar un paseo en cochego out for + a drive .

Example: There was a time when even in cities it was regarded as a evidence of complete moral depravity for a man to go out for a drive on Sunday.

» dar un paseo en coche a Alguientake + Nombre + for a drive .

Example: He took her for a drive on their first real date.

» de paseo en cocheout for a spin .

Example: The article is entitled 'Out for a spin: a school librarian test drives 14 CD-ROM encyclopedias'.

» ir a dar un paseogo for + a stroll .

Example: She was moved by a sudden impulse to leave the building and go for a stroll.

» irse a paseonaff offget + lostgo to + hellget out of + Posesivo + facego (and) fly a kite .

Example: I just smiled and told him to naff off cos short of punching him in the gob what can you do?.

Example: The thing about these two is that we are constantly told that he loves her and yet he is continually asking her to get lost, go home, stop looking at him, stop talking to him, hand him her phone so he can erase his number, etc..

Example: Diplomacy is the art of telling people to go to hell in such a way that they ask for the directions!.

Example: Joel said they came over to see what was going on but he told them to get out of my face and gave them a mouthful.

Example: Whoever tried to stand in the way of her goals and dreams was promptly told to go fly a kite.

» mandar a paseosend + Nombre + packing .

Example: Those who hold this view argued that the state government lacks the political will to send them packing for good.

» no ser un paseso militarbe not a walk/stroll in/through/across the park .

Example: Marriage is not a stroll in the park or the proverbial bed of roses.

» paseo a caballohorse ride .

Example: After a horse ride in sleet and snow, George Washington developed fulminant acute epiglottitis that rapidly claimed his life within 24 hours.

» paseo en barcaboating .

Example: Regattas & boating in general have become a ritual statement of collective identity defined as a relation between people & territory.

» paseo en barcoboat tourboatingboat rideboat cruiseboat trip .

Example: The visit includs a boat tour on the Muritzsee and a box lunch (with one soft drink).

Example: Regattas & boating in general have become a ritual statement of collective identity defined as a relation between people & territory.

Example: We learn that the island, 'a three-hour boat ride from Naples,' served as as a shelter for Italian Jews during the Second World War.

Example: A matchmaking boat cruise open only to male millionaires and 'good-looking and desirable' women is slated to set sail later this month.

Example: Traditionally a visit to Cologne must include a boat trip on the Rhine.

» paseo en bicicletaeasy ridebicycle ridebike ride .

Example: Easy rides help you legs stay loose without hurting them .

Example: Mr Dong Ming embarked on an eight-day bicycle ride to Beijing at his own expense in order to attend the IFLA Conference.

Example: I took my first bike ride that wasn't on an exercise bike today for the first time in 3 years.

» paseo en cochecar ride .

Example: The fact is, cats aren't dogs, and most cats are unlikely to ever enjoy a car ride the way some of their canine counterparts do.

» paseo en góndolagondola ride .

Example: Float past the beautiful palaces and bridges of Venice on a 35-minute Venice gondola ride and enjoy a serenade, too.

» paseo en la montaña rusaroller coaster ride .

Example: They also look at how math impacts every facet of students' lives from music to video games to roller coaster rides.

» paseo en lanchajet boat ride .

Example: If you are looking for something different , get ready for the most thrilling experience with our jet boat ride.

» paseo militarplain sailingwalkoverjust a stroll in/through/across the park(as) easy as ABCdoss(as) simple as ABC(as) easy as (apple) pie(as) easy/simple as 1,2,3 .

Example: The article is entitled 'Plain sailing with Swets' = El artículo se titula "Con Swets todo es coser y cantar".

Example: The election is widely expected to be a walkover for him.

Example: The nearest Earth-like planet is probably 13 light-years away; astronomically speaking, that's just a stroll across the park.

Example: Preventing infant deaths can be as easy as ABC if parents remember three simple ways to keep their little ones safe at night.

Example: Many people think maternity leave is a doss.

Example: Advocates of the dictionary catalogue claim that it is as simple as ABC and certainly there is no preliminary psychological barrier against its use.

Example: Sometimes it's incredible how we complicate things when they can be as easy as pie.

Example: Calculating the amount of lye you need for your next soap recipe is as easy as 1,2,3.

» paseo por el campocountry walk .

Example: A classic for long country walks, or just rambles in the park, these boots are a sure-fire way to keep your feet toasty warm and dry, whatever the weather!.

» paseo por el parqueramble in the park .

Example: A classic for long country walks, or just rambles in the park, these boots are a sure-fire way to keep your feet toasty warm and dry, whatever the weather!.

» paseo suave en bicicletaeasy ride .

Example: Easy rides help you legs stay loose without hurting them .

» paseo turísticowalking tour .

Example: With the recent emphasis toward active learning techniques and technology tools, many libraries seem to be discontinuing the traditional guided walking tours.

» sacar a + Animal + de paseo llevado de la correawalk + Animal + on a leash .

Example: A dominatrix has been reported to British police after she was spotted walking a man on a dog leash through city streets.

» sacar a + Animal + de paseo llevado de la traíllawalk + Animal + on a leash .

Example: A dominatrix has been reported to British police after she was spotted walking a man on a dog leash through city streets.

» sacar al perro de paseowalk + the dogtake + the dog for a walkdog walking .

Example: We don't have a dog, but walking the dog would be one of the things I would gladly let a robot do.

Example: Dog walking is usually done in the morning and if that is the time you are free you can earn money under the table, simply take a dog for a walk and get paid in cash.

Example: Dog walking is usually done in the morning and if that is the time you are free you can earn money under the table, simply take a dog for a walk and get paid in cash.

» sacar a un Animal de paseotake + Animal + (out) for a walk .

Example: My dog pees constantly when I take him for a walk, how can I stop this from happening?.

» salir a dar un paseogo out for + a walk .

Example: She only went out for a walk but ended up staying out till sundown.

» salir de paseogo out for + a walk .

Example: She only went out for a walk but ended up staying out till sundown.

» salir de paseo en cochego out for + a drive .

Example: There was a time when even in cities it was regarded as a evidence of complete moral depravity for a man to go out for a drive on Sunday.

» ser un paseo militarwhistle + Posesivo + way .

Example: Juelz rode Cam's coattails for a couple of singles before whistling his way to the top and then, just as quickly, right back into obscurity.

» véte a paseotake a hike!drop dead!take a long walk off a short pier .

Example: Leo is so angry that he basically told her to 'take a hike' -- he feels like he was wasting his time with her.

Example: When President Ford was telling New York City to drop dead last month, he evoked a vision of the city as a wayward family to drive home his point.

Example: I called the police about that and was impolitely told to take a long walk off a short pier for trying to spread such garbage.

paseo2 = promenade. 

Example: Areas that may be used include: windows; promenades and walkways; entrances and foyers.


» paseo construido de maderaboardwalk .

Example: Needing a moment to collect my thoughts yesterday, I opted for a quick walk along the boardwalk.

» paseo marítimoseafrontpromenadewaterfront .

Example: This has resulted in degradation of coastal water quality, contamination of the adjoining beaches and seafronts.

Example: Areas that may be used include: windows; promenades and walkways; entrances and foyers.

Example: There is a 4.5 mile long walking and biking trail along the waterfront that leads to several nature trails outside of town.

» paseo marítimo de maderaboardwalk .

Example: Needing a moment to collect my thoughts yesterday, I opted for a quick walk along the boardwalk.

Paseo synonyms

pass in spanish: pasar, pronunciation: pæs part of speech: verb, noun walking in spanish: para caminar, pronunciation: wɔkɪŋ part of speech: noun walkway in spanish: pasarela, pronunciation: wɔkweɪ part of speech: noun paseo in spanish: paseo, pronunciation: pɑseɪoʊ part of speech: noun manner of walking in spanish: manera de caminar, pronunciation: mænɜrʌvwɔkɪŋ part of speech: noun walk of life in spanish: camino de la vida, pronunciation: wɔkʌvlaɪf part of speech: noun base on balls in spanish: base en bolas, pronunciation: beɪsɑnbɔlz part of speech: noun
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