Pasarela in english


pronunciation: rʌnweɪ part of speech: noun
In gestures

pasarela1 = gangplank ; bridge passage ; gangway. 

Example: Gangplanks should be used to prevent the scalar chain from bogging down.Example: This sort of informal discussion between teacher and pupils is really a 'bridge passage' leading smoothly from one occupation -science, or P.E. or maths, etc.- to literary reading.Example: The existing gangways are made of wood and exhibit signs of aging and some structural fatigue.


» pasarela de embarqueair bridge .

Example: When they stepped onto the air bridge -- the moveable walking ramp that connects planes to the terminal -- the platform gave way and they fell at least 10ft to the ground.

» pasarela suspendidacatwalk .

Example: A catwalk is an elevated service platform from which many of the technical functions of a theater, such as lighting sound, may be manipulated.

pasarela2 = catwalk ; runway. 

Example: Following one of the latest trends on the catwalks, handbags are getting bigger and bigger.Example: I can't talk about spring fashion without mentioning floral prints -- it seems like there were even more floral dresses on the runway than usual this spring.

pasarela3 = gateway. 

Example: One of the roles of the local library is to act as a gateway to other information sources.


» pasarela de pagopayment gateway .

Example: If you have an outstanding balance you will receive a request for payment detailing your account overview and including a secure link to our payment gateway = En el caso de que tenga algún saldo pendiente, recibirá una petición de pago con los datos de su cuenta y un enlace seguro a nuestra pasarela de pago.
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