Pasaporte in english


pronunciation: pæspɔrt part of speech: noun
In gestures

pasaporte = passport. 

Example: Some Eastern European countries do not require visas from French, Italian and Western German passport holders.


» control de pasaportespassport control .

Example: Upon arrival, you will proceed to luggage claim and then to passport control.

» oficina de pasaportespassport office .

Example: Tuesday, after much delaying and procrastinating, I finally ran out of excuses and went to the passport office.

» pasaporte falsificadoforged passport .

Example: The Israeli secret police, Mossad, used forged passports to gain entry into Dubai which were traced back to Israel.

» pasaporte falsoforged passport .

Example: The Israeli secret police, Mossad, used forged passports to gain entry into Dubai which were traced back to Israel.

» ser un pasaporte a/parabe a passport to .

Example: As a result, a hospital job is a passport to poverty for a workforce that is predominately female.

» servir de pasaporte parabe a passport to .

Example: As a result, a hospital job is a passport to poverty for a workforce that is predominately female.

Pasaporte synonyms

pass in spanish: pasar, pronunciation: pæs part of speech: verb, noun
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