Pasajero in english


pronunciation: pæsəndʒɜr part of speech: noun
In gestures

pasajero1 = passenger. 

Example: This article discusses libraries available on trains to 1st class passengers in the USA in the late 19th century and early 20th century.


» asiento del pasajero delantero, elfront passenger seat, the .

Example: There are a lot of uncertainties and misunderstandings about when you can put a child car seat on the front passenger seat.

» asiento del pasajero, elpassenger seat, theshotgun seat, the .

Example: It took police less than 24 hours to identify an individual who filmed himself driving a car from the passenger seat.

Example: Kids are under the illusion that the 'shotgun' seat holds more importance than the back seats.

» avión de pasajerosairliner  ; passenger planepassenger jet .

Example: Our warehouse shelter a 13 metre high, 60 ton ammonia retort and a 37 metre wingspan airliner.

Example: The final mayday call by a hero British pilot who died after ditching his passenger plane into the sea was released today.

Example: The hijacking of a passenger jet ends in violence and further bloodshed after the plane is stormed by commandoes.

» buque de pasajeroscruise linertransatlantic linerocean linercruise ship [cruiseship]cruisecruiser  .

Example: The article 'Literacy on the high seas: cruise ship libraries flourish' discusses the recent upsurge in the development of libraries and library facilities on cruise liners.

Example: It was produced in earthenware, metalwork and bone china and in its heyday was used by the great transatlantic liners and by hotel and restaurant chains.

Example: This is a collection of ocean liner postcards from the late 19th and early 20th century.

Example: The world has many cruise ships, big and small, transporting passengers to the most exotic places.

Example: This ostensible comedy about two straight men on a gay cruise is acutely unfunny.

Example: The new generation of cruisers is much lighter, thanks to modern materials and manufacturers who care about reducing weight.

» coche de pasajerospassenger carpassenger vehicle .

Example: Noise from passenger cars has been reduced by 90% since 1970.

Example: It turns out most passenger vehicle tires already have a date stamped on them.

» lista de pasajerospassenger list .

Example: Genealogy and history site specializing in free primary source records especially ships' passenger lists, church records, military records.

» pasajero de atráspillion passengerpillion .

Example: This means if you are in an accident with a pillion passenger, they have the right to sue the rider if necessary.

Example: We will organize a special tour for a group if there is a minimum of four riders (i.e. four motorcycles, or a group of six -- three riders and pillions).

» pasajero de aviónairline passenger .

Example: By comparison, airline passengers in the USA numbered 418 million, of whom 393 million were on domestic flights.

» pasajero de negociosbusiness passenger .

Example: Just across the street from the terminal building, the parkade offers the perfect spot for business passengers or those who simply prefer the convenience of being close to the airport.

» pasajero de piestandee  .

Example: By the we reached the theatre there were so many standees that it was almost impossible to see the stage.

» pasajerospax .

Example: The issue was most likely compounded by the fact that many pax would have arrived early today in anticipation of delays.

» sala de pasajeros en tránsitotransit lounge .

Example: I will have to spend 15 hours in the transit lounge at Jakarta Internation, can anyone advise on services available?.

» transporte de pasajerospassenger transport .

Example: This article concentrates on the problems of passenger transport in urban areas.

» tren de pasajerospassenger train .

Example: The first passenger trains seldom travelled more than 20 miles per hour.

» vehículo de pasajerospassenger vehiclepassenger car .

Example: It turns out most passenger vehicle tires already have a date stamped on them.

Example: Noise from passenger cars has been reduced by 90% since 1970.

» vehículo de transporte de pasajerospassenger vehicle .

Example: It turns out most passenger vehicle tires already have a date stamped on them.

» violencia de los pasajeros de avionesair rage .

Example: Air rage incidents involving drunken passengers are at their highest level since the 1990s.

pasajero2 = short-lived [shortlived] ; transient ; transitory ; faddish ; faddy . 

Example: Many centres were short-lived, so the picture was always in a state of flux.Example: The suppliers of this circulation system recommend that the readers are given numbers and names only, since it will not be cost-effective to store full addresses, particularly with a relatively transient population such as that of a university.Example: Transitory circumstances of daily life are what cause these shifts.Example: Whilst, presumably, a set of standards for the conduct of reference work, the document is in fact a hodgepodge shaped by faddish misconceptions.Example: These emotions will have a knock-on effect on the child and may, in the case of the faddy eater, cause the situation to deteriorate.


» algo maravilloso pero pasajeroa nine days wonder .

Example: It does not seem to me to be a nine days wonder but a fundamental change of heart that is rejuvenating traditional reference services which have done sterling service over the years.

» aprovecharse de una oportunidad pasajeraride + the hypecatch + the feverjump on + the gravy trainclimb on + the gravy trainclimb on + the bandwagonget on + the bandwagonget on + the gravy trainride + the gravy train .

Example: Everyone is riding the hype of 'An Inconvenient Truth,' and even Congress has caught the fever... but it doesn't feel rigth yet.

Example: Everyone is riding the hype of 'An Inconvenient Truth,' and even Congress has caught the fever... but it doesn't feel rigth yet.

Example: As endless stories around corruption continue to spill over into the main news and business pages, businesses should pause for thought before jumping on the sport sponsoring gravy train.

Example: Iraqis should be staying in Iraq and helping to building a decent, civilized country, not coming here and climbing on the gravy train.

Example: Once they find this out, they will certainly want to climb on the bandwagon and not be left behind.

Example: Any time there appears to be a worker shortage our politicians get on the bandwagon and start preaching about training programs.

Example: It seems that a lot of celebrities are in a rush to get on the gravy train, and they'll attach their name to almost anything.

Example: This little lady isn't going to make it either, so it's not like I can hang on her coattails and ride the gravy train to millionairesville.

» ave pasajerabird of passage .

Example: So thousands of harvest hands come and go every year like birds of passage.

» capricho pasajeropassing fancypassing whim .

Example: It seems that Japan's fascination with robots is more than just a passing fancy.

Example: It started out as a passing whim and grew into something that has reached out to thousands of people around the world.

» hacer pasajerorender + Nombre + transitory .

Example: The sheer act of preservation renders the material permanent rather than transitory.

» instante pasajeroblip .

Example: Some of us live a fraction or two of a blip longer than others.

» interés pasajeropassing interest .

Example: However, the book is broad enough to appeal to those who have a passing interest in science.

» moda pasajeraflash in the panpassing fadpassing fashionfad .

Example: The article is entitled 'WAP: a new phase in the technological revolution or a flash in the pan?'.

Example: But the fact that nearly all of them refer to it, even if scathingly, suggests that it was more than just a passing fad.

Example: Data warehousing has now become a deep seated trend rather than a passing fashion.

Example: At a recent weekend school on the subject, one librarian began his talk by asking the question whether community information was simply the latest fad of the library profession, like team librarianship, integrated stock or outreach.

» momento pasajeroblip .

Example: Some of us live a fraction or two of a blip longer than others.

» problemilla pasajeroblip .

Example: It is good to know that even with a few blips and wobbles results can still happen.

Pasajero synonyms

rider in spanish: jinete, pronunciation: raɪdɜr part of speech: noun
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