Pasaje in english


pronunciation: pæsədʒ part of speech: noun
In gestures

pasaje = excerpt ; passage ; snippet. 

Example: Abstracts, excerpts, synopsis are kinds of reductions.Example: A harmony is an arrangement of passages of the Bible on the same topic into parallel columns so that similarities and differences are readily compared.Example: Automation in libraries can only provide snippets of information, not knowledge.


» extraer pasajes deexcerpt .

Example: This article was excerpted from 'The Internet for everyone: a guide for users and providers,' McGraw-Hill, 1994.

» pasaje aticket to .

Example: The article 'Book your ticket to success' looks at the variety and range of business books available for the newly created or emerging manager.

» pasaje ocultohidden passageway .

Example: Secret doors and hidden passageways may sound like the stuff of movies and novels but these are for real.

» pasaje secretosecret passagesecret tunnelsecret tunnelhidden passagesecret passageway .

Example: He may have been preparing himself for his later infatuation with video games where finding secret passages was also important.

Example: The king had long ago found a secret tunnel that led to the edge of the river.

Example: The king had long ago found a secret tunnel that led to the edge of the river.

Example: The story was inspired by her own children after they had found a hidden passage in their basement.

Example: Everyone loves a secret passageway and all the best ones have a very discreet switch to activate the entrance.

» pasaje subterráneosubway [Usado principalmente en el Reino Unido]underpass .

Example: In the United Kingdom a pedestrian tunnel or other underpass beneath a road is called a subway.

Example: In the United Kingdom a pedestrian tunnel or other underpass beneath a road is called a subway.

» pasaje subterráneo de peatonespedestrian underpass .

Example: Both pedestrian underpasses are continuously monitored by a surveillance camera.

» pasaje subterráneo para peatonespedestrian underpass .

Example: Both pedestrian underpasses are continuously monitored by a surveillance camera.

Pasaje synonyms

transition in spanish: transición, pronunciation: trænzɪʃən part of speech: noun transit in spanish: tránsito, pronunciation: trænzɪt part of speech: noun passing in spanish: paso, pronunciation: pæsɪŋ part of speech: noun enactment in spanish: promulgación, pronunciation: enæktmənt part of speech: noun passageway in spanish: pasaje, pronunciation: pæsədʒweɪ part of speech: noun handing over in spanish: entregando, pronunciation: hændɪŋoʊvɜr part of speech: noun musical passage in spanish: pasaje musical, pronunciation: mjuzɪkəlpæsədʒ part of speech: noun
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