Pasado in english


pronunciation: pæst part of speech: noun, adjective
In gestures

pasado, el1 = past, the ; yesteryear ; pastness. 

Example: While the reading habits of the elite form the leading edge of intellectual thought, the vast majority of humanity have had, in the past as well as the present, different habits and aims.Example: Ferreting out amazing treasures from yesteryear, antique dealers buy, sell or trade in a wide range of collectables.Example: For them, events only truly exist in the present, and they posses properties of pastness, presentness and futureness.


» anclado en el pasadostuck in the past .

Example: Some libraries retain a bias that keeps attitudes stuck in the past, no matter how much reality changes.

» añoranzas del pasadoa blast from the past .

Example: It was definitely a blast from the past visiting my old stomping grounds and seeing my bestie Peter 'the anteater' -- he hasn't changed much.

» aprender del pasadolearn from + the past .

Example: Those who refuse to learn from the past are certain to fail in the future.

» con un pasado históricostoried .

Example: Women's fighting sports have a rich and storied history.

» con un pasado ilustrestoried .

Example: Women's fighting sports have a rich and storied history.

» decir adiós al pasadobid + farewell + to the past .

Example: The article has the title 'Time to bid the past farewell'.

» dejar atrás el pasadoleave + Posesivo + past behindleave behind + Posesivo + past .

Example: The novel is about a reformed criminal trying to leave his past behind him, even though he got away with murder.

Example: Shy and sweet, she struggles to leave behind her past and to start a new life for herself.

» dejar el pasado atrásleave + Posesivo + past behindleave behind + Posesivo + past .

Example: The novel is about a reformed criminal trying to leave his past behind him, even though he got away with murder.

Example: Shy and sweet, she struggles to leave behind her past and to start a new life for herself.

» del pasadohas-beenof the pastbygoneof yesteryeargone byof years gone byfrom days gone byof days gone by .

Example: We are on the way to a transformed library service, total in design (and anything less than totality is doomed as a has-been today).

Example: This article discusses the use of a metaphorical mode of writing in moralistic children's fiction of the past, where the intention was to make children good.

Example: There is a definite problem in that the cataloging rules we've had have been firmly rooted in a bygone era.

Example: Attendance figures indicated the beginnings of a return to participation by many of the big publishers that shunned the show in recent years, although the mammoth stands of yesteryear remained absent = Las cifras de asistencia mostraban el comienzo de una vuelta a la participación de muchos de los editores que no habían asistido a la exposición en los últimos años, aunque los estands gigantescos de antaño seguían estando ausentes.

Example: I hope my stroll down memory lane has stirred some long forgotten rememberances of good times gone by.

Example: See molasses made, see antique farming equipment like grain thrashers and steam tractors working in a re-creation of years gone by.

Example: He also told her stories of his own childhood and stirred her imagination with scenes from days gone by.

Example: When the festival began in 1935, one of its aims was to keep 'alive the memories and sentiments of days gone by'.

» del pasado y (del) presentefrom past and present .

Example: We take a look at 5 of the most extreme training regimes employed by some of the world's top athletes from past and present.

» deshacer el pasadoundo + the past .

Example: And we cannot undo the past and she has paid her dues to society and it is wrong of us to keep her in prison any longer.

» devolver al pasadosend + Nombre + back in time .

Example: His songs are gathering dust somewhere, waiting to be discovered by someone who will invent a time machine and send them back in time.

» ecos del pasadoa blast from the past .

Example: It was definitely a blast from the past visiting my old stomping grounds and seeing my bestie Peter 'the anteater' -- he hasn't changed much.

» en el pasadoin the pastin past erasat some point in the pastin years gone byin days gone byin former timesin times gone byback in the day .

Example: In-house authority list record the headings that have been established for a given body or person in the past by that cataloguing or indexing agency.

Example: The needs of today's information users place demands on our information services far more acute than were normal in past eras.

Example: Some of the examples are incorrect according to the present schedules, but are found to have been correct at some point in the past.

Example: In years gone by there were warnings of the dangers of reading and listening to the radio.

Example: The lit-up computer screen is now our symbol of knowledge and power, omnipresent and omniscient as the eye of almighty God in days gone by.

Example: Because enumerative bibliography was not always the well organized craft it has now become many retrospective bibliographies produced in former times must be regarded with suspicion.

Example: In times gone by, every young woman worked on assembling her bridal trousseau, even before she became engaged.

Example: I miss the way things were back in the day.

» en el pasado remotoin the dim and distant past .

Example: Perhaps all these tribes are genetically linked and were partners in their explorations of new lands in the dim and distant past.

» en un pasado muy lejanoin the dim and distant past .

Example: Perhaps all these tribes are genetically linked and were partners in their explorations of new lands in the dim and distant past.

» en un pasado no muy distantein the not too distant past .

Example: In the not too distant past, the answer to this question would have been relatively straightforward = En un pasado no muy distante, la respuesta esta pregunta habría sido relativamente simple.

» en un pasado no muy lejanoin the not too distant past .

Example: In the not too distant past, the answer to this question would have been relatively straightforward = En un pasado no muy distante, la respuesta esta pregunta habría sido relativamente simple.

» en un pasado oscuro y lejanoin the dim and distant past .

Example: Perhaps all these tribes are genetically linked and were partners in their explorations of new lands in the dim and distant past.

» enviar al pasadosend + Nombre + back in time .

Example: His songs are gathering dust somewhere, waiting to be discovered by someone who will invent a time machine and send them back in time.

» estar en el pasadobe in the past .

Example: The reason I haven't named names is because that stuff is in the past and this is about moving forward.

» evocación del pasadostroll down memory lanewalk down memory lanetrip down memory lane .

Example: I hope my stroll down memory lane has stirred some long forgotten rememberances of good times gone by.

Example: It's both a smart and informative documentary and a pleasant walk down memory lane.

Example: Young people can learn about the children of the past and see a fantastic range of toys and games, while adults enjoy a trip down memory lane.

» fantasma del pasadoghost of/from the past .

Example: Old farts are everywhere, and they bring with them the ghosts of the past -- ghosts that are long dead and need to remain so.

» haber tenido (muchas) relaciones en el pasado conhave + a (long) history withhave + a (long) past with .

Example: Have you ever considered dating a guy who has a history with a friend of yours?.

Example: Just because you have a past with someone, doesn't mean you should have a future with them = Simplemente por el hecho de haber tenido un pasado en común con alguien no significa que deberías tener un futuro con esa persona.

» hacer la paz con + Posesivo + pasadomake + peace with + Posesivo + past .

Example: The film is about one woman who finds the courage to confront her demons and make peace with her past.

» hurgar en + Posesivo + pasadodelve into + Posesivo + pastdig into + Posesivo + pastdig up + Posesivo + past .

Example: As Richman goes to tedious lengths to build a damning portrait of the obnoxious reporter, Chas delves into Laurenge's past, trying to find some way of spiking his guns.

Example: Disgusted with her behavior, he did a little digging into her past and discovered she may have killed her former lover.

Example: No one here knew her history so someone had to have dug up her past.

» imagen del pasadoflashback [flash back] .

Example: I have a liking for novels which use techniques for disturbing the usual steady flow of sequential narrative with perhaps a flashback or two.

» indagar en + Posesivo + pasadodelve into + Posesivo + pastdig into + Posesivo + past .

Example: As Richman goes to tedious lengths to build a damning portrait of the obnoxious reporter, Chas delves into Laurenge's past, trying to find some way of spiking his guns.

Example: Disgusted with her behavior, he did a little digging into her past and discovered she may have killed her former lover.

» mejorar el pasadoimprove (up)on + the past .

Example: More than just a time for picking up the pieces, divorce is a new opportunity to improve on the past and create a fuller life .

» no añorar el pasadonever + look back .

Example: As banks collapse and thousands are laid off, former finance industry whizz-kids say they have never looked back after quitting their jobs.

» no dejar de pensar en el pasadodwell on/upon + the past .

Example: The following are famous quotes about the present, advocating living for today instead of dwelling on the past.

» olvidar el pasadolet bygones be bygonesforget + the past .

Example: And then the young librarian, as in a dream, heard from the lips of her supervisor the words, 'Jeanne, please let bygones be bygones and put this year's evaluation behind you. I'll try to make it up to you next year'.

Example: Those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it.

» pasado accidentadochequered historychequered past .

Example: The concept of corporate authorship has had a more chequered history.

Example: As a result of this chequered past telepathy is now largely discredited and regarded by many in science as mere pseudoscience.

» pasado actual, elliving past, the [Modo de vida que se dió en el pasado pero que actualmente perdura en el presente en algunas zonas] .

Example: He is famous for his works of lyrical beauty and ethical depth, which exalt everyday miracles and the living past.

» pasado delictivocriminal past .

Example: This reality show explores the long-time friendship between two women, one of whom has had a mysterious criminal past which returns to haunt her. pasado, elpast, the [Nombre]yesteryeardays gone bypastness  .

Example: While the reading habits of the elite form the leading edge of intellectual thought, the vast majority of humanity have had, in the past as well as the present, different habits and aims.

Example: Ferreting out amazing treasures from yesteryear, antique dealers buy, sell or trade in a wide range of collectables.

Example: Obviously, the lesson here is that looking back to days gone by does no good in the long term.

Example: For them, events only truly exist in the present, and they posses properties of pastness, presentness and futureness.

» pasado ficticioimaginary past .

Example: Besotted with an imaginary past that never was, the Department of National Heritage has proved unable to provide the national lead that was expected.

» pasado imaginarioimaginary past .

Example: Besotted with an imaginary past that never was, the Department of National Heritage has proved unable to provide the national lead that was expected.

» pasado irregularchequered historychequered past .

Example: The concept of corporate authorship has had a more chequered history.

Example: As a result of this chequered past telepathy is now largely discredited and regarded by many in science as mere pseudoscience.

» pasado lejano, eldistant past, the .

Example: How should restitution be made across generations for grievous harms suffered in the distant past?.

» pasado oscurodark past .

Example: She comes from a very dark past, making her feel that the world is untrustworthy.

» pasado reciente, elrecent past, the .

Example: The recent past has been the golden age of vast expenditure on library buildings and resources.

» pasado turbulentochequered historychequered past .

Example: The concept of corporate authorship has had a more chequered history.

Example: As a result of this chequered past telepathy is now largely discredited and regarded by many in science as mere pseudoscience.

» pensando en el pasadoreminiscently .

Example: He rubbed his head reminiscently and the boys returned to the old man, who was maundering ecstatically about his squaw.

» pensar en el pasadolook back .

Example: In the long run, electronic uinformation technology will very likely have important effects, but many of the changes will be so gradual as to be unnoticeable to those experiencing them until they look back.

» pertenecer al pasadobe a thing of the pastbecome + a thing of the pastbe in the past .

Example: It is increasingly obvious that we are as a nation one and indivisible, that divisive tendencies are a thing of the past, but there are still too many inheritors of the old indifference, and who flinch at co-operation as at an evil.

Example: Bunking classes might soon become a thing of the past in schools across the city thanks to radio frequency identification (RFID).

Example: The reason I haven't named names is because that stuff is in the past and this is about moving forward.

» recordar el pasadotake + a trip down memory lanestroll down + memory lanetake + a stroll down memory lanetake + a walk down memory lanewalk down + memory lanetrip down + memory lane .

Example: Take a trip down memory lane with this fascinating programme featuring news reports, actuality and interviews from 1984.

Example: Now that I'm officially a senior citizen, I find myself strolling down memory lane more than ever before.

Example: So it was a joy to take a stroll down memory lane and revisit some of their most poignant and funny moments as described in the book.

Example: Taking a walk down memory lane, she has uploaded an array of images from her childhood, including a picture with her late father.

Example: Every generation has some movies, TV shows or favoite songs they connect with their childhood and love walking down memory lane.

Example: She often does things that will send me tripping down memory lane.

» recordar + Posesivo + pasadolook back at + Posesivo + life .

Example: As she looks back at her life, Parker realizes that she is one up on many of her peers because the roots of the challenges she faced were never hidden.

» recuerdo del pasadoflashback [flash back] .

Example: I have a liking for novels which use techniques for disturbing the usual steady flow of sequential narrative with perhaps a flashback or two.

» recuerdos del pasadoa remembrance of things pasta blast from the past .

Example: In this sense, history is far more than a remembrance of things past, though it certainly includes that.

Example: It was definitely a blast from the past visiting my old stomping grounds and seeing my bestie Peter 'the anteater' -- he hasn't changed much.

» reflexionar sobre + Posesivo + pasadolook back at + Posesivo + life .

Example: As she looks back at her life, Parker realizes that she is one up on many of her peers because the roots of the challenges she faced were never hidden.

» reliquia del pasadorelic of the past .

Example: The exhibition reminds us of the need for museums to embrace art as living culture rather than to isolate it as merely a relic of the past.

» rememoración del pasadostroll down memory lanewalk down memory lanetrip down memory lane .

Example: I hope my stroll down memory lane has stirred some long forgotten rememberances of good times gone by.

Example: It's both a smart and informative documentary and a pleasant walk down memory lane.

Example: Young people can learn about the children of the past and see a fantastic range of toys and games, while adults enjoy a trip down memory lane.

» rememorando el pasadoreminiscently .

Example: He rubbed his head reminiscently and the boys returned to the old man, who was maundering ecstatically about his squaw.

» rememorar el pasadotake + a trip down memory lanestroll down + memory lanetake + a stroll down memory lanetake + a walk down memory lanewalk down + memory lanetrip down + memory lane .

Example: Take a trip down memory lane with this fascinating programme featuring news reports, actuality and interviews from 1984.

Example: Now that I'm officially a senior citizen, I find myself strolling down memory lane more than ever before.

Example: So it was a joy to take a stroll down memory lane and revisit some of their most poignant and funny moments as described in the book.

Example: Taking a walk down memory lane, she has uploaded an array of images from her childhood, including a picture with her late father.

Example: Every generation has some movies, TV shows or favoite songs they connect with their childhood and love walking down memory lane.

Example: She often does things that will send me tripping down memory lane.

» reminiscencia del pasadostroll down memory lanewalk down memory lanetrip down memory lane .

Example: I hope my stroll down memory lane has stirred some long forgotten rememberances of good times gone by.

Example: It's both a smart and informative documentary and a pleasant walk down memory lane.

Example: Young people can learn about the children of the past and see a fantastic range of toys and games, while adults enjoy a trip down memory lane.

» ruptura con el pasadobreak with + the pastbreak from the past .

Example: With Mr Gorman we have to stress on the revolutionary use of the computer, a sharp break with the past.

Example: He felt the firm needed a change of scenery and a visible break from the past.

» tener un pasado en común conhave + a (long) history withhave + a (long) past with .

Example: Have you ever considered dating a guy who has a history with a friend of yours?.

Example: Just because you have a past with someone, doesn't mean you should have a future with them = Simplemente por el hecho de haber tenido un pasado en común con alguien no significa que deberías tener un futuro con esa persona.

» transportar al pasadosend + Nombre + back in time .

Example: His songs are gathering dust somewhere, waiting to be discovered by someone who will invent a time machine and send them back in time.

» un pasado oscuroa dark past .

Example: 'Shit Happens' in the story of two flatmates: Halifax, a ex-journalist with a dark past and long lost ex-wife, and Shakra, a college-drop out bent on Halifax's destruction = "A veces las cosas salen mal" es la historia de dos compañeros de piso: Halifax, un ex-periodista con un pasado oscuro y con una exesposa que no ve desde hace mucho, y Shakra, un compañero de universidad obcecado en la destrucción de Halifax .

» vestigio del pasadovestige of the past .

Example: But, by the same token, a contemporary house that ignores all vestiges of the past in order to express a purely modern philosophy runs the risk of becoming a stagnant document of its own time.

» vivir en el pasadodwell on/upon + the pastlive in + the past .

Example: The following are famous quotes about the present, advocating living for today instead of dwelling on the past.

Example: So if you find yourself stuck in rut ask yourself if living in the past is the problem.

» volver al pasadoturn + the clock back(ward)put + the clock back(ward) .

Example: A visit to this village is an opportunity to turn the clock back over 150 years.

Example: For Rosselli and his friends it was not enough to be anti-fascist or to put the clock back to 1922.

pasado2 = past. 

Example: Scanning must start to the left of the bar codes and must continue past the right end.


» año pasado, ellast yearpast year, the .

Example: Last year, however, there was a report produced in the UK by IFLA Advisory Committee on Buildings.

Example: Some 25% of students admitted to cheating in examinations and 50% to one or more instances of cheating on written assignments the past year.

» a toro pasadoclose/lock/shut the barn/stable door after the horse has boltedno use crying over spilt/spilled milk .

Example: The drought assistance plan announced today is rather like shutting the stable door after the horse has bolted.

Example: It may be no use crying over spilt milk but had the original constitution been more people-driven, perhaps things could have turned out different.

» de tiempos pasadosof years gone byof days gone by .

Example: See molasses made, see antique farming equipment like grain thrashers and steam tractors working in a re-creation of years gone by.

Example: When the festival began in 1935, one of its aims was to keep 'alive the memories and sentiments of days gone by'.

» domingo pasado, ellast Sunday .

Example: He had money last Sunday when his grandparents gave them each a dollar but now it's all gone.

» durante el año pasadoover the past year .

Example: However, over the past year they have launched a number of Internet products and services.

» durante el siglo pasadoin the past century .

Example: It is widely assumed to be the case that, in the past century, there has been an ongoing process of dialect levelling in England.

» el domingo pasado no, el anteriorlast Sunday week .

Example: The Irish team has dropped to 17th, the lowest position they have occupied since the event began last Sunday week.

» el jueves pasado no, el anteriorlast Thursday week .

Example: I have chicken pox, the rash started last thursday week and although the majority of spots have scabbed over, I'm still seeing a few new ones.

» el lunes pasado no, el anteriorlast Monday week .

Example: Since your illness began last Monday week the antibiotics should have eliminated the bacteria from your lungs.

» el martes pasado no, el anteriorlast Tuesday week .

Example: Farmers are expected to lift the blockades later today on the remaining meat plants as the rest of the food processing industry returns to normal following the dispute which began last Tuesday week.

» el mes pasadolast month .

Example: He convinced our new president to have the board discuss the advisability of programming at all, especially since we had a film showing last month that drew only three people.

» el miércoles pasado no, el anteriorlast Wednesday week .

Example: They have warned that if no action is taken protests, which started last Wednesday week, will be escalated, involving traffic hold-ups and other co-ordinated demonstrations.

» el sábado pasado no, el anteriorlast Saturday week .

Example: After travelling over 6000km we are back to where it all started last Saturday week.

» el viernes pasado no, el anteriorlast Friday week .

Example: It started last Friday week when I had to abandon a training session as my energy levels dropped through the floor.

» en el año pasadoin the past year .

Example: New research has revealed that three out of four Brits has considered emigrating to sunnier climes in the past year.

» en el siglo pasadoin the past century .

Example: It is widely assumed to be the case that, in the past century, there has been an ongoing process of dialect levelling in England.

» época pasadabygone era .

Example: Others consist of historical buildings that have been preserved or restored to serve as reminders of bygone eras = Otros son edificios históricos que se han conservado y restaurado para servir como recuerdo de épocas pasadas.

» evocación del pasadostroll down memory lanewalk down memory lanetrip down memory lane .

Example: I hope my stroll down memory lane has stirred some long forgotten rememberances of good times gone by.

Example: It's both a smart and informative documentary and a pleasant walk down memory lane.

Example: Young people can learn about the children of the past and see a fantastic range of toys and games, while adults enjoy a trip down memory lane.

» huevo pasado por aguarunny eggsoft-boiled egg .

Example: Pregnant women can enjoy runny eggs again as the risk of salmonella from UK eggs is now 'very low'.

Example: When I want a soft-boiled egg I want the yolk soft and the white firm.

» la semana pasadalast weekthis past weekthe past week .

Example: The secretary continued: 'He was drunk when he wrote your appraisal one night last week'.

Example: Tropical birds arrived with a flourish this past week, bringing color and joy to the area.

Example: They spent the past week trying to whip support for legislation they say would cut taxes and reduce the federal deficit.

» mojar pan en un huevo pasado por aguadip + Posesivo + soldiers in a runny/soft-boiled egg [Expresión que se utiliza generalmente con los niños y en la que soldiersson las tostadas de pan de molde cortadas en rebanadas verticales dando la impresión de que son 'soldados' en posición firme] .

Example: Now that we have a little granddaughter she too will know the joys of having her own little egg cup and dipping her soldiers in a soft-boiled egg.

» no el domingo pasado sino el anteriorlast Sunday week .

Example: The Irish team has dropped to 17th, the lowest position they have occupied since the event began last Sunday week.

» no el jueves pasado sino el anteriorlast Thursday week .

Example: I have chicken pox, the rash started last thursday week and although the majority of spots have scabbed over, I'm still seeing a few new ones.

» no el lunes pasado sino el anteriorlast Monday week .

Example: Since your illness began last Monday week the antibiotics should have eliminated the bacteria from your lungs.

» no el martes pasado sino el anteriorlast Tuesday week .

Example: Farmers are expected to lift the blockades later today on the remaining meat plants as the rest of the food processing industry returns to normal following the dispute which began last Tuesday week.

» no el sábado pasado sino el anteriorlast Saturday week .

Example: After travelling over 6000km we are back to where it all started last Saturday week.

» no el viernes pasado sino el anteriorlast Friday week .

Example: It started last Friday week when I had to abandon a training session as my energy levels dropped through the floor.

» pasado de modapasséout of vogueout of fashionout of stylemumsy [mumsier -comp., mumsiest -sup.]unfashionable  .

Example: By conscious or unconscious fixation on this single, already passé, facet of data processing technology we risk totally ignoring the other functions of a catalog.

Example: In general, however, the author's approach to his comparative method -- that comparativism is out of vogue -- is rather parochial.

Example: Abstract art has lately been considered out of fashion in the art centers of New York.

Example: Ten years ago ambition abounded; now risk-taking is out of style and vanguardism has been dampened by a pervasive enthusiasm for the past.

Example: I think she seemed a bit mumsy to us because we were young boys and she was a bit older.

Example: She says she's had to remove herself from the chaos of the fashion industry -- and be a little bit unfashionable -- to find her peace.

» pasado mañanathe day after tomorrow .

Example: The article is entitled 'Quality librarianship the day after tomorrow'.

» pasado un puntobeyond a certain pointbeyond a point .

Example: A self-renewing library is a library of limited size in which beyond a certain point materials should be reduced at a rate related to the rate of acquisition.

Example: Doing projects has its drawbacks and its limitations, beyond a point.

» recordar el pasadotake + a trip down memory lanestroll down + memory lanetake + a stroll down memory lanetake + a walk down memory lanewalk down + memory lanetrip down + memory lane .

Example: Take a trip down memory lane with this fascinating programme featuring news reports, actuality and interviews from 1984.

Example: Now that I'm officially a senior citizen, I find myself strolling down memory lane more than ever before.

Example: So it was a joy to take a stroll down memory lane and revisit some of their most poignant and funny moments as described in the book.

Example: Taking a walk down memory lane, she has uploaded an array of images from her childhood, including a picture with her late father.

Example: Every generation has some movies, TV shows or favoite songs they connect with their childhood and love walking down memory lane.

Example: She often does things that will send me tripping down memory lane.

» recuerdos de tiempos pasadosa remembrance of things past .

Example: In this sense, history is far more than a remembrance of things past, though it certainly includes that.

» rememoración del pasadostroll down memory lanewalk down memory lanetrip down memory lane .

Example: I hope my stroll down memory lane has stirred some long forgotten rememberances of good times gone by.

Example: It's both a smart and informative documentary and a pleasant walk down memory lane.

Example: Young people can learn about the children of the past and see a fantastic range of toys and games, while adults enjoy a trip down memory lane.

» rememorar el pasadotake + a trip down memory lanestroll down + memory lanetake + a stroll down memory lanetake + a walk down memory lanewalk down + memory lanetrip down + memory lane .

Example: Take a trip down memory lane with this fascinating programme featuring news reports, actuality and interviews from 1984.

Example: Now that I'm officially a senior citizen, I find myself strolling down memory lane more than ever before.

Example: So it was a joy to take a stroll down memory lane and revisit some of their most poignant and funny moments as described in the book.

Example: Taking a walk down memory lane, she has uploaded an array of images from her childhood, including a picture with her late father.

Example: Every generation has some movies, TV shows or favoite songs they connect with their childhood and love walking down memory lane.

Example: She often does things that will send me tripping down memory lane.

» reminiscencia del pasadostroll down memory lanewalk down memory lanetrip down memory lane .

Example: I hope my stroll down memory lane has stirred some long forgotten rememberances of good times gone by.

Example: It's both a smart and informative documentary and a pleasant walk down memory lane.

Example: Young people can learn about the children of the past and see a fantastic range of toys and games, while adults enjoy a trip down memory lane.

» sábado pasado, ellast Saturday .

Example: Last Saturday, Pope Benedict XVI threw a spanner in the works with his long-awaited, much-rumored, and oft-debated apostolic letter which more or less gives any priest the choice of which Mass to offer.

» ser agua pasadabe (all) water under the bridge .

Example: Although she was unwilling to disclose details of the incident she did stress it was all water under the bridge now.

» tiro pasadopassing shot .

Example: In order to be effective with passing shots, you need to be able to impart a lot of topspin on the ball.

» una época ya pasadaa time long pasta time long ago .

Example: For many the wolf-whistle represents a time long past.

Example: I remember a time long ago when I thought I would never want to live anywhere except New York.

» vida pasadaprevious life .

Example: All the hubcaps were found on the side of the road bear the scars of their previous lives in the form of scratches and abrasions.

pasado3 = spent. 

Example: If you repeatedly deadhead - trim off the spent flowers - the plant goes into overdrive.


» fin de semana pasado por aguawet weekend .

Example: Good books are essential -- so we've selected 7 brilliant reads for cosying up with on a frosty night or wet weekend.

pasar1 = hand (over) ; pass ; pass by ; pass on ; transfer ; transmit ; hand on ; spend ; transpire ; pass out ; slide over ; pass along ; get through ; pass down ; roll on ; pass out ; blow over ; make + the cut ; wear off ; hand down ; move ; transition ; swipe. 

Example: Eventually, teachers should be able to 'hand the chalk over to the students' and take a back seat.Example: Examination reveals positions on the cards where the light passes through all the cards in a stack.Example: The days of needing to change into carpet slippers before going to such an area have thankfully passed by.Example: If ignored, the problems are only passed on to all the users of the catalog: the public, the reference department, the acquisitions department, and naturally the cataloging department.Example: Scope notes, on the order hand, may be present in a thesaurus but are unlikely to be transferred to an index.Example: The system permits the requester to specify up to five potential lending libraries, and the system transmits the requests to these libraries one at a time.Example: Some experts have expressed grave doubts about the durability of contemporary literary and artistic works on paper and hence the possibility of handing on works of culture to future generations.Example: Any funeral scene in a story inevitably conjures in myself memories of my childhood spent as the son of an undertaker.Example: The 2nd is the fact that most information seeking transpires with little help from librarians, who have consistently failed to establish themselves as primary information professionals.Example: At the Closing Session Danish flags were suddenly produced and passed out among the crowd who began waving them enthusiastically.Example: He had greeted her courteously, as was his wont, and had inquired if she minded his smoking; she told him to go ahead and slid over an ashtray.Example: If the head of reference services does not pass along the information to the staff the reference librarians, by being uninformed, will undoubtedly not make as good an impression on the important city managers.Example: I think that the so-called average person often exhibits a great deal of heroism in getting through an ordinary day.Example: The knowledge that has been passed down from generation to generation by sentient beings on this planet for aeons and aeons is quite impossible to fully comprehend.Example: But to make matters worse, and as the drought rolls on, it is very likely that it won't rain again until October or November.Example: Put a set of premises into such a device and turn the crank, and it will readily pass out conclusion after conclusion.Example: During the bulk of that time, your liberal leaders grandly sat, waiting for various things to blow over.Example: Naturally, the recruiters whose people were not chosen for the job wanted feedback as to why their candidates did not make the cut.Example: We're all familiar with the idea of novelty value and how it wears off with time.Example: A hunting guide while still in his teens, he learned his woodcraft first hand, absorbing lore handed down to him from his father.Example: This article describes a special dolly designed to move stack ranges easily and quickly using a minimum of labour.Example: If we start the day in a grouchy mood, chances are those sentiments will transition into the workplace as well.Example: Using razor strops is as important as knowing how to swipe the blade of your straight razor over your face.


» a medida que pasa el tiempoas time goes byas time passes (by) [Expresión usada con una frase en el presente] .

Example: As time goes by, the modern inventive mind multiplies these media and the bibliographical picture becomes increasingly complicated.

Example: As time passes by, our collections grow ever larger and the problems of storage and retrieval become ever more pressing.

» a medida que + pasar + el añoas the year + wear on .

Example: He began his last year well enough, but as the year wore on and graduation day loomed up he became less interested than usual in anything to do with school.

» a medida que + pasar + el díaas the day + wear onas the day + go on .

Example: The information desk, microfilm reader, photocopier, and reference shelves became more heavily used as the day wore on = El mostrador de información, el lector de microfilm, la fotocopiadores y la sección de referencia se utilizaban más conforme avanzaba el día.

Example: The wind got up as the day went on and there was a nip in the air.

» cada día que pasaeach passing day .

Example: With each passing day, it becomes more evident that the main purpose behind Bush's illegal, warrantless spying program is not collecting intelligence on terrorists.

» dejar pasarpass upforego [forgo]  ; let throughlet + passlet + Nombre + get away withlet inget out of + Posesivo + way .

Example: However, I feel that this is a once in a lifetime opportunity which you cannot afford to pass up, and I'm sure he would not hesitate to let you go to further a promising career.

Example: I cannot forgo commenting first on Mr Gorman's presentation because I think that it characterizes best the spirit of the present revision.

Example: Three half-soaked security guards sat around a desk at the main entrance letting through more than they checked.

Example: At some point in the race's history, since the first running in 1839, it became an event we couldn't let pass without having a flutter.

Example: And because you let her get away with everything, she's turned into a thoughtless, ill-mannered brat.

Example: When you step on the gas pedal, the throttle valve opens up more, letting in more air.

Example: She began yelling at the two victims involved in the accident and told them to get out of her way.

» dejar pasar a Alguienlet + Alguien + by .

Example: 'Let these people by!' shouted the young man with angry, exasperated brusqueness.

» desde ..., pasando por ..., hasta ...from ..., through ..., to ... .

Example: The article entitled 'the (British) Society of Archivists' describes the development of the Society of Archivists from the founding of a Society of Local Archivists in 1946, through its change into the Society of Archivists in 1955, to the present.

» día que pasapassing day .

Example: The work load seemed to compound geometrically with each passing day.

» follarse al primero que pasascrew aroundsleep around .

Example: So gentlemen, if you're one of those guys who is just screwing around and trying to get laid, use a rubber.

Example: Sleeping around does not make a woman a slag or a slapper -- a look at sex, lies and sterotypes that still persist today.

» haber pasado por aquí anteshave been down this road before .

Example: Because your uterus has already been down this road before, and your abdominal muscles might not be as taut as they were the first time around, your second pregnancy will start showing sooner.

» hacer pasarput + Nombre + through .

Example: All the shit this bastard had put him through in high school was water under the bridge now..

» hacer pasar porpass + Nombre + off as .

Example: She shamelessly steal other people's work and pass it off as her own original content.

» hacerse pasar pormasquerade asimpersonatepass + Reflexivo + off as .

Example: Problems with selecting popular science books are discussed including: bias; conflicting viewpoints; and the problem of bogus science masquerading as respectable science.

Example: According to the analysis, intruders cannot obtain any secret information from transmitted messages and impersonate another legal user = Según el análisis, los intrusos no pueden obtener ninguna información secreta de los mensages transmitidos y hacerse pasar por otros usuarios legales.

Example: Tourists are easy meat for this dump of a place that passes itself off as a pub.

» mirar a la gente que pasastreet watch .

Example: Other than sleeping, I enjoy wandering around aimlessly, street watching, and staring vacantly into space.

» no dejar pasarkeep out .

Example: The loaded wagons were then covered with tarpaulins to keep out rain and atmospheric moisture which would have slaked the lime.

» no pasa un día sin quenot a day goes by that .

Example: Not a day goes by that I don't recieve tons of e-mail from Germany asking me to run for the position of chancillor.

» observar la gente pasarpeople-watch .

Example: My favorite cafes, however, are the ones made for people-watching: where you can spend a full afternoon sitting, drinking coffee after coffee, carefully observing everyone who is in the cafe and who walks by.

» observar pasar a la gentepeople-watch .

Example: My favorite cafes, however, are the ones made for people-watching: where you can spend a full afternoon sitting, drinking coffee after coffee, carefully observing everyone who is in the cafe and who walks by.

» pasando amoving on to .

Example: Moving on to our second issue, we have identified three key barriers that continue to undermine the progress being made.

» pasar ago on tomove on toproceed toshunt intoswitch overswitch tostep ontospill over into .

Example: This chapter now goes on to introduce some of the more basic tools used in the organisation knowledge.

Example: We move on to consider the process by which indexing is accomplished.

Example: A summary at the beginning of a document serves to prepare the reader to proceed to the remainder of the text.

Example: In successive index entries the previous lead term is shunted into the Qualifier position, and the first term in the Display moves into the lead position.

Example: Not finding a particular item in the region, the s

Pasado synonyms

by in spanish: por, pronunciation: baɪ part of speech: adverb old in spanish: antiguo, pronunciation: oʊld part of speech: adjective ancient in spanish: antiguo, pronunciation: eɪntʃənt part of speech: adjective preceding in spanish: anterior, pronunciation: prisidɪŋ part of speech: adjective medieval in spanish: medieval, pronunciation: mɪdivəl part of speech: adjective historical in spanish: histórico, pronunciation: hɪstɔrɪkəl part of speech: adjective gone in spanish: ido, pronunciation: gɔn part of speech: adjective historic in spanish: histórico, pronunciation: hɪstɔrɪk part of speech: adjective recent in spanish: reciente, pronunciation: risənt part of speech: adjective ago in spanish: hace, pronunciation: əgoʊ part of speech: adverb yore in spanish: antaño, pronunciation: jɔr part of speech: noun earlier in spanish: más temprano, pronunciation: ɜrliɜr part of speech: adverb, adjective bygone in spanish: pasado, pronunciation: baɪgɔn part of speech: adjective foregone in spanish: resultado, pronunciation: fɔrgɔn part of speech: adjective prehistoric in spanish: prehistórico, pronunciation: prihɪstɔrɪk part of speech: adjective ultimo in spanish: del mes pasado, pronunciation: əltimoʊ part of speech: adjective yesteryear in spanish: antaño, pronunciation: jestɜrjɪr part of speech: noun departed in spanish: salido, pronunciation: dɪpɑrtəd part of speech: noun, adjective agone in spanish: agone, pronunciation: əgoʊn part of speech: adjective ult in spanish: ult, pronunciation: ʌlt part of speech: adjective retiring in spanish: saliente, pronunciation: rɪtaɪrɪŋ part of speech: adjective olden in spanish: viejo, pronunciation: oʊldən part of speech: adjective chivalric in spanish: caballeroso, pronunciation: tʃɪvælrɪk part of speech: adjective knightly in spanish: caballeresco, pronunciation: naɪtli part of speech: adjective bypast in spanish: a partir de entonces, pronunciation: baɪpæst part of speech: adjective past tense in spanish: pasado, pronunciation: pæsttens part of speech: noun prehistorical in spanish: prehistórico, pronunciation: prihɪstɔrɪkəl part of speech: adjective past times in spanish: tiempos pasados, pronunciation: pæsttaɪmz part of speech: noun
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